
主题:两个女生和一台二手电视机引来的game theory 和 auction 问题 -- Ready-Go

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家园 Re

Paul Klemperer is the authority on

auction design. His website is: www.paulklemperer.org.

You can download his book "Auctions: Theory and Practice" from there. Part

1.A is a good survey on auction literature, and part 2.A is a good

introduction to its application. Another good survey is Ashenfelter and

Graddy (2003) "Auctions and The Price of Art" in "Journal of Economic

Literature. The classic papers in this field are Vickey(1961), Myerson(1981),

Milgrom and Weber (1982). You can check full details of these papers from the

surveys. Vickey (1961) won him Nobel Prize.

Auctions on Ebay:

One interesting phenomena on Ebay is sniping: a rush of bids in the last

minute. There are several papers trying to explain it. Empirical studies run

auction on ebay and analyse whether the bidding behaviour confirms the

theretical predictions.

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