
主题:不会吧,这主意谁出的,真是在白宫? -- 黄河故人

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家园 我一时兴起就回了一个英文的support you her


My Chinese input is very very slow. That's why I write in English.

I see some of your points. BTW, Americans will cover up this issue here. The tone in NYTimes is quite clear: some Americans truly understand LangLang's song, but the author used a very nice tone there. BTW, right now, U.S. top leaders are still wavering with respect to how to define China in American's global blueprint, mainly as adversary or as a major ally.

Showing muscle will help to calm down some crazy red necks inside the foreign policy community: so that Americans will not repeat the same policy mistake and misjudgement as MacArthur did in 1950.

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