
主题:【原创】我对于中国经济长期发展前景的几点看法 -- 知之后哀

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"90后的素质", us 腦殘 vs china 心殘?

as u said,


US: do "forever 21" growing up generations still care to study math/physics at all? that is a systematic problem, as FB ceo said, and he is not even 30 years old yet, FB to change the world, FB=virtual, futuristic & 无所不在的 美国? FB=united nations of world 青年一代?

on manufacturing side, you have TSLA's ceo;

Chinese side: everybody goes to GRE' 学习班, much more educated and much better educated than many of USA "forever 21" folks, many (I don't know %) of USA "forever 21" folks are basically over-sexed/over-sported/腦殘 brain damaged & future food stamps collectors, us food stamp collectors jumped huge in numbers;

the possible & could be even "worse" and more fundamental Chinese problems: top-down "心殘", a society of caring nothing but money?

to compensate "腦殘", USA imports talents from FB/united nations of world 青年一代;

if "心殘" is a problem in china, how to fix it? nothing is free, and there is no 永动机, period, but "when/what year" 永动机 stops, nobody knows.

个人认为,大投资能持续,在于官僚集团有政绩的需要。 [ 坐言起行 ] 于:2013-08-18 08:11:01 复:3907234


如果是自由资本,那就会追逐利润。 北上广贵就投北上广,二三线城市不考虑。 不过这样一来也就没有所谓大投资了。


面对危机,传统资本主义社会靠内斗,靠熬,靠耗来消灭过剩资本。 哪里比得上国家资本主义社会若无其事地消灭过剩资本。

以敌人的话说, 资本与劳动力两大要素。资本过剩了,就比劳动力。


劳动力被闲置的社会=international in a way/global problems, as someone talked about, but TG keep Chinese people working=keep Chinese human capital alive in a way, vs USA put a 被闲置的劳动力 into food stamp collectors, extremely speaking;

people are talking about US and china, nobody talks about India, for that and because of that, Chinese 官僚集团 will be happy to enjoy 江山美人 perhaps forever;

USA is still likely leading the world in almost all areas, more likely through FB, goog, tsla, aapl 国际统一战线, 支部建在中国红军連, 红军連boss=TG.

and 红军連 boss works hard, f--- hard (:), and never stops dreaming of 顛覆 FB/usa 国际统一战线 white 領袖, making those white 国际统一战线領袖 often sleepless at night, with a forever going nightmare of being 顛覆 by "黄祸" of 列宁主义斯大林主义, what a fun world?


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