主题:茗谈186-天使怒涛 -- 本嘉明
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没想到你在这藏了个大杀器呀。不过这玩意成本稍微高了一些,可以和那个我提的微型机混合作战。一个是对器械,一个是对人。下面看看quora 里面的人怎么回答这个CH 901问题的。这个作者是专门写有关这种武器一本书的作者。从他的回答,和另外一个估计是米饭特种部队退役的,在武器生产商或者情报届工作的人的回答中,口气中透露了很强的恐惧感,无力感。而且最后这个米特种兵,透露了估计和中国武器届一样的无奈,就是现行军方采购政策,由一些"老朽"的各种利益集团掌握,不对这种不同维度的武器感兴趣。最后这一段是我从他们说的话中分析出来的。
下面请看全文回答的问题,其中一个中国人的回答我就不转了。不过我在Quora 里面看这武器可以飞1小时,可是armyrecognition.com 上说留空40分钟,速度是40到80 mile/ hour.
What makes the Chinese CH-901 drone so dangerous to the US?
第一个回答者是, David Hambling
Author and journalist specialising in military technology and other interesting stuff.
David Hambling is a technology journalist and author based in South London. He writes for the Economist, New Scientist, WIRED, Aviation Week, Popular Mechanics and Popular Science among others。
他写了许多与军事,战争有关的书,其中一本书,叫做 swarm troopers----how small drons will conquer the world. 从此处可以看出,他对未来,不,应该说现代科技在战争中的应用可以给敌人带来什么样的影响,有着深刻的理解。
As I wrote in Popular Mechanics magazine, the CH-901 is a real game-changer, not because it's the first lethal, portable drone — the AeroVironment Switchblade takes that credit — but because it's being produced by China for the export market.
This is a tactical weapon that can be carried by one soldier and launched from its tube from behind cover. The operator uses the video image beamed back by the drone to locate targets; it can cruise around for up to an hour at speeds of 40–80 mph at a few hundred feet. This long endurance, and the ability to find targets on its own, make it a loitering munition. Range is around nine miles.
Once a target is located, the CH-901 locks on and dives on it in a Kamikaze-style attack.
Two key things to note about the CH-901. Unlike the Switchblade, it carries a warhead powerful enough to destroy light armoured vehicles — anything short of an M1 Abrams in fact. At six pounds, it's a much bigger warhead than an RPG and will hit with much greater accuracy because it's a guided weapon. That means that Bradleys, Strykers, Hummers and everything else are vulnerable to a portable long-range anti-armor weapon which, unlike rockets and missiles, has no firing signature. You will not see this coming or know where it was fired from.
Of course, it can also target soldiers on foot. Lethal radius is several metres, and it has high precision. Every time one is used there are likely to be casualties.
Secondly, there are no existing countermeasures. It is hard to detect - no IR signature, minimal radar signature, and fly low and near-silently. It cannot be engaged by any existing anti-aircraft systems. Sure, you could try and shoot it down with a machine gun, but even if you know one is coming and where from, you have about three seconds to hit a tiny,fast-moving target.
Jamming is one possible solution, but only if you know exactly how it is controlled. And modern battlefield comms are extremely hard to jam, and getting harder. Optical comms or other counter-countermeasures would make it unjammable.
Being on the export market — and made by a company previously sanctioned for selling to enemies of the US — means that American troops are likely to run into the CH-901 sooner rather than later. And being made by the Chinese, it may be cheap enough to be sold in large numbers (unlike, say, guided missiles). Meeting a few of these would be bad news; a lot of them could be a disaster.
Read more in the piece I wrote for Popular Mechanics here:
Edit: The CH-901 has been upgraded. it now looks a lot more like the Raytheon Coyote. The upgrade may not have much impact on performance (though terminal guidance may have been improved), but is likely to mean it has been optimised for mass production at low cost.
再看看另外一个有特殊背景的 Larry Barnes 他是如何回答这个问题的。
It has been a long standing practice of the Military Industrial Complex to warn Americans of the danger posed by enemy weapons. This starts a long cycle of research and development wasting billions of American tax dollars.
哈哈,这种无奈看样子可不只是他有,我估计中国也有许多这类问题。从来没听说中国有这方面的演习。我就不知道中国弄那么多的坦克有什么用?包头二机厂应该转产了,搞些小的无人的火力支援车就可以了,根本没有必要要坦克了, 为了保护人员附加太多的重量 了。如果没有人员保护需要,那么装甲,发动机都可以减轻。油料消耗,后勤支援都可以减少。如果数据传输链建的比较好,那么军队完全可以坐在空调房里打着游戏,就把战争打完了。
老本,stop 你的误导吧,写点以这类武器的战争吧。和那个Dacid Hambling 学习一下。我准备看看他写的书。了解一下未来战争是个什么样子。
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂这是初级飞行员 1 本嘉明 字1677 2020-05-30 14:09:20
🙂老本的战争思维能不能更前瞻一些 6 Bastnaesite 字1310 2020-05-28 05:20:29
🙂我只考虑5年内可能形成战斗力的点子 1 本嘉明 字288 2020-05-30 00:34:09
🙂这里有两点 7 本嘉明 字2651 2020-05-30 14:31:31
🙂我还是不能同意你的观点 3 Bastnaesite 字2214 2020-05-31 04:18:16
🙂您考虑的不够周延 5 本嘉明 字1701 2020-06-01 10:35:08
🙂茗谈186-2 17 本嘉明 字14386 2020-05-15 22:17:01