
主题:【原创】选择抗疫模式的一个可能决策依据(知己知彼,百战不殆) -- 学步桥

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【原创】选择抗疫模式的一个可能决策依据(知己知彼,百战不殆) -- 有补充

河里一个长期的话题就是如何选择抗疫策略,常常吵得不可开交。但是在选择之前,一个重要的因素,就是对采取不同策略的后果进行正确,准确的估计。但是由于技术和各种资源限制,直接去获取这个存在困难。这里我给大家介绍一篇今年早些时候发表在《柳叶刀》的文章:Estimating excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic analysis of COVID-19-related mortality, 2020–21

作者是一个集体COVID-19 Excess Mortality Collaborators,领头的是王海东,一位在美国的华人,北大本硕,美国博士,美国工作。


1 对延迟统计,未注册的全因死亡数据进行了矫正。并且剔除了因热浪袭击导致大量死亡的数据。再好的模型也不能在错误数据上做出好结果。这些举措很重要。

2 文中采取了多个模型,分别利用2019.2以前数据对3.2019-2.2020进行估计,然后拿实际数据去打分,根据估计的成绩来做权重,用在对1.2020-12.2021的超额死亡估计上,数据是这之前(上至)11年的历史数据。




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关于超额死亡率计算方法 -- 补充帖





To estimate expected mortality, we developed six models, each fit separately by location. The first four models were based on first estimating the weekly (or monthly) seasonal pattern of mortality and then estimating the time trend in weekly or monthly mortality not explained by seasonality. We used a Bayesian spline to estimate the weekly seasonal pattern for each location using data from 2010, or the earliest year after 2010 when such data first became available, until around February, 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic started for each location (appendix p 48). Second, using the same Bayesian spline, we estimated the time trend in the residuals (additional details provided in the appendix, pp 38–40). By combining the seasonal and secular trends, we generated predictions of the expected level of mortality in 2020 and 2021.

The specification of the spline can have a sizeable impact on the estimated expected mortality for a particular location. To make the results more robust to model specification, we included in our ensemble four variants according to where the second to last knot in the spline was placed: 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, and 24 months before the end of the period for the input data before the COVID-19 pandemic started for each location. We also included in the ensemble a Poisson model with fixed effects on week and year, and a model that assumed that expected mortality for 2020 and 2021 was the same as the corresponding weekly mortality observed in 2019. To derive weights for the different models in the ensemble, we assessed how each model performed in an out-of-sample predictive validity test. We fit the model to all data prior to March 1, 2019 and then evaluated how each model performed in predicting mortality between March, 2019, and February, 2020, compared with observed mortality in the same time period. We then weighted component models in the ensemble using 1 over the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the predictions for each component to down-weight component models with larger RMSE (and thus less accurate predictions) in the ensemble. A global weighting scheme was used for all locations. The distribution of RMSE by location for each of the six models included in the model ensemble and examples of the estimated excess mortality for each component model are provided in the appendix (p 49). Expected mortality from the ensemble model was subtracted from observed mortality in 2020 and 2021 to estimate excess mortality due to the COVID-19 pandemic.



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