
主题:HR 554 台湾冲突吓阻法对在美人士影响巨大 -- 舟轻云淡

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错误难免。该法案的状态是Left pending in committee,等待处理。原文翻译如下:




第1条 《房地产法典》第5.005条,修正如下:第5.005条 外国人。除了第5.0051条规定的情况外,外国人享有与美国公民相同的不动产和动产财产权利。

第2条 《房地产法典》第5章第A节,增加第5.0051条,规定如下:第5.0051条 外国所有权或取得房地产。

(a) 在本条中:


(2)“禁止的外国行为者”指来自被确定为对美国国家安全构成风险的国家的外国人、企业、政府或外国人、企业或政府的代理人、受托人或委托人。该国家由最新的《全球威胁年度评估报告》中被称为“年度威胁国家”而认定。该报告由国家情报总监根据1947年国家安全法第108B条(50 USC 3043b)发布。










原文链接:Texas Senate Bill 711


AN ACT relating to the purchase of or other acquisition of title to real property by prohibited foreign actors.


SECTION 1. Section 5.005, Property Code, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 5.005. ALIENS. Except as provided by Section 5.0051, an [An] alien has the same real and personal property rights as a United States citizen.

SECTION 2. Subchapter A, Chapter 5, Property Code, is amended by adding Section 5.0051 to read as follows: Sec. 5.0051. FOREIGN OWNERSHIP OR ACQUISITION OF REAL PROPERTY. (a) In this section: (1) "Real property" has the meaning assigned by Section 1.04(2), Tax Code. (2) "Prohibited foreign actor" means an alien, business, government, or an agent, trustee, or fiduciary of an alien, business, or government from a country identified as a country that poses a risk to the national security of the United States in the most recent annual report on worldwide threats, commonly known as the Annual Threat Assessment, issued by the Director of National Intelligence pursuant to Section 108B, National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 3043b). (b) Notwithstanding any other law, a prohibited foreign actor may not purchase or otherwise acquire title to real property in this state without written notification to the seller. (c) A buyer required to provide written notification under Subsection (b) shall do so as soon as reasonably possible, but not later than 10 days before the closing of the property. The notification shall specifically identify: (1) whether the buyer is an alien, foreign business, foreign government, or an agent, trustee, or fiduciary of an alien, foreign business, or foreign government; and (2) the buyer's country of citizenship or country of creation or organization. (d) Upon receipt of written notification described by Subsection (c), a seller may choose to proceed with the sale of the property or immediately revoke any promise to sell the property. (e) A court shall dismiss any action brought against a seller for revoking a promise to sell real property based on a notification provided under Subsection (c), and no party shall recover any damages in a suit against a seller if the seller revokes a promise to sell based on notification provided under Subsection (c). (f) The Texas Real Estate Commission shall develop a form to provide the written notification required by Subsection (c).

SECTION 3. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to the purchase of or other acquisition of title to real property on or after the effective date of this Act. The purchase of or other acquisition of title to real property before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.

SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2023.

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