
主题:轻舟已过万重山:我国核能利用即将世界第一 -- 校长

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家园 彭博:习近平的经济强心针只能为中国争取一点时间

Xi’s Economic Adrenaline Shot Is Only Buying China a Little Time

Tuesday’s hastily arranged briefing delivered a sweeping policy package. Economists say reversing the slump will require much more

Bloomberg Economics and others now expect the government to hit Xi’s goal of expanding GDP by “around 5%” this year. But most economists also agree that more is needed to avoid entrenched Japan-style deflation. The big missing piece remains a coherent strategy to get China’s 1.4 billion people to ramp up spending.

“A lot of China’s issues are demand- or confidence-driven,” said Nigel Peh, a portfolio manager at Timefolio Asset Management Co. “Overall, I don’t think the measures can move the needle as China’s problems are complex. And there’s no silver bullet.”

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