
主题:宏观ICT的一点想法 -- 闻弦歌

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家园 摘1

In an agrarian society, knowledge about literature, religion, art, and primitive science was mostly created and accessed by noblemen and scholars. Physical representation of knowledge was expensive before the popularization of paper making technology and typography. Education was limited to a small range of people. At this stage, knowledge about ecology and agrarian production were community based indigenous knowledge, which is characterized as a mixture of knowledge, practice, and belief.1

After paper-making technology and typography had been invented, the expense of the physical realization and propagation of knowledge were dramatically decreased; education became possible for the general public. But the processes of knowledge creation, propagation, and application had not been tremendously commoditized.2

In the rapid developing period of industrial society as the modern science architecture was established, there was a great demand for absorbing educated laborers into working environment, which encouraged fundamental education to all public and then led to the separation of roles in knowledge activities (making knowledge, transferring knowledge, and using knowledge). But cultural influences and structural factors between upper classes and lower classes have different impacts on “cultural capital acquisition”.3 Children from upper classes generally could achieve a higher level of education, and have more of a chance of becoming professionals in good occupations.4

footnote 2: The wide application of typography is the major cause of the booming of Shu-Yuan (one type of unoffical colleges by the Confucianists in Chinese history) in Song Dynasty (960-1279). In medieval Europe, this new mechanical means of mass producing books helped to meet the large demand of monastic scriptoria.

过于研究性的footnotes1, 3, 4省了。

关键词(Tags): #knowledge#commoditization
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  • 相关回复 上下关系4
      • 🙂摘3 闻弦歌 字2768 2006-12-05 02:11:39

        • 🙂摘4 闻弦歌 字1858 2006-12-05 02:15:17

      • 🙂摘2 闻弦歌 字2242 2006-12-05 02:08:15

      • 🙂摘1 O


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