
主题:宏观ICT的一点想法 -- 闻弦歌

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But a big challenge is that although ICT does not deprive knowledge access from the knowledge user, it does make up or refurnish the knowledge itself. For easing the knowledge propagation and utilization, some knowledge is condensed or encapsulated, and sometimes the ground work is far away from a general user. For example, a web programmer using Microsoft Visual Studio can easily create a web service that allows other websites to access and execute remote methods. But the problem is, Microsoft has done too much encapsulation. The user only needs to click and drag the mouse in the IDE, without knowing anything about SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, which creates the unnecessary difficulty of understanding the necessary technology XML serialization. So, IT professionals should not only focus on facilitating knowledge development for the large population of general users, but also should allow the advanced knowledge user – who sometimes can be a good knowledge creator and educator – to have an insight into well-wrapped knowledge objects. In this context, the GNU philosophy and achievements advocated by Richard Stallman are particularly relevant.

The other challenge IT professionals are facing is how to avoid social dislocation among professionals in those differentiated knowledge development environments. Issues taken into consideration include: how to make smooth transition from traditional school learning (for the rudiments in some science area) to work environment learning (lifelong learning for advanced knowledge); and how to utilize Information and Communication Technologies to optimize knowledge development for both efficiency and usability. Notice that failing in these two areas would create social dislocation, and structural unemployment might happen, which is a great threat to information-intensive firms.

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