
主题:【爆笑】现将一些武侠专业英文术语公布如下: -- dafemren2

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  • 家园 【爆笑】现将一些武侠专业英文术语公布如下:

    易筋经 change your bone

    大力金刚指 strongman’s fingers

    火焰刀 flame knife

    太玄经 all fool’s daliy

    九阳神功 nine men’s power

    九阴真经 nine women’s story

    万里狂沙鞭法  shachenbao on line

    冲灵剑法 GG and MM’s sword

    小无相功   unseen power

    神照经    god bless you

    洗髓经    wash you

    梯云纵心法  evelope jump

    神行百变   changeable as ghost

    凌波微步   slide over the water

    子午针灸经  day and night medical care

    华陀内昭图  huatuo’s deep study

    胡青牛医书  buffulo hu’s medical book

    五毒秘传   the experience of eat dirnk fu ck bet and somke

    毒经     poisons

    药王神篇   king of drag

    铁掌拳谱   hard press

    七伤拳谱   7 hurted organ

    天山六阳掌  6 men of mountain sky’s press

    太极全经   dao’s all secret

    黯然销魂掌  deepblue press

    吸星大法   suck star over china

    神木王鼎   holyword’s pot

    松风剑法   softwind sword

    泰山十八盘剑谱 mountain tai’s road sword

    回峰落雁剑谱 comebacksword

    太岳青峰剑谱 oldmoutain’s green sword

    两仪剑法   1/2 sword

    金蛇秘笈   golden snake

    苗家剑法    Dr.miao’s sword

    太极剑法   sword of dao

    达摩剑谱   damu superman’s sword

    血刀经    借用cs术语:blood stirke

    天罡北斗阵     big bear’s heaven in row

    真武七截阵     7 ture brave in row

    金刚伏魔圈     superman’s cover

    冲灵剑法      gg an mm’s sword

    反两仪刀法     antihalf knife or tong(3)yi(1) knife

    八荒六合唯我独尊功! my name is NO1!

    狂风刀法    stronwind

    胡家刀法    mr hu’s

    霹雳刀法    thunder’s

    满天花雨    cover you with flowers as rain

    含沙射影    shoot you with machine gun

    左右互博之术  simple person 1=2

    凝碧剑     frogen sprite

    白龙剑     hada’s

    白虹剑      rainbow of milk

    周公剑     weeklypublic

    绿波香霞刀   green ball with good smell

    少林伟驼杵       weituo’s arm

    赏善罚恶令       just reward you


    亢龙有悔        highlight dragon’s shame

    飞龙在天        flying in the sky

    见龙在田        i see you on the farm

    鸿渐于陆        D day

    潜龙勿用        don’t borther me while i’m sleeping

    突如其来        an accident

    震惊百里        bang

    或跃在渊        fire in the hole

    双龙取水        dragon couple with water

    鱼跃于渊        fish also can fly

    时乘六龙        i have 6 BMW

    密云不雨        have girlfirend without wife

    损则有孚        you lost

    龙战于野        battle outside

    履霜冰至        SARS is coming

    羝羊触蕃        moujie ding!

    神龙摆尾        gone with wind

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