
主题:【新兵原创】说说我喜欢的游戏(1)ring pass not -- 珍珠土老鼠

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    • 家园 这玩意的技巧究竟在哪里


      • 家园 贴图上来才说得清楚





        21-30关,如果玩得好,基本已经很轻松了,而且限制很多,已开始基本不用动脑子,但也有个很重要的技巧就是要注意什么时候和在哪里使用bomb,特别是blue bomb


        • 家园 刚刚google了奖励规则

          Guide to bonuses

          There are three types of bonuses: sets(pools), harmonies and synergies. Sets happen when you hit multiple occurrences of the same thing (color, symbol or both); harmonies happen when you have at least some of every thing; and synergies happen in later rounds when the items that are shown at the beginning of the round get put next to each other. There don't seem to be any bonuses for using zero of a certain color or symbol in a given round or for putting tiles that are exactly the same next to each other.

          One last note, jokers don't change the properties of any tiles, except that jokered tiles automatically fit anywhere. For example, say you need a red terra/green luna tile for a full harmony and you have the piece but no place to put it. If you use a joker it'll fit in the space you have and it will still count for the harmony and other bonuses.

          Pools: (an amount, greater then 7, of the same symbol or color)

          Luna 08 pool: 30pts, 1 switch

          Luna 09 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles, 1 switch

          Luna 10 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 switch

          Luna 11 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 switch

          Luna 12 pool: 400pts, 8 tiles, 1 switch

          Luna 13 pool: 800pts, 9 tiles, 1 switch

          Luna 14 pool: unknown

          Luna 15 pool: unknown

          Luna 16 pool: unknown

          Sol 08 pool: 30pts

          Sol 09 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles

          Sol 10 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 red bomb

          Sol 11 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 red bomb

          Sol 12 pool: 400pts, 8 tiles, 1 red bomb

          Sol 13 pool: 800pts, 9 tiles, 1 red bomb

          Sol 14 pool: unknown

          Sol 15 pool: unknown

          Sol 16 pool: unknown

          Stella 08 pool: 30pts

          Stella 09 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Stella 10 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Stella 11 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Stella 12 pool: 400pts, 8 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Stella 13 pool: 800pts, 9 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Stella 14 pool: unknown

          Stella 15 pool: unknown

          Stella 16 pool: unknown

          Terra 08 pool: 30pts

          Terra 09 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles, 1 joker

          Terra 10 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 joker

          Terra 11 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 joker

          Terra 12 pool: 400pts, 8 tiles, 1 joker

          Terra 13 pool: 800pts, 9 tiles, 1 joker

          Terra 14 pool: unknown

          Terra 15 pool: unknown

          Terra 16 pool: unknown

          Blue 09 pool: 30pts

          Blue 10 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Blue 11 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Blue 12 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          Blue 13 pool: unknown

          Blue 14 pool: unknown

          Blue 15 pool: unknown

          Blue 16 pool: unknown

          Green 09 pool: 30pts

          Green 10 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles, 1 joker

          Green 11 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 joker

          Green 12 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 joker

          Green 13 pool: unknown

          Green 14 pool: unknown

          Green 15 pool: unknown

          Green 16 pool: unknown

          Red 09 pool: 30pts

          Red 10 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles

          Red 11 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 red bomb

          Red 12 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 red bomb

          Red 13 pool: unknown

          Red 14 pool: unknown

          Red 15 pool: unknown

          Red 16 pool: unknown

          Yellow 09 pool: 30pts

          Yellow 10 pool: 60pts, 2 tiles, 1 switch

          Yellow 11 pool: 120pts, 3 tiles, 1 switch

          Yellow 12 pool: 250pts, 6 tiles, 1 switch

          Yellow 13 pool: unknown

          Yellow 14 pool: 800pts, 9 tiles, 2 switchs

          Yellow 15 pool: unknown

          Yellow 16 pool: unknown

          Harmony: (an equal amount of symbols and/or colors)

          color harmony 1 of each color: no bonus

          symbol harmony 1 of each symbol: no bonus

          double harmony 1 of each symbol and color: no bonus

          color doubles harmony 2 of each color: no bonus

          symbol doubles harmony 2 of each symbol: no bonus

          doubles harmony 2 of each symbol and color: 30pts

          color triples harmony 3 of each color: 120pts

          symbol triples harmony 3 of each symbol: 160pts, 2 tiles

          double triples harmony 3 of each symbol and color: 400pts, 3 tiles, 1 blue bomb

          two colors harmony 2 x 8 of a color: 600pts, 6 tiles, 1 red bomb, undefined jokers(0)

          two symbol harmony 2 x 8 of a symbol: 700pts, 7 tiles, 1 switch

          color quadruples harmony 4 of each color: 900pts, 9 tiles, 1 joker

          Symbol quadruple harmony 4 of each symbol: 1000pts, 10 tiles, joker

          Full Harmony 4 of each color and symbol: 2000pts, 16 tiles, 1 red bomb, 1 switch, 1 joker, 1 blue bomb

          Synergies: When you get a synergy match, the tiles connect with little electric sparks in addition to the usual brown line.

          1 synergy: no bonus

          2 synergies: 150pts, 3 tiles

          3 synergies: 60pts, 2 tiles, blue bomb

          4 synergies: 1500pts, 11 tiles

          5 synergies:

          6 synergies:

          7 synergies:

          8 synergies:

          本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
          • 家园 刚贴了两张图



            3 synergies: 60pts, 2 tiles, blue bomb

            应该没有blue bomb

            • 家园 很辛苦的打了一个lvl27,15644分的


              • 家园 熊兄不要着急

                你能玩到27关说明基本技巧已经足够了,4×4的harmonic本来就不是那么容易,依靠joker得到是天经地义的事,这样你还赚了4个deal,1个switch和2个bomb啊,不用强求。我觉得主要是追求double triple同时color/symbol quadruaple比较现实,这样至少也能赚一个blue bomb和3个deal。

                到了后面,要很好的利用transform tools,很多时候比joker事半功倍。



                11-20关,你开始有transform tools,思路要发生变化,当然这个时候的生存压力更大了,但总的来说,不要刻意追求4×4而是4+3,同时注意收支平衡,应该并不困难。


            • 家园 不知道表格在哪里,排行又怎么看呢
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