
主题:知道你无耻,没想到你可以无耻到这种地步 -- 二胡

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  • 家园 知道你无耻,没想到你可以无耻到这种地步

    “So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they'

    re basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50

    years." This is what Jeff Cafferty said during SF April 9th torch relay broadcast.

    这是昨天 Jeff Cafferty 作CNN直播时的原话,这个SOB 竟敢用goons 和 thugs 来说全体的中国人,CNN好像已经销毁了transcript, 不过已经有证据传到yourtube 上, 连接如下http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=584D5fHB2H4


    CNN contact website:


    • 家园 zt 如何向FCC投诉 (mitbbs)

      如下转自mitbbs,如何向FCC,美国联邦通讯委员会投诉Jack Cafferty, 及参考投诉信模板, 使用时请注意修改以适合个人情况及语气,更多信息请查阅http://www.mitbbs.com/article_t/TopArticle/31170490.html

      How to File a Complaint against CNN to Federal Communications Commission

      Go to http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/cgb/fcc475B.cfm

      You will be required to fill out your basic information and the details of the program you are complaining about.

      Here are the details of this program:

      *(1) Date of Program: April 09,2008

      *(2) Time of Program: 6PM US EDT

      (3) Network: CNN

      *(4) Call Sign, Channel OR Frequency of the station on which you viewed/heard the material: CNN

      *(5) City and State Where Program Was Viewed/Heard: whatever city you live in

      *(6) Name of Program or DJ/Personality/Song/Film: “The Situation Room”/ Jack Cafferty

      * Please include below as many details about the program as possible in order to help the FCC determine whether the material was obscene, profane, and/or indecent (such as specific words, language, images, etc.).

      Note: The following is a template. It’s better to modify a little bit in your own language so that all complaints do not look the same.

      I am truly stunned and shocked by the recent racist and hate remarks towards the

      Chinese people made by CNN news commentator Jack Cafferty. In “Situation Room”

      aired on April 9th, Cafferty charged the Chinese people with a highly

      despicable assault by saying, "They (Chinese) are basically the same bunch of

      goons and thugs they have been in the past fifty years." (http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0804/09/sitroom.03.html)

      It is uncommon to witness such a blatant discrimination against an ethnic

      group of people with such a derogatory connotation in a national TV program.

      I believe Cafferty’s remarks clearly exposed his hatred and bigotry against the

      Chinese people as a whole. With no doubt, people from different ethnic backgrounds, especially the Chinese people, feel deeply hurt by this shameless assault.

      Cafferty's hate remarks have been recorded and uploaded to Youtube. So far

      the number of clicks is approaching tens of thousands. People from around the world

      have left comments condemning his malicious remarks.

      I strongly urge FCC to take immediate actions against this CNN news commentator. I also demand an official apology from CNN to all people with Chinese origin.

      Youtube link:


      CNN scripts:


    • 家园 你寄抗议信不是给他偷着乐吗?



      这个啥子Jeff Cafferty我从来不知道他是谁,也不打算知道他是谁。没理由让他骂了中国人反倒出名了?


      • 家园 不敢同意你的说法,华人的地位是从一点一滴积累起来的,想让小树从



    • 家园 寄抗议信地址见主贴,谢谢支持
    • 家园 抗议信怎么寄
    • 家园 请问抗议信寄到哪里?


    • 家园 是不是50多年前这脑残的爷爷在朝鲜被我们打得时候吓的尿裤子了

      cnn=Cao Ni Niang

    • 家园 support!


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