
主题:关于奥运的电子邮件 -- 夕曦

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  • 家园 关于奥运的电子邮件



    Dear Friends:

    Please forward this email. Thanks.


    Please respect Chinese people as the host of 2008 Olympics

    Recently, the movement of boycotting 2008 Olympics in Beijing is gathering momentum. It was started by some “human rights” organizations and has caught media’s attention and obtained some political leaders’ involvement.

    All over the media and among politicians, anti-China has become fashionable while anti-anyone-else is still a hate-crime. Those people are so eager and so busy talking about how evil the Chinese government is and how it should be punished that they have totally neglected (if not intentionally inflict pain to) the feeling of the KEY persons of this event:

    The real host of the 2008 Olympics: Chinese people (not Chinese government)

    The real guests of the 2008 Olympics: Athletes from all over the world (not the prominent figures from every country)

    Hosting an Olympic in our own country is the dream of the majority of Chinese people inside and outside of China.

    Attending an Olympic game is the dream of every athlete in the world.

    One world, one dream!

    Dear friends, I am calling out to you:

    Please respect Chinese PEOPLE as the host of the 2008 Olympics

    Please let Chinese people have their dream party.

    Please let the athletes have their dream games.

    Please feel honored if you are invited as a special guess to watch the games, because the invitation comes from the bottom of Chinese people’s heart.

    Also, to those who are bravely fighting for Chinese people’s human rights:

    Please stop acting as Chinese people’s savior.

    Please treat Chinese people as your equal.

    Please trust that Chinese people are capable of solving their own problems.

    Please respect Chinese people’s right and freedom to solve their own problems in their own way.

    PS: Tibet is part of China. Tibetans are part of Chinese people. Please respect Tibetans as part of 2008 Olympic host.


    A Chinese Person

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