
主题:[更新]四川的地震,CNN的恶毒 -- 雷声

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    • 家园 骨子里还是种族歧视


      • 家园 应该说物质优越感偏见远甚种族主义



    • 家园 wiki也犯迷糊

      In 2002, a study by Chen Xuezhong published in the Chinese seismology journal Recent Developments in World Seismology reported that starting 2003 there is a high probability of M≥7 earthquake in Sichuan Province.[47] "Sichuan is virtually certain to experience an earthquake measuring above 7 in the next few years" he wrote.[48]

      On May 3, Ngawa Prefecture's earthquake relief authority received number of phone calls asking to confirm or deny a rumor that an earthquake had been predicted for Barkam County (马尔康县). Barkam County is only about 120 kilometers (about 75 miles) northwest of the epicenter of the May 12 earthquake. On May 9, the official website of Sichuan Provincial Government reported that the provincial seismological bureau has denied making any related predictions.[49]

      • 家园 Wiki上的一大批写手是非常反华的

        你去看那些关于轮子的词条。最最呵护轮子立场的,往往不是轮子自己,不是华人,而是这些自诩独立、公正的洋大人。你要对他们有意见,他们第一个跳起来指控你是communist shill。

    • 家园 一贯如此了,bbc cnn 之流一向有关中国的

      新闻画面都是灰蒙蒙的,言语更令人听了像吃了只苍蝇。 以前要不然不看,要不然就忍着。 这次西藏和奥运火炬事件能让更多中国人愿意走出来发出自己的声音,能看到越来越多这样的帖子, 感觉真好, 花!

    • 家园 【增补】如果有人一定要说点不好的:New York Times



      “There’s no hope for them,” said Lu Zhiqing, 58, as she watched uniformed rescue workers trudge through mud and rain toward the mound of bricks and concrete that had once been a school. “There’s no way anyone’s still alive in there.”


      “Everything in the apartment was destroyed,” said the man, Ji Yongtao, 27, waving a hand up at the second floor. “We need to find a place to live. We’ll spend the night in a building that was recently built, or on the first floor somewhere. We’re not going back up there.”


      Busloads of soldiers rode past in the street. But there was no immediate help for the people.




      • 家园 这篇是所有我看到的里面最恶的。


        ‘No Hope’ for Children Buried in Earthquake

        最重要的两个字:No Hope


    • 家园 截止目前,BBC的表现还过得去。



    • 家园 不要理会恶狗狂吠!!

      cheating news net!!

    • 家园 花街日报也没什么善意

      今天的online WSJ头版头条:

      Earthquake Rocks China

      Fresh Challenge for Government as Thousands Die, Buildings Fall

      By GORDON FAIRCLOUGH in Dujiangyan, China, JASON DEAN in Beijing and LORETTA CHAO and JASON LEOW in Chengdu, China

      May 13, 2008


      "When the building came down there was no one to help us," said Li Dachang, whose 16-year-old daughter was later pulled dead from the rubble. "The quality of the construction was so poor. There are so many corrupt officials. They take the money and build shoddy buildings."



      In March, deadly antigovernment protests in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa, and the resulting government crackdown, triggered unrest throughout ethnically Tibetan areas in much of western China. Monday's quake struck in part of that region. The Tibet flare-up fueled criticism of China's government internationally, leading to protests during the Olympic torch relay through major Western cities, which in turn caused an anti-Western backlash in China.


      China's leaders moved immediately to show the public they were dealing with the disaster. Premier Wen Jiabao left Beijing for the affected area within hours of the quake, and state-run media later showed images of him with a bullhorn calling to possible survivors in the rubble of a wrecked hospital in Dujiangyan.


      几乎没提解放军赶往受灾地区的事,也不能说没提,倒是有一句提到了救护车“pass troops(经过部队)”。



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    • 家园 抵制CNN要连转载都不转。


      请大家忽略Cheating News Net的一切东西!

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