
主题:urgent: Copenhagen -- 洗心

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  • 家园 urgent: Copenhagen

    Urgent: give our leaders the support and pressure to stand up to Obama!

    12 pm midnight in Copenhagen, Obama just announced the draft of

    Copenhagen accord, delegates rushed to copy machines to make copies. Shows

    what a democratic and transparent process it is: the draft was

    produced by a few selected leaders in back rooms, where US used their

    strong arm tactics. Now the countries are supposed to approve this

    accord they see for the first time. What a great example of democracy

    and transparency (Obama's favorite word today) US is setting up for

    the world!

    The whole process is actually illegal, and in violation of UNFCCC protocols.

    Please spread the words as far and as quickly as you can, in any

    language. Not only the accord is extremely unfair--shifting the main

    responsibility to developing countries, but also grossly

    insufficient--the emission cut by developed countries is so low, that

    it will not only doom developing countries, but eventually, human kind

    as well. Don't let the US shavel this shit to the world. Give support

    to our leaders (whether they are from China, India, or Bolivia or

    anywhere else) to stand up, no matter how much blame western media

    will try to spin on them. We will stand by them.

    I really hope China can stand up!

    My colleagues and I were preparing press briefings at the time,

    something to debunk the US lies, and pointing out the real problem is

    the US while China has been a real leader going towards low carbon. It

    was planned to be released by several NGOs, both from the south and

    the north, in support of China and developing countries in general.

    Now, if China would cave in, I don't know to do with that. Maybe to

    add one sentence "But we are disappointed that China gives in to the

    US pressure"? Let's pray that China can stand up.


    Latest rumor from some key delegates, China has not give in to the accord yet, good rumor to hear. Let's try to give China as much support as we can to stand up.

    CAN (Climate Action Network, a big umbrella group of NGOs working on climate change issues) is having a press conference to denounce the deal as a suicide pact. I have my reservations about this group, as I think they are still too pro-west. Now I am really glad that they still have some integrity to say the truth about this Obama shit.

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