
主题:【关注跟踪1】GOOG这事终于有点影了 -- pxpxpx

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  • 家园 【关注跟踪1】GOOG这事终于有点影了




    U.S. Treads Lightly in Wake of Google’s Loud Stance on China


    SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Last month, when Google engineers at their sprawling campus in Silicon Valley began to suspect that Chinese intruders were breaking into private Gmail accounts, the company began a secret counteroffensive.

    It managed to gain access to a computer in Taiwan that it suspected of being the source of the attacks. Peering inside that machine, company engineers actually saw evidence of the aftermath of the attacks, not only at Google, but also at at least 33 other companies, including Adobe Systems, Northrop Grumman and Juniper Networks, according to a government consultant who has spoken with the investigators.

    Seeing the breadth of the problem, they alerted American intelligence and law enforcement officials and worked with them to assemble powerful evidence that the masterminds of the attacks were not in Taiwan, but on the Chinese mainland.

    But while much of the evidence, including the sophistication of the attacks, strongly suggested an operation run by Chinese government agencies, or at least approved by them, company engineers could not definitively prove their case. Today that uncertainty, along with concerns about confronting the Chinese without strong evidence, has frozen the Obama administration’s response to the intrusion, one of the biggest cyberattacks of its kind, and to some extent the response of other targets, including some of the most prominent American companies.

    President Obama, who has repeatedly warned of the country’s vulnerability to devastating cyberattacks, has said nothing in public about one of the biggest examples since he took office. And the White House, while repeating Mr. Obama’s calls for Internet freedom, has not publicly demanded a Chinese government investigation. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who had been the most senior U.S. official to talk of the seriousness of the breach, discussed it on Thursday with a Chinese diplomat in Washington, however, and a senior administration official said there would be a “démarche in coming days” — a diplomatic move.

    On Thursday, China’s Foreign Ministry deflected questions about Google’s charges and dismissed its declaration that it would no longer “self-censor” searches conducted on google.cn, its Chinese search engine. A ministry spokeswoman said simply that online services in China must be conducted “in accordance with the law.”

    In interviews in which they disclosed new details of their efforts to solve the mystery, Google engineers said they doubted that a nongovernmental actor could pull off something this broad and well organized, but they conceded that even their counterintelligence operation, taking over the Taiwan server, could not provide the kind of airtight evidence needed to prove the case.

    The murkiness of the attacks is no surprise. For years the National Security Agency and other arms of the United States government have struggled with the question of “attribution” of an attack; what makes cyberwar so unlike conventional war is that it is often impossible, even in retrospect, to find where the attack began, or who was responsible.

    The questions surrounding the Google attacks have companies doing business in China scrambling to confirm that they were victims. Symantec, Adobe and Juniper Networks acknowledged in interviews that they were investigating whether they had been attacked. Northrop and Yahoo, also described as subjects of the attacks, declined to comment.

    Besides being unable to firmly establish the source of the attacks, Google investigators have been unable to determine the goal: to gain commercial advantage; insert spyware; break into the Gmail accounts of Chinese dissidents and American experts on China who frequently exchange e-mail messages with administration officials; or all three. In fact, at least one prominent Washington research organization with close ties to administration officials was among those hacked, according to one person familiar with the episode.

    Even as the United States and companies doing business in China assess the impact, the attacks signal the arrival of a new kind of conflict between the world’s No. 1 economic superpower and the country that, by year’s end, will overtake Japan to become No. 2.

    It makes the tensions of the past, over China’s territorial claims or even the collision of an American spy plane and Chinese fighter pilots nine years ago, seem as outdated as a grainy film clip of Mao reviewing the May Day parade. But it also lays bare the degree to which China and the United States are engaged in daily cyberbattles, a covert war of offense and defense on which America is already spending billions of dollars a year.

    Computer experts who track the thousands of daily attacks on corporate and government computer sites report that the majority of sophisticated attacks seem to emanate from China. What they cannot say is whether the hackers are operating on behalf of the Chinese state or in a haven that the Chinese have encouraged.

    The latest episode illuminates the ambiguities.

    For example, the servers that carried out many of the attacks were based in Taiwan, though a Google executive said “it only took a few seconds to determine that the real origin was on the mainland.” And at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, there is little doubt that Beijing was behind the attacks. Partly that is because while Mr. Obama was hailing a new era of cautious cooperation with China, Google was complaining of mounting confrontation, chiefly over Chinese pressure on it to make sure Chinese users could not directly link to the American-based “google.com” site, to evade much of the censorship the company had reluctantly imposed on its main Chinese portal, google.cn.

    “Everything we are learning is that in this case the Chinese government got caught with its hand in the cookie jar,” said James A. Lewis, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, who consulted for the White House on cybersecurity last spring. “Would it hold up in court? No. But China is the only government in the world obsessed about Tibet, and that issue goes right to the heart of their vision of political survival and putting down the separatists’ movements.”

    Over the years, there have been private warnings issued to China, notably after an attack on the computer systems used by the office of the defense secretary two years ago. A senior military official said in December that that attack “raised a lot of alarm bells,” but the attacker could not be pinpointed. The administration cautioned Chinese officials that attacks seemingly aimed at the national security leadership would not be tolerated, according to one American who took part in delivering that message.

    • 家园 【关注跟踪7】一切也许才刚刚开始...


      Google and Internet Control in China:

      A Nexus Between Human Rights and Trade?




      Google Calls for Action on Web Limit


    • 家园 娱乐一下,在google.com.hk输入“你妈逼”

      然后点 手气不错 看看会发生什么。。。

    • 家园 【关注跟踪6】GOOGLE香港能走多远?




      Web Search








    • 家园 【关注跟踪5】谷歌 -> GOOGLE香港




      We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from Google.com.hk is a sensible solution to the challenges we've faced—it's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China.


      In terms of Google's wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access Google.com.hk.


      A new approach to China: an update

      3/22/2010 12:03:00 PM

      On January 12, we announced on this blog that Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China, and that during our investigation into these attacks we had uncovered evidence to suggest that the Gmail accounts of dozens of human rights activists connected with China were being routinely accessed by third parties, most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on their computers. We also made clear that these attacks and the surveillance they uncovered—combined with attempts over the last year to further limit free speech on the web in China including the persistent blocking of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Docs and Blogger—had led us to conclude that we could no longer continue censoring our results on Google.cn.

      So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing uncensored, traditional Chinese service, also from Google.com.hk. Due to the increased load on our Hong Kong servers and the complicated nature of these changes, users may see some slowdown in service or find some products temporarily inaccessible as we switch everything over.

      Figuring out how to make good on our promise to stop censoring search on Google.cn has been hard. We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from Google.com.hk is a sensible solution to the challenges we've faced—it's entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China. We very much hope that the Chinese government respects our decision, though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services. We will therefore be carefully monitoring access issues, and have created this new web page, which we will update regularly each day, so that everyone can see which Google services are available in China.

      In terms of Google's wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access Google.com.hk. Finally, we would like to make clear that all these decisions have been driven and implemented by our executives in the United States, and that none of our employees in China can, or should, be held responsible for them. Despite all the uncertainty and difficulties they have faced since we made our announcement in January, they have continued to focus on serving our Chinese users and customers. We are immensely proud of them.

      Posted by David Drummond, SVP, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer

    • 家园 啃了半天英文发现一点干货没有.......


      • 家园 这事怨不得楼主啊




    • 家园 a joke article

      this article basically is a joke. No any solid evidences at all.

      而且从一个正常的common sense, 中国政府或者国安用这么低级的方法从台湾的服务器搞入侵,是和可笑的事情。如果真有入侵发生,最大的可能也就是一般黑客或者竞争对手,一个政府完全会有更有效的方法。

    • 家园 【关注跟踪4】受到伤害的一群






      谷歌遭代理商逼宫 致刘允邮件独家曝光

      CCTV.com 2010年03月16日 10:57










        1、 我们在中国有数万的用户,他们都是采用预存款的方式获得Google的广告服务。如果Google将关闭google.cn并退出中国,那么所有这些客户已经存入Google账户的款项,Google公司会在多长时间之内,自行或经由代理商退还给客户?

        2、 Google在中国有27家代理商,我们的发展时间都在2到3年,时间不长。过去的几年,我们在Google的要求下,不断增加人员,不断扩大规模,不断进行业务投入。目前,全国上下已经积累数以万计的Google代理商员工,这些员工大多数只专注于Google业务。Google如果退出中国,那么,所有的相关员工如何补偿?如果这数以万计的员工对中国的经济政治社会造成任何不稳定,Google应当承担全部责任。

        3、 全国的27家Google代理商,目前对于Google的业务都尚处于投入期,还未得到合理的回报。Google如果退出中国,那么,我们大多将面临破产、倒闭,之前在Google的要求下,投入了巨大的资金和无比的艰辛,Google如何对于代理商进行补偿?

































      • 家园 反反复复,真真假假,一团乱麻


        知情人士透露Google考虑在中国保留部分业务,Google计划保留中国的北京研发中心、广告销售办事处以及手机与浏览器业务,一些谷歌网站服务可能也得以保留,包括中文音乐搜索业务以及Google Answers中文版。分析师称,Google.cn关闭对Google利润的即时影响有限,2009年谷歌中国的3亿美元收入大部分来自出口导向性企业,即使Google.cn关闭,这些客户仍需要继续在Google的海外站点投放广告。 另据《纽约时报》报道,谷歌27家广告代理商昨天联名致函谷歌的信件(WSJ中文网公布的全文,CCTV网站也公布了)可能是假的,其中一家署名的代理商的销售主管认为信件是假的。彭博社询问了22家署名的代理商,没有一家确认信函的真实性。前哈佛Berkman研究员毛向辉认为,这些独立代理商组成一个联盟的事实本身就显得难以置信。

      • 家园 Google也太黑了。没人性呀



      • 家园 很庆幸我老娘没买google的广告


      • 家园 喜欢看持续关注的东西 谢谢
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