
主题:欧洲将死,G-2当立! 立此存照--in Feb. -- parishg

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    • 家园 大幅加息其实是加速经济休克的






      • 家园 这次希腊倒不是脑袋进水,这次是“被加息”。




      • 家园 while 只是希腊没有啥石油和矿产资源,也没啥高新技术

        but they are never short of incapability of seeing their own incompetence and inefficiency as well as European arrogance against Asians...

        Some Greeks friends told me in early 2010 that "Germans will help us". OKAY! So finally they got Germany's middle-finger and was sent to the ER(emergency room) of IMF.

        寄希望于风波快点扩展到其他欧洲国家了--ya, let's wait and see. 2010-11 will be THE SOVEREIGN BANKRUPTCY YEAR(s) OF THE ARROGANT EUROLAND.

    • 家园 我正奇怪怎么没人提这件事,谢宝

      送花 关闭





    • 家园 高盛之类的要想躲过一劫


    • 家园 花!何时是欧元的历史大底?


      • 家园 update on Spain


      • 家园 I thought I was giving

        you a private message...

        I did not realize that you even promote it to the general public. To be frank, I prefer to keep this small circle discussion since I am shy of controversial publicity.

      • 家园 wait.

        Germany still refuses to understake its leadership and it lacks domestic political support to do so. haha, hopeless European hypocrites who can only debate and debate in a useless European parliament.

        America will not just finish the killing in 3 weeks--the decline will be persistent with a general downward trend for Euro and European financial assets. You should see big drops on a few occasions, then even small rise, then big drops again. I will not be surprised if the whole "crisis" persists into 2011. Anyway, if you want to scare out European capital into American dollar assets, you definitely have to give enough time for capital to flight, right? And you can not do it too fast because it might hurt your own market too if it turns into a GLOBAL FINANCIAL asset meltdown.

        Next domino is now Portugal--it is a dying nation.

        Then Two key pieces to fall are

        Spain(real estate bubble burst, banking problem, large current and budget deficit, social unrest due to 20%+ unemployment, but solid debt level) and

        Italy (lazy, womanizer, ass-obsesser, HIGHLY inefficient, >120% debt/GDP level, totally incompetitive in terms of industrial products and social infrastructure).

        Spain/Italy are two big ?s. If one of them falls into death spiral, then I really do not know where is the bottom for Euro and Euroland...

        Keep in mind: low Euro-USD exchange rate is not bad for Germany/French export. It is bad for PIIGs because capital is flowing out and its financial system is collapsing. Based on purchasing power parity, Euro is still heavily overvalued at 1.33. Anyway, Germans NEVER WANT TO HAVE ITALY in this Euroland. Italians and Greeks are two big cheaters in this Euro league.

        Actually during this crisis, the only financial asset that gain value is gold: during 2008 crisis, gold fell when dollars appreciated. This time, all fiat money fall, but gold jumps.


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