
主题:【整理】企业解读案例:国光瓷业的一地鸡毛1 -- wqnsihs

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                          • 家园 我与法国的一些银行打过交道,就有你说的里昂信贷银行,也有


                            • 家园 我以前一个法国老板,刚来中国就被一家日本准





                            • 家园 礼物,回扣,各种招待都来者不拒 because

                              Frenchmen are quite poor compared with their American counterparts.

                              They dress well, spend most money on facelift, nice dinners and sports activity. Thus creates this kind of facade of well-off.

                              If you really live among them for long time, and understand their tax and social security system, you will see how poor this country is.

                              Frenchmen are as pretentious as the poor Chinese in 1950s/1970s. Both 死要面子

                              • 家园 以前去美国总部开会,有一个同事是法国图努斯的,我们


                              • 家园 以前在法国南部住过2个月


                              • 家园 你这个说法实在让我大长见识,因为我们这一代受的教育都是


                                • 家园 法国乡间的静谧和安详,富足和温润 because

                                  1.there is no Cultural Revolution in the last 100 years outside Paris any more. The bloody religious war was gone forever after Napoleon completely destroyed the Catholic church force.

                                  2.WWI and WWII damaged only Paris and Northern France, which used to be low in industrialization and natural resources. The southern part is free from any damage of the two wars.

                                  In sum, no systematic destruction of wealth. Thus wealth/cultural relics/infrastructure gets accumulated to today.

                                  BTW, those writers--they are good at blah-blah romanticizing the real world, so do not take their words too seriously.

                                  Why AVERAGE Frenchmen's life is not as good as in US?

                                  --France is a protective nation and reluctant in outsourcing their consumer products to Asia. It protects its car industry and ends up with one of the most incompetent car industry in Europe.

                                  --Distribution system in France is very inefficient, just like in China. Market is segmented (e.g., wine-thousands of selection; cheese--ten thousands of selection...).

                                  In sum, high production cost+ low distribution efficiency.

                                  Unlike America, where you can seldomly see local features in food and clothing, in France, there is HUGE inter-provincial difference in both of them.

                                  In sum, US/China has the scale to achieve MASS PRODUCTION AND MASS DISTRIBUTION. Most European nations can only envy America for that--that's the comment from my European friend. I should more accurately say China has the "potential".

                                  Uncle Mang--you need to travel more outside China and imitate Deng Xiaopin, not the Chairman Mao. Anyway, you are rich and close to retirement, why not bring your beloved wife to Europe and live in all kinds of charming places for a while, say at least 1 month in each place (I recommend Barcelona, Paris, Southern France, Southern Germany, Northern England, Northern Belgium (Brugge) and Luxumberg).

                                  You do not have kids or grandchildren to worry about. It is time to enjoy life. You may reach certain age in the future that you can no longer enjoy life in that way. Life is short and you can not single-handedly reshape China no matter how many more overtime hours you work there.

                                  China (public sector, not private sector) lacks right incentive and promotion system--that's not something you can change.

                                  • 家园 能不能说说为啥推荐这几个地方?巴黎去过

                                    路标不明确。最搞笑的是坐火车到凡尔赛,火车到终点站的时候,因为站台的名字和凡尔赛的名字不太一样,一火车的人都不知道该不该下车。过了一会发现火车不再开了,旅客才下车。这一点瑞士作的很好,到tourist information,连旅游路线都给标好了。


                                  • 家园 谢谢关心。我觉得除非长时间在国外环境中生活,否则不管这么


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