
主题:我国部分地区大老鼠绝迹 被指与转基因玉米有关 -- 破鱼

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  • 家园 我国部分地区大老鼠绝迹 被指与转基因玉米有关




    我国部分地区大老鼠绝迹 被指与转基因玉米有关



    • 家园 二十多年前我们那里就不见大老鼠了,用得着你来马后炮
    • 家园 老鼠变小了的一个可能解释与epigenetics

      The New 'Epigenetics:' Poor Nutrition In The Womb Causes Permanent Genetic Changes In Offspring

      In the research report, scientists from the University of Utah show that rat fetuses receiving poor nutrition in the womb become genetically primed to be born into an environment lacking proper nutrition.

      As a result of this genetic adaptation, the rats were likely to grow to smaller sizes than their normal counterparts. At the same time, they were also at higher risk for a host of health problems throughout their lives, such as diabetes, growth retardation, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and neurodevelopmental delays, among others. Although the study involved rats, the genes and cellular mechanisms involved are the same as those in humans.

      The scientists made this discovery through experiments involving two groups of rats. The first group was normal. The second group had the delivery of nutrients from their mothers' placentas restricted in a way that is equivalent to preeclampsia. The rats were examined right after birth and again at 21 days (21 days is essentially a preadolescent rat) to measure the amount of a protein, called IGF-1, that promotes normal development and growth in rats and humans. They found that the lack of nutrients caused the gene responsible for IGF-1 to significantly reduce the amount of IGF-1 produced in the body before and after birth.


      哈佛医学院十月六日有关于epigenetics的免费讲座:October 6 You Are What Your Mother Ate: The New Science of Epigenetic

      • 家园 据说美国人爱吃转基因,20年之后看看实验结果


        • 家园 应该是"美国人被爱吃转基因"。

          根据《食品公司》和这篇文章的说法, 是美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)不愿意强制要求贴标签注明食品含有转基因成分:

          The FDA contends that GM foods are substantially equivalent to non-GM foods, and therefore not subject to more stringent labeling.

          而美国超市里整株的转基因水果和植物是很少的(there are very, very few genetically-modified whole fruits and vegetables available on produce stands)。但是由于各种精制食品,例如菜油和早餐谷物类,以及由大豆衍生出来的各种食品添加剂,都含有转基因成分,尽管这些成分都很少(some tiny percentage of genetically-modified ingredients),但由于它们的广泛使用,还是使得几乎所有的美国消费者都食用过转基因食品(all U.S. consumers have been exposed to GM food products)。



          2)美国人也不是整个地吃转基因食品,而只是食用了极其少量(tiny percentage)的转基因制成品。




          How prevalent are GM crops? What plants are involved?

          According to the FDA and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), there are over 40 plant varieties that have completed all of the federal requirements for commercialization (http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/%7Elrd/biocon). Some examples of these plants include tomatoes and cantalopes that have modified ripening characteristics, soybeans and sugarbeets that are resistant to herbicides, and corn and cotton plants with increased resistance to insect pests. Not all these products are available in supermarkets yet; however, the prevalence of GM foods in U.S. grocery stores is more widespread than is commonly thought. While there are very, very few genetically-modified whole fruits and vegetables available on produce stands, highly processed foods, such as vegetable oils or breakfast cereals, most likely contain some tiny percentage of genetically-modified ingredients because the raw ingredients have been pooled into one processing stream from many different sources. Also, the ubiquity of soybean derivatives as food additives in the modern American diet virtually ensures that all U.S. consumers have been exposed to GM food products.

          • 家园 在这个话题上,还看2000年的文章,你会被误导的。





            • 家园 你是对的。我犯错误了,没有注意看文章时间。



              感觉归感觉,还是要看数据。不过貌似舆论也在大力鼓吹有机食品。 Trader Joe's 和 WholeFoods 这几年好像生意很不错。尤其是价位较低的 Trader Joe's,每次去都是 People Mountain People Sea。

              • 家园 在美国基本没希望

                "Food Inc"虽然算是纪录片,但是有很强的偏向性,要批判的看。

                FDA的决定基本彻底断绝了一般消费者搞清楚自己没吃到GM食品的可能。话说回来现代的大工业化食品加工方式本来就断绝了一般消费者搞清楚自己吃到什么的可能。这一点上,"Food Inc"的描述是很清楚的。

                你说的有一点没错,在超市卖的整棵的蔬菜水果,GM的比例还很小。主食嘛,要看你怎么定义了,中国人的主食是水稻,现在还没有问题,西方人的主食就难说了。加工食物的话,要是只买Certified Organic,碰到GM原料的机会也比较低。

              • 家园 根据纽约时报,美国90%大豆都是GM过的


                More than 90 percent of the U.S. soybean crop is already genetically engineered.

                organic 跟GM food 是不同的概念,前者指的是耕作方法,后者指的是种子来源。如果不想吃GM food,得买 organic non-gm food.在美国应该很困难。

                • 家园 在美国要标记100%Organic必须是non-GM


                • 家园 有直接证据么?

                  前一阵美国的ORGANIC SUGAR BEET农场主打赢了官司,法官推翻了农业部对其转基因种子的许可。从这一点看,有机食品应该是非转基因的。转基因的维基定义见链接出处

                  • 家园 google找到的

                    wiki 上也有类似表达

                    只有标 "100% organic" 才没有GM. 只标 “organic”可以含有最高30%的GM food.


                    The US and Canadian governments do not allow manufacturers to label something 100% organic if that food has been genetically modified or been fed genetically modified feed. However, you may find that organic food is more expensive and different in appearance from conventional products. Also, just because something says "organic" on it does not mean that it does not contain GMs. In fact, it can still contain up to 30% GMs, so be sure the labels say 100% organic.

                    * This applies to eggs, as well. Eggs labeled "free-range", "natural", or "cage-free" are not necessarily GE-free; look for eggs to be 100% organic.[5]

                    • 家园 这个30%的说法很奇怪



          • 家园 主食与非主食差异的确会造成完全不同的结果





            • 家园 有机食品并不代表就是非转基因

              organic 跟GM food 是不同的概念,前者指的是耕作方法,后者指的是种子来源。如果不想吃GM food,得买 organic non-gm food.在美国应该很困难。


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