
主题:最高领导人下令通讯工具和社交网站须受监听。土鳖太可恶了。 -- 红霄帐底

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  • 家园 最高领导人下令通讯工具和社交网站须受监听。土鳖太可恶了。





    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
    • 家园 这事不新鲜吧



    • 家园 用墙把民主保护起来!!!
    • 家园 美国真落后,英国早就立法监听一切网络,电话和fax了
      • 家园 美国好像是如果监听某人的电话,需要检察官同意


        • 家园 是法官同意,检察官是球员


          知道胡佛为什么可以做终身FBI局长 了吧。什么议员如果不同意他的任命,就把你的都给捅出去。或者说,在显微镜底下,什么人没有问题或弱点?

        • 家园 在有些人眼里


    • 家园 再次强调,这是完全不同的




    • 家园 五美分们是不是要涨工资了?
    • 家园 纽约时报的链接在此

      Yahoo: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100927/ap_on_hi_te/us_internet_wiretaps

      NYtimes: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/27/us/27wiretap.html?_r=1#

      WASHINGTON – Broad new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking Web sites and BlackBerries, The New York Times reported Monday.

      The newspaper said the White House plans to submit a bill next year that would require all online services that enable communications to be technically equipped to comply with a wiretap order. That would include providers of encrypted e-mail, such as BlackBerry, networking sites like Facebook and direct communication services like Skype.

      Federal law enforcement and national security officials say new the regulations are needed because terrorists and criminals are increasingly giving up their phones to communicate online.

      "We're talking about lawfully authorized intercepts," said FBI lawyer Valerie E. Caproni. "We're not talking about expanding authority. We're talking about preserving our ability to execute our existing authority in order to protect the public safety and national security."

      The White House plans to submit the proposed legislation to Congress next year.

      The new regulations would raise new questions about protecting people's privacy while balancing national security concerns.

      James Dempsey, the vice president of the Center for Democracy and Technology , an Internet policy group, said the new regulations would have "huge implications."

      "They basically want to turn back the clock and make Internet services function the way that the telephone system used to function," he told the Times.

      The Times said the Obama proposal would likely include several requires:

      _Any service that provides encrypted messages must be capable of unscrambling them.

      _Any foreign communications providers that do business in the U.S. would have to have an office in the United States that's capable of providing intercepts.

      _Software developers of peer-to-peer communications services would be required to redesign their products to allow interception.

      The Times said that some privacy and technology advocates say the regulations would create weaknesses in the technology that hackers could more easily exploit.

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