
主题:【新年献礼】E舅公的故事:你们不让我当老大很久了 -- wqnsihs

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            • 家园 忙总完全不了解美国人




              • 家园 学以致用,求同存异,只吸收对自己有用的,没必要那么在意忙


              • 家园 美国老百姓主要是“不怕”



                关键词(Tags): #美国
              • 家园 唉,我觉得忙总在这点上有点过于实用主义了。



              • 家园 诚实正直自尊自强从容自信的美国人多,笑话!

                我在美国十几年,诚实正直自尊自强从容自信的美国人,哪有那么多?更多的,是狂妄自大(美国人老子天下第一的想法很深),自以为是,--这大概就是你误以为的“诚实正直自尊自强从容自信”了。其实,这是一个硬币的两面,越是狂妄自大的人,在强权面前跪的越厉害。 只不过许多美国人大多数情况下都自认为是强权的化身,真正的强权在美国又是很低调的(这是他们聪明的地方),所以你不大看到一般美国人的丑态。

                真正的自信,是建立在自知的基础上。 曾经有调查显示,80% 以上的美国成年人,都认为自己将来一定会成为百万富翁--尽管我对此早有感性认识,看到这个数字还是吓了一跳。美国人的所谓“自信”,是建立在对美国梦的迷信以及对自己盲目信心爆棚一定能实现美国梦的基础上。

              • 家园 如果



            • 家园 Mang zong is quite right ...

              Speaking about the so called the nobles of USA, I remembered my tour of Biltmore a few years ago, and all that I saw and heard over there, as well as my thoughts about the Vanderbilts then and now.

              Even in a wealthy and prosperious country like the US, very few families would surpass the Vanderbilts -- the railroads, the steel mills, the university, and even the national Bridge tournament (ACBL Championship team matches) Vanderbilt Cup.

              And fortunately, we have the Biltmore House to visit, and we are able to see what it's like at the full bloom of the Gilded Age. (Usually the so called old money lives quite seclusively, for example, the many fine estates in Hudson Vally are not for the "little people" such as you and me to see).

              From what I saw in Ashville that giant house of the Vanderbilts, the impression I have is not quite as Mang zong said about the nobles, none of the confidence, none of the peace of mind from deep self awareness. Rather, I saw a family of entrenched loneliness and insecure and uncertain of who they are and what they want.

              They sure have things of antiquity -- the rugs of midieval castles, the chess that once owned and played by Napoloen, so on and so forth. And they have spare no cost of construct a nest of creature comfort -- the state of the art kitchen and full restaurant scale meals preparing and serving system, the full spectrum of indoor exercise and sports facility that you can dream of, including a full size in door swimming pool in the basement.

              However, the pictures of the family of three -- Dad, Mom, and the later famous little Gloria, situated in the almost Cathedral sized living room, tells a story of gloomy lonesomeness. The very idea of building the largest family house in the country, according to certain rumor, is the wife of Mr. Vanderbilt (well, the son of the original capitalist who made the Vanderbilt fortune and estate) cannot bear to live under the same roof of her mother in law. And there lives only the three of them in this giant house, surrounded by hundreds of servents. And inside this castle, Mr and Mrs Vanderbilt each has his or her tower and a full set of suites of master bedroom and living rooms, and the two suites are quite apart form each other.

              The loneliness of the family is more evident as I tour the quarters for the so called "family friends" -- they have full size bed rooms and living areas for each and every single one of the several dozen "friends" they invite to stay with them over the year, especially at the holiday times, on days like Thanksgiving. The "friends" are so well taken care of that when they go exercise or playing sports games, each of them have their individual locker rooms right beside the sports area of the house. Quite a few of the famous painters, writers at the time are among the "friends" that frequent the estate. We still can see the fairly impressive painting and frescos on basement walls by these friends on topics like Halloween and other things.

              The urge of getting dozens and dozens of "friends" that money can buy, IMHO, greatly maginified the loneliness the family experienced, that even casual visitors like us can very easily see after 60, 70 years.

              • 家园 一个没落的家族



              • 家园 你再去长岛的Vanderbilts博物馆看看,


                • 家园 Vanderbilts的名声可以跟卡耐基洛克菲勒摩根比

                  不必说博物馆,即使是Biltmore老宅里面,古董文物就非常可观了。这些镀金时代的大佬家底之厚,颇令人叹为观止。有形的LEGACY之外,Vanderbilts University是田纳西的整个州里高等教育的领头羊,喜欢打桥牌的也都因为全国锦标赛而记住这个家族。



                  当然,这宅里孤独的小丫头格洛莉娅,后来变成其母与姑妈争夺家财的战场,其人其事变成了当年风靡全国的肥皂剧。而小丫头本人倒也是过得颇有声有色:跟过马戏班子,做过N流演艺界艺员,嫁给了N个五光十色的男人又离开他们,活到80,90仍然硬朗而能折腾。Anderson Cooper是她的grandson,也出了一定的名,是我所比较喜欢的媒体人。可是Gloria的儿子,Anderson的老爸Carter就悲剧了--他从十四层楼的顶层跳下而离世。



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