
主题:【原创】数字来说话--为子玉兄的美元理论做注解 -- 种植园土

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            • 家园 comments below yours

              I think US stock is fine.

              --capital market is interlinked. Crisis hit confidence and banks. Both will hit on credit expansion. Credit hits stock.

              As you said, European banks and sovereign debt will eventually bring down Euro, should the rick people move their money to Swiss or US for less risk?

              --it already happened... Swiss franc has reached historical high against Euro. You are too late to the game!

              Rush to USD--yes, for risk aversion.

              Chinese A stock will perform better. People are willing to do anything to get rich. There are still room to expand.

              --hehe. No comment. So you imply that the 2008 US stock market crash is due to the facts that Americans are NO longer willing to work hard to get rich? hehe.

              • 家园 it comes down to the earning

                I do not know. The earnings of big US companies have been really good. If you are saying the bank/credit crisis could bring down the European stock market, I agree. But why US and China market? US banks are not much exposed to the European sovereign debt and have tons of easy money from the Fed. I still do not see how could US stock market down say 10% be the end of the year.

                The key to China's A stock is government policy. If government stop tightening, I think they implied they will stop tightening, China's economy will just keep booming. GDP still grows at 9.5% with all the tightening. 9.5%!!!!!! Crash of China's A stock market? Tell me how.

                I was bearish on China's A stock last year. However, I changed my mind after I visit China this year. It is still in early stage for China's economic boom.

                • 家园 earning can be misleading

                  for example, the new GM performs pretty good now. But how competitive is its core business? To which extent the new accounting profit benefits from previous bankrupcy? I am still doubtful.

                  AIG still hides a lot of bullshit. Every insider of Wallstreet knows that. But its data looks not bad too.

                  U.S. used to be dominated by giant, lucrative monopolitic companies--the so called backbone of US economy. They are still profitable--though the number of such companies is decreasing.

                  US will not callapse. US is just declining.

              • 家园 问个个人性质的小问题



                • 家园 there is still possibility

                  that Canadian dollars will appreciate further against USD.

                  Canadian dollars are driven by prices of two key commodities: gold and oil.

                  1.05 USD vs. 1CAD is a very good price already. Historically, it is quite high already.

                  From central banker's perspective, the currency CAD-USD exchange rate has made many industries in Canada uncompetitive. Therefore, despite all signals of overheating in Canada, Mark Carney has refused to raise central bank target rate for more than 8 months--I am sure that if the exchange rate reach 1.10, Bank of Canada will intervene in the market to depreciate Canadian dollar.

                  My two cents.

                  • 家园 昨天我也想补充两句

                    老兄提到的挪威克郎和加元都属于石油货币,但加元还和黄金关联.今年加元和往年的走势很不同,目前的确是"Historically high",但过去几年只有1-2个月可以突破1.0,而今年已经数月站在1.0之上.显示基本面变了,未必是加拿大国内经济的基本面出现明显好转,而是相比之下美国经济的基本面持续恶化.

                    加息的呼声一直有,无论是财长还是Mark Carney都不时提醒老百姓降低资产负债率(防止加息后破产),目前加元的高汇价对加拿大的旅游业,木材出口还有东部的制造业压力非常大,所以高官们只能开吹风会,光打雷不下雨.而美国那边又担心国债利息的偿还能力,还有可能的QE3,加拿大要想等FED进入加息循环前再提利息恐怕且得等一段时间了.



          • 家园 可不可以请你多讲讲欧洲的危机对

            emerging market (including China) 的影响?谢谢。

            • 家园 two types of

              emerging ones. Newly industrialized ones (such as India or China) and pure resource sellers, such as Brazil/Russia.

              I focus on one key link: demand.

              Europe is an industrialized block. If Europe repeated the same fate as Asia did in late 1990s, demand for oil, industrial raw materials will fall by not a small margin.

              Europe is China's key export market(No.1). With a collapsed banking sytem and dramatic credit contraction, China will also shut down half of its export industries. Further hit to commodity demand.

              Then Brazil and some other resource exporters will experience another 2008. Or early 1990s after the US long recession again?

              History is not far away--I remember in 1998, after the Asia Economic Crisis, the oil price fell to $10 per barrel. Then Russia had debt crisis... and then it came back to haunt US stock market.

              I am not sure about oil price this time, but I am quite sure about the trend of industrial metals.

              One problem with those resource-rich nations: money comes too easily and boom comes too fast and most people can not look forward for 10 years. People party like nuts when everything looks so good.

              Then cycle reverses and commodity industries have severe overcapacity--it is a weird industry: slow to add capacity and slow to reduce capacity.

              This drama happened again and again in the last 200 years.

              Examples: oil industry in Pennsylvania in mid-19th century in America (US oil was once 1cent per barrel--I am not kidding); commodity boom and bust in 1970s--then Latin American debt crisis;

              The list is long.......

              Analysis of India--please refer to Ji Di Wang Tian's posts.

              • 家园 多谢你的分享




          • 家园 十分赞同第二点!


          • 家园 美国的今天已在顶峰










            • 家园 所以有人说堕胎合法以后,美国就繁荣了




            • 家园 美国的顶峰在IT泡沫破灭前


              • 家园 我也倾向于认为美国在走下坡路


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