
主题:【求助】机器的怪毛病 -- 桃李不言

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  • 家园 【求助】机器的怪毛病

    最近出现好几次突然的蓝屏,然后重启,有一次居然隔几分钟就来一次,每次都是在上网的时候。查了病毒,没找到什么。每次蓝屏的时间都极短,也就一秒左右,一直没看清楚错误信息,最近这次蓝屏时间长一些,才勉强看见了些信息。大概内容是发现了错误,DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL,为避免损害系统,将重新启动,正在dump physical memory等等,原因可能是因为硬件或软件没有正常安装之类的。


    • 家园 避免过长时间蓝屏的一点设置



    • 家园 上网的时候我又有过一两次Blue-Screen。好像是我在使用

      Media Player。一旦出了问题,嘎巴一声,机器就撂那了。



      This error indicates that Windows or a kernel-mode device driver accessed paged memory at DISPATCH_LEVEL or above.

      On the blue screen, the following parameters are displayed:

      Memory referenced

      IRQ at time of reference

      0: Read

      1: Write

      Address which referenced memory


      This error usually occurs after installation of a faulty device driver, system service or BIOS.

      If you encounter this stop code whilst upgrading to a later version of Windows or when applying a service pack or hotfix, the error may be caused by a device driver, system service, anti-virus package, third-party network client or backup tool which is incompatible with the new version.


      To resolve an error caused by a faulty device driver, system service or BIOS:

      Restart the computer.

      Press F8 at the character-based menu that displays the operating system options.

      Select the Last Known Good Configuration option.

      To resolve an error caused by an incompatible device driver, system service, anti-virus package, network client or backup tool:

      Check the System Log in the Event Viewer for identifying error messages.

      Try disabling memory caching of the BIOS.

      If available run any manufacturer-supplied hardware diagnostics, especially the memory scanner.

      Make sure the latest Service Pack is installed and all applicable hotfixes have been applied.

      If your system has SCSI adapters, obtain the latest manufacturer device drivers. Try disabling sync negotiation in the SCSI BIOS, check the cabling and SCSI IDs of each device and confirm proper termination.

      For IDE devices, define the onboard IDE port as Primary only. Check each IDE device for proper master/slave/stand-alone setting. Try disabling all IDE devices other than the hard drives.


      Stop 0x000000D1 or DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL

      The Stop 0xD1 message indicates that the system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. Drivers that have used improper addresses typically cause this error.

      Interpreting the Message

      This Stop message has four parameters:

      Memory referenced.

      IRQL at time of reference.

      Type of access (0x00000000 = read operation, 0x00000001 = write operation).

      Address that referenced memory.

      Stop 0xD1 messages can occur after installing faulty drivers or system services. If a driver is listed by name, disable, remove, or roll back that driver to confirm that this resolves the error.

    • 家园 如果仅在上网的时候才出问题




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