
主题:转基因玉米导致养猪场猪绝育 -- 唵啊吽

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      • 家园 美国大量使用转基因玉米,占全部玉米的88%


        • 家园 美国人还喝过镭水,只有你想不到,没有他们做不到




          • 家园 不知道你能不能找出有哪种食品是要几代人才吃出问题的?


          • 家园 袁隆平的杂交水稻吃了几代人才投入市场的么?
          • 家园 美国吃了很多年了, 没有出过问题

            而且吃的可能比你想象的多. 比如, 食用油里, 玉米油估计少不了用转基因玉米, canola(加拿大转基因介花油)就更不用说了. 就算你自家烧饭不用, 去一般饭店吃饭, 很可能是这些油.

            美国大量用高果糖浆(high-fructose corn syrup)代替蔗糖, 那些带甜味的点心和饮料, 多半有这个. 比如美国产的可口可乐, 百事之类, 这些消费量有多大不用说了吧.

            而且不强制标记, 你都搞不清吃的有没有转基因. 好像organic产品也不允许强调自己比同类转基因产品健康(因为没有科学依据). 像whole foods和central market这类标榜organic的中高档食品市场, 也不承诺自己不卖转基因产品, 甚至不承诺给转基因产品标注(好像有承诺说计划几年之内保证标注所有转基因产品).

            以上是凭印象说的,可能有误, 细节可以自己去查查看

    • 家园 印度成了孟山都的小白鼠

      When India's seed economy was forced by the World Bank to become globalized in the late 1990s, economic conditions within the nation's agricultural sector almost immediately took a nosedive for the worst. Much of the common Indian seed stock turned from saveable heirloom varieties to patented, genetically-modified (GM) varieties that expire after a single use and require the application of expensive and cumbersome pesticides in order to grow, which plunged many Indian farmers into abject poverty. And nearly 25 years later, the devastating effects of this corporate takeover of Indian agriculture has resulted in countless suicides, 200,000 of which have occurred just in the past ten years.

      According to a recent report in the U.K. Independent, many Indian farmers have lost their farms and land over the past several decades. One of the primary causes is failed investments by farmers that banked heavily on the success of newly-introduced GM crops. Multinational biotechnology giants like Monsanto and Syngenta promised farmers that GM crops would bring incredible yields at lower costs, and save the country from poverty. But in reality, many of the crops ended up failing, leaving millions of Indian farmers with absolutely nothing.

      Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/030913_Monsanto_suicides.html#ixzz1noKKeRep


    • 家园 里昂法院就法国一农民死亡判孟山都有罪

      Farmer Paul Francois was not alone in his quest to hold Monsanto accountable for their actions. He and other farmers affected by Monsanto’s deadly concoctions actually founded an association last year to make the case that their health problems were a result of Monsanto’s Lasso and other ‘crop protection’ products. Their claims were also met by many other farmers. Since 1996, the agricultural branch of the French social security system has gathered about 200 alerts per year regarding sickness related to pesticides. However only 47 cases were even recognized in the past 10 years.

      Francois, whose life was damaged by Monsanto’s products, has now set the powerful precedent in the defense of farmers.

      “I am alive today, but part of the farming population is going to be sacrificed and is going to die because of this,” Francois, 47, told Reuters.

      It is also important to note that Monsanto’s Lasso pesticide was actually banned in France back in 2007 following a European Union directive that came after the ban of the product in other nations.


    • 家园 美国养猪场还自己繁殖么?


    • 家园 请问现在市场卖的甜玉米和糯玉米是转基因???
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