
主题:【原创】岛国斐济无癌症 -- 下愚之民

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  • 家园 【原创】岛国斐济无癌症


    • 家园 我小的时候,皇历上的小知识栏目就有这个


    • 家园 首先,斐济人口90万,其次斐济不产杏


      主要农产品: 甘蔗, 椰子, 木薯, 大米, 甘薯, 香蕉; 奇怪杏干从哪里来的,还泥马主食。


      再查联合国粮农组织资料库-FAOSTAT,斐济自2000年至2010年,杏(Apricots),播种面积,收获面积,产量,全部都是零蛋,再扩大搜索,自1961年至2010年,我Kao,斐济就没产过杏,实际上全部岛国发展中国家(Small island developing country)就没有一个产杏的,这TMD玩笑开的也太大了吧?兄弟!

    • 家园 实际上斐济是西太平洋地区癌症最高发的国家之一

      ACCORDING to the World Health Organisation, Fiji's cancer incidence is at a rate of 128.9 per 100,000.

      This was revealed by President Ratu Eepli Nailatikau at the Fiji Cancer Society's Western branch's garden tea at South Sea Orchids in Nadi.

      He said Fiji's cancer rate was among the highest in the Western Pacific after New Caledonia with a rate of 218.5 per 100,000 and Guam with a rate of 157.9 per 100,000.


    • 家园 斐济人均寿命多少岁?
      • 家园 斐济的预期寿命,CIA world factbook资料

        total population: 71.59 years

        country comparison to the world: 136

        male: 69 years

        female: 74.32 years (2012 est.)

        不算高, 对比一下中国的

        total population: 74.84 years

        country comparison to the world: 95

        male: 72.82 years

        female: 77.11 years (2012 est.)

        看来中国人杏干吃更多啊, 下面这个一定是拿杏干当饭吃了,日本

        total population: 83.91 years

        country comparison to the world: 3

        male: 80.57 years

        female: 87.43 years (2012 est.)

    • 家园 一个没有癌症的国家竟然有国家癌症中心和癌症协会,呵呵


      Fiji Cancer Society

      Fiji Cancer Society was founded in 1993 and is the national cancer centre in Fiji. It has established 3 main committees to represent the different activities offered by the Society: cancer education and health promotion, patient support services and finance and development. Fiji Cancer Society`s prime role i on advocacy awareness and patient support.

      A Cervical Cancer Task Force was established by the Cancer Education Committee top address cancer of the cervix, the most common form of cancer in Fiji, followed by breast cancer.

      In 1993, Fiji Cancer Society was accepted as associate member with UICC.


    • 家园 这到底是杏干的广告还是VB17的呢?


    • 家园 我记得鲨鱼无癌症也宣传了很多年




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