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    • 家园 【整理】巴西总统遭美国窃听


      发布:2013-09-02 22:47:31作者:微天下 【巴西就总统遭美国窃听传唤美国大使】法新社报道,由于出现关于美国国家安全局对巴西总统罗塞夫进行窃听的新说法,巴西当局今天传唤了美国驻巴西大使。




      U.S. Spied on Presidents of Brazil and Mexico, Globo Reports

      By Joshua Goodman - Sep 2, 2013 3:04 PM

      Print QUEUEQ..The U.S. intercepted phone calls and e-mails of the presidents of Brazil and Mexico to showcase the reach of an anti-terror surveillance program, according to documents leaked by fugitive security analyst Edward Snowden.

      The allegations were made last night by American journalist Glenn Greenwald, who obtained secret documents from Snowden in May, on Brazil’s most-watched TV news magazine, Fantastico, owned by the Globo network.

      In one document, the National Security Agency cites how it intercepted text messages by Mexico’s Enrique Pena Nieto in which the then-presidential front-runner discusses two possible cabinet picks. The 24-slide presentation was dated June 2012, a month before Pena Nieto was elected. In the case of Brazil, the document highlights software that was used to probe President Dilma Rousseff’s communications with several unidentified aides. Both leaders will cross paths with President Barack Obama this week at a Group of 20 summit in Russia.

      “What struck me about these documents was how personal they were. They had pictures of them,” Greenwald, who lives in Rio de Janeiro and writes for The Guardian newspaper, said in a phone interview. “I’d think there has to be some sense of violation and invasion that will produce some outrage.”

      Ambassador Called

      Justice Minister Jose Eduardo Cardozo, who met last week in Washington with Vice President Joe Biden to discuss Brazilian concerns about the surveillance program, told Fantastico that such spying is “unacceptable,” and if confirmed, constitute a “clear violation of our national sovereignty.”

      Rousseff, after an emergency meeting with Cardozo and other aides last night, called on the U.S. ambassador, Thomas Shannon, to provide explanations. The U.S. envoy left without speaking to reporters following a meeting this morning with Foreign Minister Luiz Alberto Figueiredo. Pena Nieto’s office didn’t immediately return an e-mail seeking comment.

      Greenwald said the presentation was part of the first batch of documents he received from Snowden when he met him in Hong Kong in May. That was before the former Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp. (BAH) employee was granted a one-year asylum in Russia on President Vladimir Putin’s condition that he stop disclosing documents that harm U.S. interests.

      Brazil Spying

      In July, Greenwald co-wrote articles in O Globo newspaper that said Brazil’s telecommunications network, a hub for traffic from Latin America, was a priority target for the NSA, alongside China, Iran and Russia. The surveillance was facilitated by associations between Brazilian and American companies, the extent and names of which Greenwald said he couldn’t verify.

      Shannon at the time denied the report by the Rio de Janeiro newspaper, telling officials that the U.S. didn’t spy on Brazilian citizens and only collects records of phone calls or e-mail messages abroad to pursue suspected terrorists.

      “Shannon first said we only look at meta-data,” said Greenwald. “It was a complete and absolute lie.”

      The secret document disclosed yesterday was prepared by a division of the NSA known only by its acronym SATC, Greenwald said. The presentation concludes that by teaming with the NSA’s division in Latin America, the agency was able to penetrate the communications networks of high-profile, security-savvy Brazilian and Mexican targets. The benefits of the exercise allow analysts to “find a needle in a haystack in a repeatable and efficient way,” according to the document.

      A press official at the U.S. Embassy said any statement would be handled by the State Department in Washington, where staffing is limited due to the Labor Day holiday. Rousseff’s office and the Foreign Ministry declined to comment.

      Washington Visit

      Pena Nieto didn’t mention the allegations in his annual state of the union address today. His foreign minister, Jose Antonio Meade, later said that the government is seeking information from the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico.

      Rousseff and Pena Nieto will meet Obama at the G-20 summit this week in St. Petersburg. In addition, Rousseff is also scheduled to be feted at the White House in October during the first state visit by a Brazilian leader in more than two decades.

      That visit was scheduled before Snowden’s leaks rocked relations between the Western Hemisphere’s two biggest economies, leading Rousseff’s government to take its concerns to the United Nations and discuss legislation to restrict data gathering by U.S. companies in Brazil.

      Collecting Data

      Cardozo said that in his meetings last week with Biden and Attorney General Eric Holder he proposed a protocol of intentions between the two countries to reinforce Brazil’s sovereignty and prevent the U.S. from collecting data in the country without a judicial order. The proposal was rejected, Cardozo said.

      In a separate document shown by Fantastico outlining the NSA’s assessment of U.S. geopolitical challenges through 2019, the rise of Brazil on the global stage is classified as a “stressor” to regional stability and a potential risk to U.S. interests. In the document it appears alongside Iran, Mexico, Sudan, Egypt and several other countries under the heading “Friends, Enemies or Problems?”

      “The government reaction has to be fast because this is a delicate problem,” Andre Cesar, director of consulting firm Prospectiva, said by phone from Brasilia. “Officials have to show strength. They have to show that they won’t accept this.”

    • 家园 【历史】岸信介,甲级战犯,57年总理,安倍的姥爷





      岸信介(Kishi Nobusuke;1896~1987) 日本山口县人。操纵伪满洲国的五人帮之一,人称满洲之妖。甲级战犯,他曾在1957年、1958年两度组阁,担任过三年多的内阁总理大臣。通过了日美安保条约,他还是战后首开敌视新中国先河的人物。




      1939年调回日本,历任阿部信行内阁、米内光政内阁、近卫文麿内阁等的商工省政务次官,因坚持经济统治政策与工商大臣小林一三发生争持而辞职。1941年在东条英机上台后,任内阁商工大臣。曾在东条英机的对美宣战诏书上副署。 1942年4月在“大政翼赞会”支持下首次当选为众议员,1943年商工省和军需省合并后,任军需省次官。全面负责战时统治经济,指挥军需生产和战争物资的调配,成为东条英机的得力干将。1944年7月,美军攻陷塞班岛,他向东条英机进言,美B29飞机将会轰炸日本的军需工厂,军需生产将显著下降,应该结束战争。但被东条英机骂了一句“你们文官懂个屁!”而下不来台。其后,内困外交的东条英机被重臣逼得改造内阁,于是派东京宪兵队长四方谅二大佐去劝他辞职,而岸信介这时却倒向反东条一方,拒不辞职,逼得东条英机只好下台。日本投降后,被定为甲级战犯关进东京巢鸭监狱。1948年在东条英机等7名甲级战犯被处死的翌日获释。出狱后的岸信介曾在东京开设过一家公司,其成员大多是右翼人士以及被剥夺公职的政界人士。




    • 家园 【整理】煤球是白的

      对比看2 个录像, 一个是央视记者现场的采访;另一个是ABC新闻网。 同一个现场,不同的解读:一个说煤球是黑的,另一个说煤球是白的。


      叙利亚毒气弹事件最新消息 记者实地探访疑似化学武器受袭地区 叙利亚毒气弹事件最新消息 记者实地探访疑似化学武器受袭地区


      2, 这个是美国ABC新闻网, youtube上的录像。


    • 家园 【历史】731部队首脑不被认为是战犯





      石井四郎(いしい しろう;1892年6月25日-1959年10月9日),日本千叶县加茂村人,日本军人。日军731部队首脑。为了证明其研究的有效而获得经费,他曾亲身用自己设计的净水器将尿和污水净化后饮食,据说该净水器还曾在琉黄岛等战事中发挥作用。


      据称第二次世界大战结束后,石井四郎用其细菌研究的资料数据和驻日美军进行交易,逃避了战争法庭的审判。之后随着1952年后日美缔结和约,日本政府得到了赦免战犯的权力,于是一大批B C类战犯都得以免于罪责(靖国新论)。





      Immunity[edit source | editbeta]

      Arrested by the US occupation authorities at the end of World War II, Ishii and other Unit 731 leaders were to be thoroughly interrogated by the Soviet authorities.[6] Instead Ishii and his team managed to negotiate and receive immunity in 1946 from war-crimes prosecution before the Tokyo tribunal in exchange for their full disclosure of germ warfare data based on human experimentation. Although the Soviet Russian authorities wished the prosecutions to take place, the USA objected after the reports of the investigating US microbiologists. Among these was Dr. Edwin Hill (Chief of Fort Detrick), whose report stated that the information was "absolutely invaluable", it "could never have been obtained in the USA because of scruples attached to experiments on humans", and "the information was obtained fairly cheaply".[6] On 6 May 1947, Douglas MacArthur wrote to Washington that "additional data, possibly some statements from Ishii probably can be obtained by informing Japanese involved that information will be retained in intelligence channels and will not be employed as 'War Crimes' evidence."[7] The deal was concluded in 1948.[citation needed] In this way Ishii was never prosecuted for any war crimes.

      Richard Drayton, a Cambridge University history lecturer, claimed that Ishii later went to Maryland to advise on bioweapons.[8] If Ishii did travel to Maryland, it was most likely to advise at Fort Detrick, a well known major biomedical experimentation facility in Frederick, Maryland. Another source says he stayed in Japan,[9] where he opened a clinic where he did examinations and treatments for free. He was especially concerned with the health of children. In his final years he converted to Christianity.[10] He kept a diary but it did not reference any of his wartime activity.[11] He died of throat cancer at the age of 67.[12]



      Fort Detrick sent several investigators to Japan after the war to interrogate captured Japanese scientists. Leading the team was Dr. Norbert Fell and Lieutenant Colonel Arvo Thompson. Working with General Douglas MacArthur's intelligence team at Supreme Commander Allied Powers (SCAP), Dr. Fell and Thompson learned the full extent of the Japanese program headed by Lieutenant General Shiro Ishii. In the European Theater, Nazi Germany had put its effort into chemical research. It also used thousands of Jewish inmates in the concentration camps for grisly surgical and medical research. Nazi Germany is said to have had a mortal fear of the U.S. BW capability and decided against BW shortly after America entered the war in 1942

    • 家园 【整理】《卫报》被逼毁斯诺登文件 确保不被中国间谍拿到

      录像, 我不知道怎么搬过来外链出处

      英文原文:外链出处U.K. forced Guardian newspaper to wreck computers after Snowden leaks: editor





      19日,英国《卫报》主编阿兰·罗斯布里奇(Alan Rusbridger)发表了一篇评论文章,抨击英国政府以《恐怖主义法》附件7为依据拘捕“棱镜门”揭秘记者格林沃尔德的同伴大卫·米兰达的行为,称之为“所有记者面临的共同威胁”。

















    • 家园 【历史】1885年华人在美国写的一封信







      事情发生在1885年,法国把自由女神塑像捐赠给纽约,有好事者号召美国公民捐款修建自由女神塑像下的园林。美籍华人Saum Song Bo为此写了一封信,这封信首先刊登在【纽约太阳报】,后来转载在【美国牧师】月刊上。信中说:












      A Protest Against the Statue of Liberty

      Author: Saum Song Bo


      Annotation: In the pages of a missionary magazine, Saum Song Bo describes the irony of erecting a Statue of Liberty just after the United States had enacted a law excluding Chinese from the United States.

      Document: SIR: A paper was presented to me yesterday for inspection, and I found it to be specially drawn up for subscription among my countrymen toward the Pedestal Fund of the Bartholdi Statue of Liberty. Seeing that the heading is an appeal to American citizens, to their love of country and liberty, I feel that my countrymen and myself are honored in being thus appealed to as citizens in the cause of liberty. But the word liberty makes me think of the fact that this country is the land of liberty for men of all nations except the Chinese. I consider it as an insult to us Chinese to call on us to contribute toward building in this land a pedestal for a statue of Liberty. That statue represents Liberty holding a torch which lights the passage of those of all nations who come Into this country. But are the Chinese allowed to come? As for the Chinese who are here, are they allowed to enjoy liberty as men of all other nationalities enjoy it? Are they allowed to go about everywhere free from the insults, abuse, assaults, wrongs and injuries from which men of other nationalities are free?

      If there be a Chinaman who came to this country when a lad, who has passed through an American institution of learning of the highest grade, who has so fallen in love with American manners and ideas that he desires to make his home in this land, and who, seeing that his countrymen demand one of their own number to be their legal adviser, representative, advocate and protector, desires to study law, can he be a lawyer? By the law of this nation, he, being a Chinaman, cannot become a citizen, and consequently cannot be a lawyer.

      And this statue of Liberty is a gift to a people from another people who do not love or value liberty for the Chinese. Are not the Annamese and Tonquinese Chinese, to whom liberty is as dear as to the French? What right have the French to deprive them of their liberty?

      Whether this statute against the Chinese or the statue to Liberty will be the more lasting monument to tell future ages of the liberty and greatness of this country, will be known only to future generations.

      Liberty, we Chinese do love and adore thee; but let not those who deny thee to us, make of thee a graven image and invite us to bow down to it.

    • 家园 【整理】克鲁格曼:美国的饥饿游戏








      几十年来,有关农场的法案一直由两大部分组成。一项向农场主提供补贴;另一项则给有困难的美国民众提供营养补助,其主要形式是食品券(它如今的正式名称是“营养补充援助计划”[Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program],简称为SNAP)。





      现如今,一些痛恨食品券的人不再援引自由意志主义哲学了,而是转而引用《圣经》。比方说,田纳西州众议员史蒂芬芬彻(Stephen Fincher)引用了《新约全书》:“不劳作,不得食。”当然了,事实表明,芬彻本人拿到了数百万美元的农业补贴。



      事实上,SNAP使用量基本与衡量失业率的广泛标准走势一致,比如U6失业率,这其中包括未充分就业者以及暂时放弃积极寻找工作的人。经济危机期间,U6增长至原来的两倍多,从本轮大衰退(Great Recession)前的约8%升至2010年初的17%。确实,广泛的失业率自那以来有所下降,而食品券数量却在继续上升——但通常情况下两者的相关性有着一定的滞后,而且很可能也有一些家庭因失业补助大幅下降而被迫领取食品券。

      那么那个右翼普遍接受的理论呢?根据该理论,事实正好是相反的——正是由于那些实际上给人钱让人不去工作的政府项目太多,我们才有这么高的失业率。(救济厨房导致了大萧条[Great Depression]!)简单的答案是,你肯定是在开玩笑。你真的相信美国人靠着SNAP的平均福利水平,也就是每月134美元(约合877元人民币)过着舒适的生活吗?


      那么,到底是怎么回事?只是种族主义吗?毫无疑问,旧时的种族主义谣言——比如说,罗纳德里根(Ronald Reagan)所描述的“魁梧的年轻黑人”使用食品券买丁骨牛排的画面——仍有些影响。但现在,几乎半数的食品券领取者是非西语裔白人;在田纳西州,也就是那个引用圣经的芬彻的老家,这一比例达到63%。所以不全是关乎种族。

      那是关于什么呢?不知怎么的,我们国家两个伟大的政党之一感染上了一种几近病态的小气心理,一种对于“失败者”的鄙夷(CNBC的里克圣泰利[Rick Santelli]在推动茶党建立的著名痛骂中言及了这个字眼)。如果你是美国人,而正好你不走运,这些人不想帮忙;他们想再给你一脚。我不是完全理解这一点,这也不是我愿看到的糟糕场景。


      原标题:美国的饥饿游戏 本文仅代表作者个人观点。

      来源:纽约时报中文网 | 责任编辑:梁哲浩


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