
主题:【原创】量子生物学 I 摘要和前言 -- witten1

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                    • 没有所谓的完成的理论

                      so far, the only "complete" theorectical science we have is sr,can we say that?

                      我不相信当前有任何理论是"complete"的,我也不相信人类真能最终理解“真理”。当前的所有“正确”理论都只是在其适用范围内能非常好work的理论。就我个人的看法是量子力学能work的范围肯定比狭义相对论大,相对论怎么看都像是某种东西的coarse graining。相对论迟早有一天会被某更深层次的理解超越而只能做为某种有效近似,不然如此浩瀚宇宙,人类只能被困在一隅(即便以接近光速飞行),那这岂不是会非常无趣。而量子力学应当会在某个更深层的理论中直接留下影子而不只是做为某种有效近似。

                      • I mean qft

                        1.I was thinging about "quantum effect", "quantum communciation" as "non sr qm":

                        where there is "energy(or information) gap in terms of scales, "orders" ) between"local quantum system" and its environment, in a "low speed" micro qm model, such gap can hang on for quite a while as we know;

                        2. In a qft modeled world, a "gap" as such if any, in terms of spacetime seperation (space time separation four-vector), would exits like "casimir effect", but it is 6次方反比? you wrote about "casimir effect"once and very well.

                        3. "qft"as such a perfect information world, a realistic world or "high speed micro" sr qm model, there would be no life or bio stuff, then we have "big bang", higgs,对称稀缺, dark matter/energy/accouting error, etc?

                        4. I guess "higgs field" or adam/apple story is what 人择原理 about, we came from a information perfect world to the present information imperfect world, so we can progress or regress?

                        5. now, tg as a huge 薛定谔猫, what would be "penrose objective reduction"費曼路徑積分 model? mind boggling?

                        • QFT有一堆问题


                          quantum field的局域性和量子理论的非定域性在本质上是互相矛盾且无法调和的。我在前面介绍Buchanan的一篇科学时评里谈到了这个----无论荷载纠缠态的两粒子距离多远,纠缠态总是关联collapse。Gisin刚刚完成的实验表明如果两粒子之间真有我们时空之中的某种隐藏的相互作用(隐参数)联系,那么这隐藏的相互作用的传播的速度必需是无穷大。这是QFT无法回答的一个问题。



                          • 纠缠态近年有了一些新的研究结果


              • 一些回答


                因为室温300K所对应的能标大约是25-26meV(It's very easy to get it, you just simply times 300K by Boltzmann constant then you get the energy scale, then simply convert it into eV = 1.6*10^(-19)J)。那么你应当知道这25-26meV对于大分子蛋白质意味着啥吧?在没有适当的保暖或抗热措施下,人类应当只能大概(裸)生活在300K plus/minus 40-50K的环境下,这对应的的能量的变化范围大概是21-30meV。我们也清楚,在超越这样的温度范围后,蛋白质会变性(不能正常工作了),而当你把它转到21-30meV,其实就是对应于蛋白质或者体内的别的大分子的在维持自身特性所必需存在的能级范围。所以说量子力学第一次真正解释了为什么我们只能生活在这样的温度范围。



                • indeterminacy plays no role

                  I believe this is still the foundation of mordern western medicine.

                  traditional chinese medicine would not agree with that?

                  and it seem that Schrdinger does not care much about "soul" etc, not as much as penrose does?

                  I hope you can translate this article into chinese, thx in advance

                  "Schrdinger wrote that, contrary to the opinion held by some physicists, quantum indeterminacy plays no biologically relevant role in the space-time events in the body of a living being, except perhaps by enhancing the purely accidental nature in mutation, meiosis, and so on. The two major premises considered by Schrdinger are (a) the body functions as a pure mechanism according to the laws of nature; and (b) we also know that we are directing its motions, knowing fully the consequences of our actions and taking responsibility for them. From these premises, Schrdinger concluded that I (in the widest sense) am the person, if any, who controls the “motion of the atoms” according to the laws of nature. "

                • incomplete without qft?


                  but mentally, our brain model would be "incomplete" in pure bio sense, since our body is not aware of the full picture of universe, or interacting with it, due to said energy related reason, we're 温室动物 ;

                  mentally though, we have had a, ll the great interactions with universe already, up to standard model, lab and evidence based..

                  I try to say that since "begining" , human mind is somehow aware of the fact that his operating model is "math incomplete" in relation to the universe or his "macro system", therefore fear and greed, religion, family, group power come in to "compensate" the incompletemness of his mind model..

                  science and technology progress can help, but the "gap" is never going to be narrower?

                  never ending pursuit of "negative entropy" for individual or human race? born to work and work to die?

          • 生命, as "non sr qm"


            I mean:"I remember you wrote some where that 量子场论 would have NO impact on the life on the earth as we know"

            also, I have to say I am a "民科" here, just asking some general questions.

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        • how about penrose reduction?

          always enjoyed reading your writings, thx;

          I have read a few on "qm and brain" subject, not sure if u are interested, copied in the following:

          Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain


          by S Hameroff - Cited by 411 - Related articles

          We take the view (Penrose, 1994) that, to address this issue, a new physical ingredient (objective reduction: OR) is needed in which coherent quantum systems ...

          quantum physics in neuroscience and psychology - Physics Division ...


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          by JM Schwartz - Cited by 148 - Related articles


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        • 是啊,如果能在生命体中发现宏观量子效应,一定会很有趣

          我之所以分出两种量子生物学(后面狂想的量子场生物学不算),就是因为我脑中有两个非相对论量子多体问题研究的范式:化学 和 凝聚态物理(特别是那些展现宏观量子效应的东西)。 我感觉 现有生物学基本使用的是化学,所以如果有能超越化学的(比方说)宏观量子效应的东西出现 是很好的事。


          另外 关于从量子力学基本原理薛定谔方程出发直接导出流体力学方程 现在已经可以做到了。比如Harvard的姚鸿泽教授在十来年前从薛定谔方程直接导出流体力学的Euler方程。最惊人的是, 他既不需要以分子运动论Boltzmann方程作跳板,也不需要先取半经典近似过渡到牛顿力学。 他因为这工作(和其他一些工作)获得了Poincare奖。很多物理学家可能都不知道 姚鸿泽这类数学物理学家近年来在这些方面取得的重要进展,因为这些人基本都在数学系任职 而且工作都是艰深的分析类纯数学。其实这些工作对一线物理学家可能也没有直接用处, 但对于证明现有体系的内部和谐性还是很重要的。

          • 几乎肯定,在生物脑活动中可以观察得到宏观量子效应






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            • yes, I'm 4 脑活动中宏观量子效应,but


              Quantum computer

              basically=費曼路径积分 on a Bloch球面, with "qubit" all over 整个Bloch球面..etc

              Quantum computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


              The Bloch sphere is a representation of a qubit, the fundamental building block of ... A quantum computer is a computation device that makes direct use of ... spins as quantum bits was also formulated for use as a quantum space-time in 1969.


              The weakness of Quantum computer' SE model: non sr, non qft, non gauge theory(規範場), particularly in the case of human brain as a Quantum computer

              Galilean invariance and the Schrdinger equation


              by M Hamermesh - 1960 - Cited by 34 - Related articles

              The Schrdinger equation is derived from the assumptions of Galilean invariance and the existence of a momentum operator acting within an irreducible ...


              The weakness of human brain (assuming its 宏观量子效应), in particular:

              Our human sense, logic, brain vision and computing is Galilean invariance-based, in general, and therefore we are trapped and boxed up

              @local gauge/fiber/位形空间 of a 时空流形...etc

              4. Now, "腦控"科幻

              assuming a 腦控 has some kind of 規範場 based model, can it "supervises" and "manages" those 腦

              trapped and boxed up

              @local gauge/fiber/位形空间 of 时空流形?

              kind of like we human being can manage a bird with a "super" quantum vision system, just because only we human being have science?

            • far from "几乎肯定":脑活动宏观量子效应



              "The main objection to the Hameroff side of the theory is that any quantum feature in the environment of the brain would undergo wave function collapse (reduction), as a result of interaction with the environment, far too quickly for it to have any influence on neural processes. The wave or superposition form of the quanta is referred to as being quantum coherent. Interaction with the environment results in decoherence otherwise known as wave function collapse. It has been questioned as to how such quantum coherence could avoid rapid decoherence in the conditions of the brain. "

              "Recently the debate has focused round papers by Reimers et al. [45] and McKemmish et al. [46] and Hameroff's replies to these,[26] which is not regarded as being independently reviewed. The Reimers paper claimed that microtubules could only support 'weak' 8 MHz coherence, but that the Orch-OR proposals required a higher rate of coherence. Hameroff, however, claims that 8 MHz coherence is sufficient to support the Orch-OR proposal. McKemmish et al. makes two claims; firstly that aromatic molecules cannot switch states because they are delocalised. Hameroff, however, claims that he is referring to the behaviour of two or more electron clouds; secondly McKemmish shows that changes in tubulin conformation driven by GTP conversion would result in a prohibitive energy requirement. Against this, Hameroff claims that all that is required is switching in electron cloud dipole states produced by London forces."

              • "小姑娘害羞":时间可达到1/1000纳秒


                from witten1




                有物理学家认为。欧亚鸲(European robins)的眼睛可能能够维持的量子纠缠,时间比先进的实验室设备还要长整整20微秒,这使得鸟们能够利用量子效应来“看清”地球磁场。


                为何在一个生命系统里能够进化出一个人类要在实验室里摆弄各种粒子才能搞出来的量子态?“这简直太令人惊奇了,”牛津大学的量子物理学家Simon Benjamin说道。




                3. aapl

                七彩虹的Colorfly Pocket HIFI C4作为第一款做到24 bit/192KHz的便携式HIFI播放器,同时集成了Jitter kill专利技术,在Jitter Kill的模块中,晶振上采用了昂贵的温补晶振以从源头消除Jitter。同时再配合上C4时钟发生器等,将Jitter降到极限的5皮秒以内。远远低于人类的听觉低限――50皮秒,而当前,主流的播放器(比如苹果)都在纳秒级别。(1皮秒=1/1000纳秒=1/1000,000,000,000秒)

                HIFI就要超越极限 C4抖动突破5皮秒

                作者: icE  来源: 本站原创  发布时间: 2011-4-21 18:16   



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          • 兄弟如果直接知道是哪篇文章的话





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