
主题:国债负利率的日本,越借钱政府赚得越多,当然不怕花钱 -- forger

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      • 家园 【商榷】其实真正的问题不是这个趋势






        • 家园 长远看, CNY more bullish vs JPY

          墨虎's fallacy posts is about a subject of worth of tons of books;

          长远看, CNY is much more bullish than JPY, for the obvious reasons;

          the too obvious things are often likely fallacies;

          "长远看, CNY more bullish vs JPY", can you provide a operational model for chairman X based on that kind of people's daily stuff?

          can you as a trader, investor, a business man make decisions based on that stuff?

          how 长远 is 长远? if we can't define or quantify it, then it is useless, fallacies suspicious, because it does not provide any new information, and therefore valueless;


          as said, TG picked up soviet union version of Marxism as their "logic model" at right time, right place, and it worked out hugely well for TG.

          Marxism, Lennism actually "correctly" exposed the disequilibrium nature of capitalism, so did Keynesian & alike other white economists, human system as an open dissipative system is fundamentally unstable, part of reasons human brain consumes most of human system's energy in a struggle to deal with this inherent volatility, as an individual or as a group;

          still, in retrospect, Marxism, Lennism are more likely a fallacy ideology, because it did really contribute any new information to the humanity, its 砸烂旧世界 solution to fix the problem of capitalism is obviously more harmful than helpful to human system as a whole;

          china in long term will more likely do better than japan, and neither of them will fall apart as "volatility" may have suggested, and china's survival and growth in future will be related less and less to Marxism & Lennism.

          and again, 长远看 is a fallacy, "china will do well" is a fallacy as well, because it does not tell you any information about "china will do well relative to whom"? and how to get there? at all.


          how to get there? it looks like US is trying to make this AI economy fly off

          changshou:几何直观地介绍广义相对论的时空以及大爆炸模型 (0) 2013-07-03 19:23:56

          a very good series

          柯西超曲面,"全局双曲的时空 存在整体的坐标时间" [ 晓兵 ] 于:2013-07-03 19:23:56 复:3674028

          物理"因果结构存在"=柯西超曲面=全局双曲的时空 存在整体的坐标时间"

          "如果有一个 这样的整体的坐标时间 我们就有无穷多的其他的 整体的坐标时间。这是因为我们可以把观察者们的世界线 作连续的形变(只要形变幅度不大 就仍然是类时的)。

          这类时空 有整体的坐标时间和 对应于(该坐标时间的)某一时刻的空间部分(柯西超曲面)。于是 我们可以说 全局双曲的时空是 柯西超曲面随坐标时间演化而成的。"

          that tells us, as an individual or a group, we all get a share of this 柯西超曲面 related volatility, period;

          and how to reduce that volatility consumption of our energy, is often critical, or 出身未捷身先死 长使英雄泪满襟;

          in the past of not too long ago, human beings used to murder each other in tons of blood to figure out whose political ideology religious view are fallacies, not any more, now human social science 证伪 process is much less bloody, more of financial market 证伪, then you have 2008 black hole almost sucked in the whole world of capitalism.

          so, let's try AI 证伪, part of why AI economy now.

          in terms of social physics, 柯西超曲面 may exist, but it currently cost society tons of money in trying figuring this "柯西超曲面度量" thing out;

          and making things worse, even GR model may have underestimated the "volatility cost" in finding 柯西超曲面, in using its Riemann manifold 二次形 vs finsler manifold, 芬斯勒几何是一种没有二次型限制的黎曼几何,与变分学密切相关, Finsler度量是没有二次型限制的riemann度量, etc


          partially, "volatility cost" is associated with 战争是政治的继续 model, since capitalist economics can't handle a dissipative system of today's national and world economy, so Ben/Fed actually played 政治 role as Fed is part of uncle sam's 国家机器 anyway, and with that, Ben/Fed bailed out uncle sam out of its 2008 black hole.

          obviously, chairman X is trying using TGchina's 国家机器 to handle this likely coming bear market for china as well.

        • 家园 战争是政治的继续,

          泥轰, uncle sam vs Tgchina is a complicated game, what I care as an individual is the modeling methodology part of it, and hopefully with a good model, we can guess better about each of three players, their strategies, and the outcome of the game;


          比特币 "case study"


          回复@athosliu:well said, 战争是政治的继续, including 货币的战争, 比特币 is a great try as 基础货币和信用货币的分离, & that is its fundamental weakness as well, because 基础货币和信用货币的分离 is a fantancy only, without 政府

          回复@athosliu:政治 is greatly overlooked by capital market, what is Ben FED QE? it started as 政治 game, it is still a 政治 game, & awkwardly played out by finaniciers made politicians, those Fed guys; VS. china: TG=politicians made financiers playing a finance game, same trick

          回复@athosliu:政治家 is always the last resort to bail a society out of its crisis mode, US conventional 政治家 were fxxked up by its 公知 system, then you have FED to take over & play 政治家 without constraint of 公知 system, 政治家 as 战争家 of a nation, 本质上不受约束, 最终力


          I will come back with more comments, but for now, TG seems to have over played and over leveraged on its 政治 card, vs uncle sam, more of a more well rounded player, playing a portfolio of cards, and yes, there are tons of other factors, other than playing model/strategy part;

          TG, and Chinese as a nation, needs to learn how to play a portfolio of cards, and yes, you have to have a bounce of cards in your hand first, other than 政治 card.

      • 家园 "为啥要你死我活呢?“五十步笑百步?

        日本 picked "100% white" US/west as 日本's 领导, 200 years (?) ago,

        china picked "70% white" soviet union/Marxism as china's 领导, 100 years ago;


        • 家园 white 一旦得手, 往死里打TG, 给全世界当典型


          O "得道多助 失道寡助":1949, TG 得罪了老美 花1 晓兵 字10558 2013-09-08 07:11:01

          ......O 再谈TPP 花17 本嘉明 字1425 2013-09-08 07:44:41

          .......O a TG made 单色谱世界 花2 晓兵 字3189 2013-09-08 22:01:27

          .......O TPP所代表的“新美国主义”=新进化论, kind of 花1 晓兵 字422 2013-09-08 08:25:05

          ........O 有效配置是否只是老美的借口 花1 yaojiajun 字16 2013-09-08 08:33:17

          .........O 一旦得手, 往死里打, 给全世界当典型 花1 晓兵 字352 2013-09-08 08:48:17

          .........O 经济战也是心理战 yaojiajun 字36 2013-09-08 09:04:48

          .........O 四平八稳一点 花4 本嘉明 字336 2013-09-08 09:31:42

          .........O 磨洋工=最好,最不可行 花1 晓兵 字673 2013-09-08 12:14:59


          as I posted zillions times, the biggest risk of TGchina's authoritarian system is

          1) information incomplete

          to be brief, market's algo is almost like that brain neuron network algo, it is almost like a general relativity theory model

          it is non linear, therefore every 与环境因素有关的开关 has to be traded as one of "神经网络中高达10的15次方个突触的所有具体连接" by market as a collective information processing system, to figure out 测地线最小作用路径 for the system to survive and grow;

          obviously, this means any local 伟光正=BS, and there is no an universal global 伟光正, period, or there is one, but we have not figured out yet, like GOD, it is somewhere, ever changing, "phantom of opera".

          in physics, similar ising model of 3 dimensions is still challenging humanity's science, we can't figure out an analytical solution for that, we have to go market's way, or statistics physics

          2) a decision making model with potentially a lot of fallacies


          those are present operational risks to TG, as to the long term risk of brain development BS stuff, nobody cares for now;

          but operational risk could hurt you, baby


          white 一旦得手, 往死里打TG, 给全世界当典型

          this is real, not a fallacy;

          what to do?

          my guess:

          1) X knows all the above 1& 2, in the sense, that he knows china needs a fundamental market reform, and a political system reform as well, and you have to do both in a comprehensive way;

          2) if he does that, he may better do it all together with a grand deal of getting united with 李光耀 连斩 as a 中国邦联

          3) X discussed that with his red gen II club memembers

          and they all said, fxxk 李光耀 连斩

          4) X gambles that he can model after M's model with modern revisions of whatever, and survive the risk of "white 一旦得手, 往死里打TG", then he will be ok


          again, guess:

          1) jpy to uncle sam/white: let all jump in shorting TGchina, yesterday;

          2) uncle same to jpy: take it slow, no hurry, my fed QEed economy still sucks, your ABE QEed economy is even worse, let play this political ideological fuss with uncle X, with some military smokes, that way, we keep cooking this low but persistent volatility to stress out uncle X and those yellow Asian nearby, that way, they will do more business with USD & JPY, less with CNY;

          3) uncle sam to jpy: besides, TG is still largely supported by PLA, CAS, and almost "all" of Chinese people, a very few 公知 folks still left, but barely breathing, so if you attack TG, you are attacking Chinese people, Chinese nation, you should never do that, and you can't do it anyway


          jpy to uncle sam: ok, got you, let's play money game, sucking it out of TGchina


          meantime, the world is still "life goes on"


          obviously, in the emerging AI economy powered by uncle sam's goog, fb, msft, orcl, etc, every 连接 is a trade, a business, in a AI filtered & much more effective & efficient new way of economic transactions;

          with that human labor productivity could have a quantum jump, 生产可能性边界 to be expanded both internally and externatlly, human capitalism to grow out of deflation trap, into a complete new phase;


          where would USD & JPY be in that new world? that is likely what uncle sam cares most, most likely, and JPY is figuring that out too;

          as to X & his red gen II club buddies, there is not much you can do with them anyway, as long as Chinese people like them, and as long as we can buy low from & sell high to china, long live chairman X, his "事业正在上升阶段", uncle sam told jpy before going to Beijing?

          this old white guy speaks very condescendingly in talking to one yellow guy about the other yellow guy, it is almost insulting to all Asian yellow folks, period.

          but again, once you yellows are divided, and even more divided in subgroup of Chinese yellows, what do you get from white wolf/gang of united ones?

          they dump their BS into your mouth, ass, period, filling you up, sucking money out of you, period, and there is nothing else, kind of;

          and it looks like white's self confidence, esteem, ego are coming back, quite bit.



          Neural networks in neuroscience - Universidad de Granada


          by S Johnson - Related articles

          Long axons, ending in terminals which form synapses to the dendrites which ... considered was basically an Ising model in which the spins were substituted for “ ...

          Principles of Neural Coding - Page 545 - Google Books Result


          Rodrigo Quian Quiroga, Stefano Panzeri - 2013 - Medical

          ... all the above, we restricted the treatment to the simplest kind of kinetic Ising model, for pedagogical ... It describes synaptic and membrane potential dynamics.

          Learning algorithm for a neural network with binary synapses ...


          by H Khler - 1990 - Cited by 32 - Related articles

          A learning mechanism for neural networks with binary synapses is defined and

        • 家园 " white" as 日本的"领导"

          again, I have posted zillions times on this subject. I think this is an important issue for the future development of Chinese society, worth tons of discussion & books, although it seems fewer and fewer people even care anymore, those who can afford, they send their children abroad, those who cannot afford, well, help your children out in whatever ways.


          " white" as 日本的"领导" was a result of a 心甘情愿 brainwashing of jpy by whites, started 200 years ago;

          why 心甘情愿? because it is logical, and there is no logic other than that of white, I have posted zillion times here in this forum;

          some mainland academic guys compared brainwashing of uncle sam vs that of TG

          uncle sam "teaches" you "logic", then with that logic, you "naturally" come to the conclusions or points uncle sam wants you remember, and you do remember it most likely, because now you have studied very hard and well, and understood the "logic" well, really "got it", and you may be even able to teach it to others.

          and we all know how uncle TG does his "brutal" brainwashing.


          影响中国人创新的重要文化障碍-----尊重的稀缺 花30 罗化生 字4046 2012-09-03 20:41:42

          Personal attacks 花4 墨虎 字164 2013-09-30 22:15:34

          ..O 同意。现代中国人普遍性的缺乏基本逻辑思维能力。 花1 Galleon 字0 2013-11-03 22:14:13

          ...O 什么是基本逻辑思维能力 草春200 字0 2013-11-03 23:13:23

          ....O 能够识别语言中的各种fallacy 花3 墨虎 字335 2013-11-04 11:03:31

          .....O 非常同意。逻辑和哲学,是现代科学的基石, 花2 Galleon 字388 2013-11-05 14:16:24

          ......O 哲学的培养是个艰辛的过程,无异于对一个大脑进行格式化 花1 捣江湖 字290 2013-11-06 03:57:48

          .......O 逻辑也不一定需要开课 Fuhrer 字315 2013-11-06 04:43:57

          ........O 还是需要的,真研究起来还很复杂。中国人好像是做事说话好像 捣江湖 字208 2013-11-07 00:42:17

          ..O 逻辑的稀缺其实是想象力的稀缺 花2 Fuhrer 字213 2013-10-14 10:23:40

          ...O 这个我觉得你总结反了,是逻辑的缺失,导致了想象力缺失。 花1 Galleon 字323 2013-11-05 14:03:38

          ....O 说的对 Fuhrer 字173 2013-11-05 20:00:02

          ...O 信口开河,不知所谓 花1 草春200 字56 2013-11-03 23:16:47


          obviously, china as a nation is still "mentally or logically" confused, with all kinds of fallacies flying all over the places, such as "宪政" "军队党领导", 辩证法, etc

          can any one write a solid AI based software with potential multiple commercial utilization values other than as a political "joke", based on those 辩证法? how do you teach young Chinese students of those 辩证法?

          if you can't brainwash your own people well with your 辩证法, how do you export your "value system" to other Asian counties with your CNY to be their reserve currency on the way, and then QE them?


          before TG/china figures out a new set and "non-斜路" logic to replace those of white, here (from wiki) is the

          List of fallacies

          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          Jump to: navigation, search

          For specific popular misconceptions, see List of common misconceptions.

          A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness. Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies.


          basically, white "logic" has to be a "linear" one, even modern physics/math's all the "non-linear" models still carry a linear core;

          if it is linear, then we are not too far away from meeting logic's requirement such as quantification.

          an example, 宇宙真理, 伟光正,代表人民根本利益长远利益最大利益, 华夏正能量, etc, may be good propaganda stuff at people's daily level, they should not be part of X modelling for serious decision making at national level, they are essentially non-linear, hard to quantify among their other "logic" issues.

          even as propaganda stuff, they are loosing its effectiveness apparently, & TG needs to figure out how to compete with uncle sam's logic based brainwashing.


          so, an international QE is not just a navy aircraft carrier powered unloading of whatever made in china into ashore of nearby Asian countries, such as those 高铁换大米 alike.

          To QE other nations is not easy at all, that is one of reasons why it is so profitable.

          Does X model have a long term & well integrated plan/strategy for china to grow and be eventually capable of colonizing other nations by tons of CNY flood?

          if not, then you have to colonize your own people.

          • 家园 "日本侵略伤害,只要不涉及到与美国相关, 日本人不反思"







            I was reading 夕曦's post about brain/gene stuff, then coming across the following one


            讨论下那篇文章的摄魂术 花326 diamond 字5219 2012-12-19 00:43:28

            是人人上的翟老师,强烈推荐去看看他的文章 [ diamond ]


            regardless of the political positions involved, it is a good discussion about brain washing.


            a tough battle for TG/china vs jpy/usa etc in coming years?

            for whatever reasons, TG has made TG=china, in mainland, that is almost a "fact", vs. an "overseas" china of hk, tw, 新加坡, etc of about 100 million Chinese overseas


            what is the point?

            the point is all about modern modeling methodology, about potentially a nation's strategy formation, etc;

            as posted, "没有了祖国你将什么都不是" (《没有了祖国你将什么都不是》贴文引网友热传

            新华网 2013-12-03 09:00:03)

            this kind of stuff is potentially a fallacy thing which can harm your model, potentially your gaming strategy as well;

            so far, X model plays that card very subtly & carefully, still, what is the remaining value of that card? even domestically;

            what & where is the "total package" for china to move forward as a society? other than No 斜路stuff?

            and of course, there is really no value for that 没有了祖国你将什么都不是 card internationally, & likely knowing that, china did not really make a lot of fuss on 《开罗宣言》 things.


            money talks


            和讯 2013-12-04 01:23:00

            where is money? even monetizing 城镇化 is very challenging itself, etc.


            a 单色平面波 mind is harmful, to yourself first;

            so regardless of one's political position, here in ccthere.com, any non-单色平面波 point view should be encouraged, it is just good for you, again, regardless of your political position;

            avoiding logical fallacy whenever & wherever possible.


            I do feel as a humble individual that china as a nation is facing tough issues economically first, & other issues as well, both domestically & internationally;

            and most importantly, what is modeling methodology & strategy formation at national level?

            can anybody articulate that other than those useless political slogans?

            yes, china will be ok, regardless, but again, does china care about "cost", "risk", "return", future competitiveness at all?

            so far, I still see a largely 单色平面波 mindset/thinking model all over the places in chine, heavily weighted on 正义感情天下为公 etc,

            obviously much more domestically oriented, still quite bit internationally as well;

            but, outside of china=a "not china at all" world, 正义感情=a "fallacy" almost, no monetary value, no money, no honey, period;

            then outside of 正义感情 etc,where is the brain power of Chinese nation? how Chinese as a nation brew & develop its brain power from yesterday?

            as said, I have posted on this issue since almost day 1 here in this forum, I hope eventually china will realize that in front of a rapidly "progressing" global world, a group of people or a nation's 正义感情=大刀, it surely looks nice, it jacks up your emotion, but 大刀 is still a 大刀, it is not a match in front of AI powered 坦克;

            yes, china is 追赶西方"坦克" with a lot of progresses, after that, china willthen 追赶西方 "AI powered 坦克", etc, a 追赶西方 game forever for china?

    • 家园 难说





      • 难说
        家园 fallacies: we all love it


        墨虎's post on fallacies & the related discussions are very interesting;

        fallacies could be fatal, but we all love it, intuitively;



        one possible explanation, human being as a dissipative system is hungry for "short cut" to success, and fallacies are very often seemingly offering "short cut" solutions to the tough problems of human's survival & growth

        夕曦:【原创】教育探索(六)—大脑神经网络是如何形成的 2012-01-31 20:20:16

        DNA里携带的是一种分形的自组织规则。 [ 拿不准 ] 于:2012-01-31 20:20:16 复:3633311




        collectively, human system as a open & dissipative system relies on exchanging information & energy with environment for its survival & growth, therefore, every fallacy as potentially 与环境因素有关的开关 has to be tried by somebody, for good or bad, with the result feeding back to the system, in both theory & practice, likely more of 舍身炸碉堡, in the non-linear human game.

        as to the luck of that particular person, system does not care as much, somebody has to be QEed.

        that 与环境因素有关的开关 is almost the "量子化" concept of human 引力场.


        大投资 (no "personal" attack, which is meaningless anyway), 走向深蓝 universe, led by 大公无私为光正 are basically all kind of fallacies, as some kind "北京共识发展模型" 开关, obviously very appealing to all of us, including those whites, so is the "china century" story.

        well, if after all, "北京共识发展模型" is nothing but full of fallacies even with 事后诸葛亮 discounting, a tons of 生产税 made by TG in 大投资 jump has to be paid back to market;

        so, X model has to figure that part out, likely most of 生产税 are already gone, so X model has to grab money somewhere to pay the bills.

        and the fastest making money trick is still Ponzi game style fallacies, 城镇化?

        again, smart traders in & out of TG systems know how to arbitrage fallacies, which is an another theme of my posts here in this forum since day 1.




        2013-11-14 18:18:19










        • 家园 "jpy"孙正义: 2018年以后电脑会超过人脑

          i will come back with more comments, for now:


          夕曦:【原创】教育探索(六)—大脑神经网络是如何形成的 2012-01-31 20:20:16

          DNA里携带的是一种分形的自组织规则。 [ 拿不准 ] 于:2012-01-31 20:20:16 复:3633311





          2013-12-04 13:12论坛虎嗅网



          关键字:孙正义 云计算






























            所有的一切都会成为生活记录,被保存在云端。 “实时翻译眼镜” 30年前就取得了专利,当然远在谷歌眼镜之前,今后的云技术中,在通信的瞬间完成自动翻译会变成理所当然的事。教育当然也会大大进化,全世界的孩子能与世界各地的孩子说话、语言不通也能自动翻译。医疗也会发展到高水平,无论你是住在孤岛还是住在沙漠,也能瞬间接受世界最尖端的医疗服务。工作方式也会进化,能瞬间连接许多东西,生产效率大大提高……云会成为人类最大的资产。






            软银在工作方式上也配合云技术,率先进行了改变。iPhone推出至今已有4、5年了,我们给全部公司员工都配了一台,iPad出来的时候也给所有人配了,全员可以随身携带、连接云端,利益增长并不是偶然的事,对于未来的云,不活用iPhone是不行的,我们无论在何时何地都能进行各种各样的工作,邮件也通过Gmail Cloud化了,各种各样的报告也Cloud化了。

            不仅仅是我们,和我们合作的企业也在活用这些。JR上配了7000台iPad mini,无论何时何地都能阅读喜爱的内容,医药公司利用视频提供医生的情报、misawa home(房地产公司)利用iPad进行工程管理、三和shutter也在工作中引入了1400台iPad,利用视频等手段,让人们能实际体验闸门开关的速度。

            软银公司内已经实行无纸化,也不用打印机,除了契约性文件和向政府提供的文件,已经全面无纸化了,开会也是用视频介绍,公司内有专门制作视频的团队,presentation的方式也改变了。利用Google Apps在世界各处商谈……





          • 家园 领域



            3.我们身处一个大数据的时代,仅仅能够辨识fallacy都是不够的。很快,各种Statistical paradoxes将会扑面而来。神将披上统计的外衣,以例外为武器,消灭强者和国家。


            whites以逻辑为出发点,开拓领域,并征服了物质位面。在精神位面,他们已经为逻辑找到了起点,那是一系列共识(white only)和统计结果(包括对white有用的Statistical paradoxes)。在此基础上,通过逻辑构建了价值观和法律体系。遇到在精神位面无法征服的,就从物质位面加以消灭。



            • 领域
              家园 中日民族"量子性质严重"


              an example of connected 大脑神经网络" possible 量子效應 "


              I was thinking about your posts about fallacies, then 奥卡姆剃刀...then the whole white's thinking regime or thinking models

              奥卡姆剃刀(Occam's Razor, Ockham's Razor),又称“奥坎的剃刀”,是由14世纪逻辑 ... 嚴格的說,它們應該被稱為吝嗇定律(Law of parsimony),或者稱為朴素原則。

              then the Chinese as an language, then your posts about Chinese language as a 表意语言







              then I was thinking about how not to waste our brains since most of the time, 语言 is some kind of 热响应, in terms of macroscopic thermodynamics, where most of the time individual 分子's 热响应 does not really contribute any new information to the system' "logic processing core algorism", since individual 分子's 热响应 is largely well predicted by system level's equations already, in terms of 配分函数统计物理 models.

              but what if we are also possibly in a 量子/介观物理 environment?

              witten1:【原创】量子生物学 I 摘要和前言 2013-01-01 15:21:49


              a very good series, I hope it can be continued.


              what is the point?

              the point is, if, and very likely, most of the time, we are kind of somehow doing straightforward brain 热响应 "BS" near macroscopic equilibrium state, then we may well be better off relaxing, going out jogging, than scratching our heads arguing with each other, because such a debate most likely are full of fallacies, and can be cut into zeros by 奥卡姆剃刀, then why wasting our lives?

              "没有新的热庫=溫度不變, 能量交換,sys 自我内耗 "

              but, human system does need to do a people's mass brain war in searching potentially 新的热庫, so system will jack up all of us to jump into this people's mass brain war, 生的伟大死的光荣, with most of us 为人做嫁几时休, likely paving the road to success for those lucky & real innovators to come out and smile from ear to ear in Tiananmen Square, Beijing, 1949, a recent china drama/story as a special case of humanity's 达尔文进化论 in general, etc



              obviously, as seen in Chinese language and its culture, 中日民族"量子性质严重"

              as such, more likely Chinese are more crowded living together in some kind of 费米子 quantum system, vs white more of classic macroscopic 自由分子运动, "enjoying" 气体分子平均自由程, vs all of yellows crowded in a wave function of Chinese nation in a 势场 almost exclusively decided and managed by a powerful centralized political elite leadership;

              and living in a quantum system as such, we "热"响应 with each other more actively, often have 团结 problems since day 1, with each other as an individual, as a group, as a nation.

              and obviously, “不确定性” is a 先天性 feature of such a system, as featured in our languages, thinking models, value system, etc;

              and that “不确定性” has to be hedged out at system level by 修身齐家治国平天下 etc as a social value, and at operational level, we have to all subject ourselves to the centralized leadership of social elite who have managed to survive and grow out of the ever-going brutal 修身齐家治国平天下 game of 达尔文进化论, Chinese version.


              possibly out of that "logic", TG fxxks 李光耀连斩中国联邦 every time, and 中日民族"量子性质严重"= a love and hate, more hate than love between 中日, forever


              meanwhile, the world of humanity is still moving forward likely with largely US innovated and powered AI economy to cut the brain waste of humanity with AI 奥卡姆剃刀, locally and globally, for individuals and for society, while jacking up even more violently all of us in searching of 新的热庫 for humanity,

              and regardless of 中日民族"量子性质严重" , and the forever "love and hate" game between the two.

              just manage that game well, you 中日民族"量子" baby(:).


              obviously, "量子性质严重" has its "good" side as well, for now, let's focusing on the "evil" side of it.

              "中文语言的表意特性", as an another "markov chain" in our brain, tends to fool our brain in thinking we have unique and innovative 意 in our thinking, and obviously, most of the time, and eventually, 奥卡姆剃刀 will 正交分解 our self-perceived 创意新意 into a series of 基 already known to the system, all the arguments=0, with very little value added, if any.

              in the likely a quantum system of 中日民族"量子性质严重" filled with 糾纏態疊加態, such a standard 奥卡姆剃刀 "正交分解" process just takes longer time, costing systme much more money, than US/west?

              基(線性代數) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书




              从达尔文主义者眼中看去 [ Fuhrer ]


              as such, some kind of "图形文字+拼音文字" as a some kind of AI 拼"基"文字 may eventually be figured out as a standard international 文字 or thinking and communicating medium.



              【原创】近代自然科学禀性探讨(二,三) 花16 witten1 字1733 2013-08-12 01:22:38

              ..O 呃,见一个问题 月下 字14 2013-09-01 00:11:52

              ...O 伊粟: 数学是自然科学社会科学赌博神学都可以使用的工具 花2 晓兵 字9631 2013-09-01 10:30:33

              ...O 数学不是科学 witten1 字0 2013-09-01 10:29:43

              ..O 逻辑理性的“分析”:“格物”得法,“致知”系统 晓兵 字2223 2013-08-15 17:08:37

              ...O 我猜 witten1 字58 2013-08-15 22:15:43

              ....O 没有新的热庫=溫度不變, 能量交換,sys 自我内耗 花6 晓兵 字2282 2013

              没有新的热庫=溫度不變, 能量交換,sys 自我内耗 [ 晓兵 ]



              从达尔文主义者眼中看去 [ Fuhrer ]







              关于文字信息密集度的问题,如果只统计信息量,而不关注信息精确度,那么就会无的放矢。一般短信中都存在场景因素,前提假设等,但是如果是不熟悉的人和事之间通讯,完整不被误读的表达,才是衡量信息密集度的指标。 由此引申,电脑互联网是01码基础上的编码结构,因此信息度可以简单为不同文字的编码量。但是从语言的目的去看,更重要的是这个信息量传递的思想,所谓人与人之间的默契很大程度上就是这个意思,因此完整表达一个思想从外延上去说是个很大范围的信息量,往往也不是一句话可以简单完成的。因此,真正衡量这个信息密集度应该从语义的角度上去做工作。

              • 家园 汉语的“心想事成”不精确

                不是心想是脑想,那请问My Heart Will Go On咋理解呢

              • 家园 逻辑带来的是坚固




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