
主题:【原创】一些凌乱的想法,想到哪说到哪 -- puma2011

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              • 家园 其中有些地方还是绝对化了一些


            • 家园 真的这么有信心么?







              - 这个我看不懂你在说什么。

              - 就说你的前提,莫非中国的收入分配非常公平?其次,土地国有还能坚持多久难说。


              - 这个大棋我就不下了


              - 这个大棋我也不想下。我把话放到这里,人民币债券市场,司法独立,资本项目开放之前人民币对美元不构成直接冲击。时间会证明我是错是对。btw, 就我个人利益而言,我希望我这个判断是错的。


              - 我对大棋几乎没有兴趣。别说拉拢一个国家,你试试拉拢你的同事看看能不能成功?


              - 前半句不能排除这个可能;整个判断你口气也太大了。

              • 家园 "13亿VS3亿数量级的差距": 数量级差别, 很可能


                US 生产关系 advantage, I have written a few posts on that, TGchina's 生产关系 is increasingly becoming an issue,

                1) "中國5月外商直接投資下降達16月最大"

                2)" 毛林共识下, TG金融逻辑鏈: 无风险利率>10% 新 晓兵"

                无风险利率>10%: actually, one can say that Chinese TG elite capital (domestic and international, all kinds, a lot of US capital included) is actually viewing TGchina's 毛林共识 system/生产关系 as very "risky", therefore asking for a much higher risk premium, etc

                3) the issues of tgchina"生产关系" problems: many more;


                tgchina's 13亿 troops: formidable

                European white except for those in Germany: all becoming white trash, kind of,

                American white: many of them are becoming white trash, except for those working in high tech and other high end sectors

                kind of why US republican and democrat all want immigration law reform, they have to import tons of young smart blood from among those already studying in US colleges, and more from else where;

                otherwise: uncle sam has a issue of running out of troops, and if you have no troops, your beautiful "生产关系" will be a paper tiger;


                because of that, TPP is an important deal for uncle sam as a 战略缓冲/进攻 area vs Tgchina.

                but how TPP is going to come out? hard to say at this point, long way to go?


                companies like goog, employee or software engineers are still white dominated, like in other high end economic sectors, so US white troops are not that bad, not yet, but uncle sam has to work on immigration law fast.


                Tgchina: so far so good with its 13亿 troops, but how much more profit can TG afford the to feed capital/资本 wolfs to stay and work in china? 10% risk free rate for how long?

                high tech such as software industry is an another issue: I just talked to some Chinese software engineers in GOOG, they said that in addition to all the other serious problems, Chinese 文字 is a huge problem by itself, regardless, formidable.

                in addition, uncle sam's troops like TSLA, SCTY are developing robots/AI mega based factories as a new manufacturing model to kick ass of Tgchina's 人海战术;

                and Tgchina's GFW and other 腦殘 policies will only help uncle sam to develop this "brain GFW" between TGchina and Uncle Sam's world;


                种植园土's 亡国之音 about TG top: their brains and their butts, and the splits among themselves, etc: that is actually one of the biggest problems, a kind of reflection of TGchina's rotten 生产关系.

                in this world, information and brain power are not evenly distributed, elite=the smartest, troops=stupid, always and everywhere, and Chinese troops are particularly lacking information and information processing ability, due to Chinese political culture of 5k years.

                and information transmits at light speed: Chinese elite's view of TGchina itself may actually matter the most, among world elite of economic and political capital decision making regarding their investment in Tgchina.


                in that sense, I really don't understand X's 反腐敗 bleeding drama hurting J core, H core and how many more of Chinese elite is going to get hurt bloodily?

                my guess: when X was in California, he was fooled by uncle sam's 腐敗 information provided to him, he got tricked.

                in today's world of capitalism, capital matters much more than "troops", and X as a philosophy PHD fake, now as commander in chief for TGchina?

                X may try to emulate after/模仿 Mao, pretending caring for the troops, but at the cost of TGchina's elite?

                in that sense, X is even 内战不内行.

                so far, not impressed by his leadership at all.


                if possible, comments from "汉密尔顿ABC" and "phobos" would be interesting.

                • 家园 the most "evil" guess: 13亿..

                  13亿 Chinese troops (one of the most hard working troops in the world) to be managed by TG & uncle sam capital together as wife and husband, did TG's 汪洋 publically say that 中美婚姻 thing already in US anyway? he may not be joking.

                  after all said and done, all US capital and TG capital want is money, nothing else, but money, return on their capital, risk free or with manageable risk, then where and how to do that? not by killing each other, not likely: TGchina is just too big, uncle sam is just too smart, so, why not 婚姻, why fighting? why not just fuxxing for fun and money?(:)

                  of course, sometimes, you fight to fuxx and fuxx to fight, just making it spicier, baby(:).

                  therefore, what is more likely eventually: uncle sam & uncle TG work out some deal, together to do a great business in china's huge and still developing 載體 economy, with US sp500 companies participating in all sectors of Chinese economy, making good money on the way, as they are doing now.

                  that seems to be most logical and profitable path, then it will most likely happen.

                  • 家园 中美人员对比: 静质量, 相对论质量

                    I am going to write in my usual way, as explained many times before, food for thoughts, brief, trying to throw "points" out, with some physics analogies.

                    by the way, physics has quietly embedded into all kinds of ALGOs, running many "jobs" in uncle sam's white world.


                    中美人员troops=labor force in general, or in the sense of troops vs elite;

                    there are a few posts here

                    中美人员素质对比 花5 集庆彪 字


                    I have posted extensively about elite part, and recently about 生产关系 in my series of "汉密尔顿ABC"講金融, and 生产关系 is mostly created and managed by elite, as Marx said, marx is a great political economist, but that was then, it is now: humanity has progressed gigantically since then, as it should have.


                    生产力, a big part of 生产力 is your troops, regardless, and how they perform (mainly 勞動生產率) relative to other countries is a big deal: your troops=your market consumption power as well, among other things.

                    you nation can only progress as a whole if your troops moves forward.

                    kind of why as 楼主 said, US elite is now seriously worried about their troops under TGchina's pressure, in terms of jobs, etc.

                    and at humanity level, "peaceful" competition among nations is always encouraged.


                    in general, US troops has a much wider range of productivity, outstanding at higher end, and almost animal like in lower end, and as posted before:

                    "野性的呼唤: 美国力量之一 ", 中华民族的高智商: a complex issue", etc

                    basically, compared to US troops, Tgchina's troops are highly concentrated in the middle part of the "US range", lacking creativity etc at higher end, but extremely well educated, motivated, and hard working.

                    yes, Chinese have farmers, and now many 90 folks are full of 野性的呼唤 etc.


                    I am here comparing US/Chinese troops much more in terms of information processing, in the background of their culture and other systematic variables, and often in an extreme way to get the points out, which may be offensive to many Chinese here in this forum. but, stay cool and keep open minded is more important than feeling humbled or humiliated. by the way, I have no intention to humiliate anybody here. what money do I make out of it(:)?


                    Chinese troops is more of 静质量, with very little ability in information absorbing and processing, although improving;

                    US troops is much more of 相对论质量, a huge margin over Chinese troops, although the US pre college education (12 years before college) is now almost becoming a joke, which has already impacted US troops negatively.



                    basically, Chinese troops lives (or perceives outside world) in a 牛顿力学 world, or 低速 world;

                    in a newton 機械 world, we don't really have to deal with 电磁 or information if you will;

                    then, we don't have to be information sensitive, or we don't need 相对论质量 concept/model, roughly and in an analogy.


                    wiki: 相對論性質量的概念[编辑]


                    约瑟夫·汤姆孙在1881年[1] 承认一个带电的物体比一个没有带电的物体更难加速。因此静电能量表现成某种电磁质量,增加了物体的机械质量。之后威廉·维恩 (1900)[2]和 Max Abraham (1902)[3] 认为一个物体的总共质量与它的电磁质量相同。因为电磁质量取决于电磁能量,维恩所提出的质能关系是m=(4/3)E/c^2。

                    George Frederick Charles Searle 和汤姆孙也指出,电磁质量随着物体的速度而增加

                    without going further into details (SR is not an easy subject, particularly in china, due to language and other barriers, such as “朗道势垒” & GFW,etc)

                    but in general, as we all know, SR comes out of solving some paradoxes (伽利略变换 洛伦兹变换 etc: 光速不變 must 满足相对性原理) in the world of maxwell equation or 电磁 world, or information world fundamentally, as opposed to newton's 機械 world .

                    the world has completely changed since then, as we all know. information, information, information.



                    "\gamma=1/\sqrt{1-v^2/c^2}"是洛伦兹因子,or you could call it 信息因子, and if your kids are further interested, there is an another important 因子 called phase 因子, 相位因子 of quantum physics, and I have posted quite bit about it, another concept challenging possibly to entire Chinese physics world in mainland.


                    in today's global information economy, if your troops have no idea about what is and how to process information, then just forget about innovation, 成建制的 innovation.


                    as posted before, we can't blame all these on TG, and to be "objectively" speaking, TG has modernized Chinese nation quite bit, compared to India if you will.

                    as posted before, more profoundly, the Chinese nation is almost "近亲繁殖" in its reproduction of all aspects of Chinese society.

                    as posted before, that atop many other reasons, us Chinese here in US is significantly outperformed by Indians in the camps of sp500 level executives, CEOS (indian CEOS: MSFT, Pepsi, master card etc), and 30% of sp500 companies were created by "non-us native"immigrants.


                    another example here is this forum: recently there is some kind of post about HongKong ( I guess, I scanned twice, not knowing what the hell it talks about(:), no offense again), and there are 2000 flowers, many of them are from us Chinese here in US, I would think.

                    the Chinese ALGOs running in their blood draw them over to posts like that, arguing, cheering, like they have nothing else to do? OMG(:). again, just as an example, on offense to whomever.

                    in this case, your Chinese blood is kind of 电解质, going into your brain, activating those Chinese ALGOs automatically, OMG(:). Uncle TG smiles, I told you, baby. "没有了祖国你将什么都不是".

                    as posted before, the Chinese culture and pride are just deeply in our blood, period.


                    now, what is the point?

                    the point is: the hard working and very "nice" Chinese troops of 1.3 Billion is a huge advantage of TGchina's 載體 economy, with a tons of profits to be made, even going forward, for many years to come.

                    Chinese troops may be lacking 相对论质量 now, but absent of a third world war, the gaps of all kinds between US and TGchina should be expected to become narrower, not widen, however slow it may be.


                    obviously, US and TGchina elite capital know all these "models" much better than I can articulate: then, how to make money out of these Chinese troops? (:)


                    another point I have posted a couple of times before: 剥削有功 may be extreme, but it is true.

                    economics, 勞動生產率 of capitalism is all about sucking money/capital out of stupid/weak hands, putting money/capital in the hands of smart/strong innovators, so society can progress as whole.

                    yes, there are humanitarian aspects of capitalism and they should be improved as well, etc, but that does not change the nature of the game. not at all. period.

                    nevertheless, those 道德經 tricks have been played by politicians all over the world forever, and particularly by Chinese social elite in managing Chinese troops for 5 k years.

                    one of reasons: in china, social elite has been political elite, 5 k years.

                    politicians=披著道德經羊皮的 smart 狼, for most of politicians.

                    deal with it, baby(:).

                    how to normalize political system is still a challenge to humanity. right now, politicians are wasting tons of system's money.


                    "汉密尔顿ABC"講金融 (2): 温水煮青蛙 晓兵

                    in the "温水煮青蛙" model under "华盛顿共识", anybody of Chinese troops can become a super rich innovator, "fair" and productive?

                    but, "毛林共识下, TG金融逻辑鏈: 无风险利率>10%": ugly or beautiful?

                    kind of why posts such as "puma2011:【原创】一些凌乱的想法,想到哪说到哪" ""汉密尔顿ABC"講金融 are so interesting, now all making sense?

                    本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
              • 家园 国家发展强盛,既是经济,更是政治










              • 家园 13和3没有数量级的差别?



              • 家园 一个趋势一旦形成,在耗尽能量之前,无人可挡





                • 家园 你还真信有神马G2?
                  • 家园 不相信G2,但是相信著名的GE前CEO的数一数二top2



                    • 家园 其实中国想小步蚕食来着









                • 家园 各人选择各人愿意相信的,



                  • 家园 各人选择各人愿意相信的




      • 家园 加拿大水电更便宜


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