
主题:从金正男被暗杀的作案手法,替北朝鲜辩护一下 -- 海峰

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          • 家园 混合后产生剧毒也不是几秒种的事,盐化水里都要搅拌一下。


    • 家园 平壤声明来了

      Pyongyang, February 23 (KCNA) -- A citizen of the DPRK bearing a diplomatic passport suddenly fell into a state of shock before boarding an airliner and died on the way to a hospital in Malaysia on February 13.

      At that time the Foreign Ministry of Malaysia and the hospital side informed the DPRK embassy in Kuala Lumpur exercising the right to consular protection of DPRK citizens that they confirmed he died of heart stroke and decided to transfer his body to the embassy and get it cremated.

      So the DPRK embassy confirmed his identity and asked the Malaysian side to transfer his body.

      However, no sooner had south Korean conservative media published a false report that he was "poisoned to death", citing it as "source from the government" that night, than the Malaysian secret police got involved in the case and recklessly made it an established fact, only to make matters complicated.

      The DPRK embassy made it clear that autopsy is not necessary as his death had already been confirmed as the one due to heart stroke and autopsy should never be done as he enjoyed extraterritorial right according to the Vienna Convention as a carrier of diplomatic passport.

      Nevertheless, the Malaysian side, in disregard of the DPRK's just demand and international law, made an autopsy of the body without any prior agreement with the DPRK side and its presence. Moreover, the Malaysian side clamored for the second autopsy without publishing the results of the first autopsy.

      A spokesman for the Korean Jurists Committee in a statement on Wednesday termed this undisguised encroachment upon the sovereignty of the DPRK, a wanton human rights abuse and an act contrary to human ethics and morality.

      The statement said:

      What merits more serous attention is the fact that the unjust acts of the Malaysian side are timed to coincide with the anti-DPRK conspiratorial racket launched by the south Korean authorities.

      Conservative media of south Korea began spreading wild rumors that the DPRK citizen was "poisoned to death by two women agents of the General Reconnaissance Bureau of north Korea" and it is undoubtedly its "deed" before the results of the autopsy were published.

      On February 14, a day after his death, Chongwadae of south Korea kicked up a fuss over it and the south Korean authorities were busy holding a ministerial meeting on February 16, showing an excessive response. Moreover, they openly discussed the issue of THAAD deployment though it has nothing to do with the death of a DPRK citizen.

      This proves that the south Korean authorities has long expected the case since it worked out a scenario for it.

      It is, indeed, regretful that only Malaysia is denying such fact.

      The biggest responsibility for his death rests with the government of Malaysia as the citizen of the DPRK died in its land.

      The unfriendly attitude of the Malaysian side found a more striking manifestation in the matter of transferring his body to the DPRK side.

      Malaysia is obliged to hand his body to the DPRK side as it made an autopsy and forensic examination of it in an illegal and immoral manner. However, it has not yet handed the body under the absurd pretext that it cannot do so unless the family of the deceased presents a DNA sample in accordance with its law.

      This proves that the Malaysian side is going to politicize the transfer of the body in utter disregard of international law and morality and thus attain a sinister purpose.

      In the early days when the incident happened Malaysia widely publicized that it arrested suspected persons but now keeps mum about it.

      What sounds more alarming is that the suspected persons allegedly stated that the DPRK citizen was poisoned to death when "oil like lotion was put on his head with their hands." That means the woman survived even after having poison on her hand while leaving only the poisoned man dead.

      The DPRK has already proposed a joint investigation for properly probing the incident and clarified that it is ready to dispatch a delegation of its jurists.

      Its aim is to meet the suspected persons and hear their statements, confirm who ordered them and meet the arrested citizen and survey in detail the scene of the incident and its video footage and thus conclude the investigation into the incident in a fair way.

      The DPRK will never allow any attempt to tarnish the image of the dignified power of independence and nuclear weapons state but make a thorough probe into the truth behind the case.

      It will watch the future attitude of the Malaysian side.


      平壤,2月23日(KCNA) - 持朝鲜外交护照的公民在登机前突然陷入昏迷,并在2月13日去马来西亚医院的途中死亡。

























    • 家园 朝鲜大使馆否认金正男案涉及毒物 称“这是一场玩笑”

      朝鲜大使馆否认金正男案涉及毒物 称“这是一场玩笑”








    • 家园 金三胖就是凶手


    • 家园 朝鲜在现今世界非常孤立

      也就是和马来西亚关系好,两国公民免签的。 还有就是和越南、印尼关系也不错,当然也勉强包括中国。

      这个金正男事件把这些和朝鲜友好的国家 一网打尽,呵呵,两个女杀手一个来自越南一个来自印尼,朝鲜傻啊。

    • 家园 俄罗斯外交官死得奇怪-俄联邦常驻联合国代表丘尔金猝然离世


      俄罗斯外交官是冲锋陷阵的战士, 常常倒在暗箭之下。


      中新网2月21日电 据俄罗斯卫星网报道,俄罗斯外交部网站当地时间20日发布消息称,俄罗斯常驻联合国代表维塔利?丘尔金当日在纽约逝世。

    • 家园 中国18日宣布停止进口朝鲜煤炭


      • 家园 中国政府犯不着为金正男被杀的事情惩罚北朝鲜



        马方公布的消息实在有些可笑:4个北朝鲜的特工都只持有朝鲜护照,太业余了;还有 居然说4名特工从”迪拜“直飞“海参崴”,反正我没有查出有这个直飞的航班。

        唉!如果一个普通人能做到 能想到的事情,还要特工干什么?

        • 家园 朝鲜要向摩萨德学习




          讽刺的是,老米指控朝鲜印假美钞,这假钞精美的真假难分,其实大家心知肚明, 世上只有一种美钞是真假难分的 ~ 老米自己印的美就。如果朝鲜能印出老米也难分辨的假钞,那么搞几本假护照就易如反掌了吧。

        • 家园 必需要实质性惩罚一下


        • 家园 朝鲜正在考虑在未来数周内派遣政府官员访问美国,寻求与特朗



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