
主题投票【注意】视野里政治、时事、社会问题等相关话题的去向征求看法 -- 铁手

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      • 家园 酒兄果然深思熟虑


      • 家园 还有这句话......偶看得目瞪口呆。。。。。。


        咱们就是看文章,关键问题当然是话题, 文章啊,干嘛费劲猜人家的心态和基本素质?得罪得罪。。。。。偶也猜测一把行吗,您在大学肯定是重点培养对象, 混得很好的, 还可能学生会的。

        • 家园 Believe it or not

          I was just the opposite. I was a laggard when at university. Lazy and laid back, but happily

          • 家园 Haha, finally we have a common place to move on
          • 家园 del
            • del
              家园 Nope, profiling is not that bad a word to use

              We’re doing profiling and segmenting every day at work, and talking about it everyday. It’s 'bad’ under certain circumstances, but it’s just a normal word in the study of people’s behavior. No big deal, really.

              • 家园 haha, segmenting

                or segregating?

                Profiling is not a bad for profiling you work.

                But it is a very bad word for profiling people in a working enviroment or even a recreational area like CC.

                • 家园 Really??? I doubt it.

                  If you really think it’s bad, then how would you comment on the purpose and function of 新兵营? Isn’t that a sort of screening or profiling on people?

                  • 家园 Come on, brother! Have you even being trained

                    right after you got a new job?

                    Isn't that the function of 新兵营? You think that is profiling? I don't think people will agree!

                    老票 ( 中文论坛西西河 cchere.com



                    If you really think it’s bad, then how would you comment on the purpose and function of 新兵营? Isn’t that a sort of screening or profiling on people?

                    • 家园 Hehe, I think you need to know the difference between

                      what’s explicitly communicated and what’s behind. I’m not saying they’re completely different, but usually the latter one has more meanings/considerations than the former.

                      Well if you really take New Soldier Battalion as a training session, I can also say talkcc.org is a training classroom for the people who want to participate in the political discussions in cc. Fair enough?

                      • 家园 哦!俺明白了!

                        敢情有个“difference between what’s explicitly communicated and what’s behind”

                      • 家园 Well,brother,of course I ONLY believe what Tieshou

                        said to us on board about the function of 新兵营!

                        Well, I would rather not know the difference between what’s explicitly communicated ( the rules) and what is behind. We would rather believe nothing is behind the rules.Is that also fair?

                        Hehe, I think you need to know the difference between

                        what’s explicitly communicated and what’s behind. I’m not saying they’re completely different, but usually the latter one has more meanings/considerations than the former.

                        Well if you really take New Soldier Battalion as a training session, I can also say talkcc.org is a training classroom for the people who want to participate in the political discussions in cc. Fair enough?

      • 家园 您。。。。的想法太吓人了.....


        这么一来,就是将西西河ID分类,说白了, 好人和坏人。 行使这个审批权利,成立个西西河行为评定委员会?专门来考察“ID在淘客的表现”?评定人的资格,偶冒昧问一句, 您觉得您自己可以当评定人吗?这种做法偶强烈反对, 这种分类的手法太可怕。。。。。

        比如。。。森林妹妹偶也和她斗过嘴。。。偶觉得无伤大雅。。。那偶就是上了黑名单了?偶可是佩服她如滔滔江水, 可她走了...

        • 家园 Well, the thing is…

          People have the option whether they would want to subject themselves to the profiling or not. If you don’t have an appetite for political discussion, or if you’re satisfied with discussing it in talkcc.org, then you simply don’t have to apply (here apply = register).

          The profiling (screening or filtering or whatever you call it) would apply only to those who want to join the political discussions in the board within cchere. It does NOT apply to everyone. It’s actually YOU who choose by your very own will to be judged and profiled. In this sense it’s very similar to taking a flight. You can choose not to take the flight, but if you do then you’ll have to go through the security check.

          As for who is eligible for doing the profiling, well, obviously that’s the member of Lao Tie’s crew. I am not, as I am no longer on the crew.

          • 家园 Oh, boy…..now it is really a shock to me....

            People have the option (of) whether they would want to subject themselves to profiling or not ??????

            If you don’t have an appetite for political discussion, or if you’re satisfied with discussing it in talkcc.org, then you simply don’t have to apply (here apply = register).

            How dare you use the word “profiling” with such a light tone? It is a word most people would rather stay far away from, but you are using it as if it were a right or privilege. Well, it is a right, a fascist right, though!

            Profiling is not management tool, brother! It is a political tool, just like the racial profiling, it is a very very wrong political tool.

            Your scary point is that our behaviors or our decisions are to be profiled, and it is us who choose to be profiled. From this argument, one can even say racial discrimination could be legal.

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