
主题:【建议】找个时间咱们西西河来个帝国大战如何? -- 巴山夜雨

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家园 【建议】找个时间咱们西西河来个帝国大战如何?


家园 支持



家园 应该可以上Zone打吧,我也没试过,谁知道怎么玩?
家园 如果是这样


家园 go to the zone!!!!!!!!

Just go to the zone and download the required software, 50.6k modem is enough. But u have to make sure u have the authorized CD, not the cracked one. Some people told me u can also play with cracked, but I'm not so sure.

The real problem is not modem, is time zone difference.

家园 how to play in zone

First, make sure u have the cd, not cracked one. Then go to www.zone.com . if it's the first time, it will ask u to download the netpass, then install it, it will download some softwares, they are not very big.

After that, u can login in and choose CD-room on your right top tag, then go to AoK. u can then choose a room and join for the game.

家园 我手上只有盗版的aoc, 怎么办?

其实买个正版不是不可以, 只是我不想把花了那么多钱买的正版CD放在破光驱里磨, 然而微软的防拷贝技术又做得如此之好, 以至于我的一个同事买的正版的AOK,AOC做的ISO镜象MOUNT到虚拟光驱上后玩还是不能用.


家园 some solution

I'm pretty some cracked cd still can be used, but u have to try first. Another way I found is that u can put the authorized CD in first, once the game 1 is done, u can take it out. As long as u keep on the line, it won't ask your cd anymore.

家园 要不要裁判?


家园 现在AOK应该不贵了,10刀左右吧,我这里见过10欧元处理的
家园 我以前上zone打过几次, 非常之慢

操作好, 快捷键熟的优势一点都体现不出来亚。

家园 电脑游戏兄弟是外行


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