
主题:买了一辆Toyota Prius -- 北纬42度

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家园 现在美国至少有2000多家小公司作燃料电池车。



家园 Prius车高还是有点感觉的


家园 仅供参考,Prius在欧洲的说法是Hatchback


家园 小一点叫Hatchback,大一点就叫Wagon了。
家园 I got 54.4 MPG today :)
家园 So you are morally superior...
家园 :)
家园 Fuel economically superior too..
家园 厉害呀。

Local + Highway?

家园 pfpf,传授一下经验?
家园 Use your toe on gas padel

It is on highway, but on Chicago's highway. So speed is about 0MPH to 60 MPH. Here are some tips:

1. It is OK to use A/C, but don't set it too low. It is interesting that when I use heating the mileage dropped a lot.

2. Like any other drive tips, don't accelerate or brake hard.

3. Use your toe instead whole foot on gas pedal, check the mileage meter while driving.

4. 50-56 MPH is a sweet spot, you can easily get 60MPH in this part. Don't go over 60MPH

5. If you want to speed up, do it steadily. use your toe to tip on gas, the off, then on.

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