
主题:红脖子大喷发 - DF乡村歌曲推荐 -- dfindy

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家园 红脖子大喷发 - DF乡村歌曲推荐

这两天咱也来了把活佛转世, 咱现在是九品小灵童, 得努力写帖以求天天向上.

想向大家介绍乡村音乐的好歌已有很久了. 本人爱好乡村音乐的源头来自电视, 生活在美国爱好音乐的朋友可能会知道, 这里最挂羊头卖狗肉的地方就是MTV音乐台了, 两三个频道, 名曰MTV, 实际上乱七八糟的节目如Paris Hilton和Nicole Richie等什么都播, 就是很少放歌曲. 要听歌, CMT和GMC两个乡村音乐频道十分实惠, 广告外基本都是MTV和现场演唱, 一首接一首.

乡村音乐听长了, 慢慢成了粉丝. 咱步入中年的人不喜欢太吵, 对不唱歌却借着鼓点说快板的新潮流也没法接受. 另一方面, 我们这代人虽是从摇滚乐开始接触英文音乐的, 但现在好像所有好的摇滚都是六十到八十年代的东西, 看着电视上针对baby boomer这代人的广告(只有他们还在买CD), 总觉着自己要和这些人排在一起买怀旧歌曲还是太早. 只有不怕人笑话, 自己躲到一边欣赏我的乡村音乐.

本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
家园 DF乡村歌曲精选 - Sara Evans欺骗


Sara Evans在乡村界算是巨星了, 歌唱得好人长得也挺漂亮. 几个月前在汽车收音机里头一次听这首歌时, 觉得旋律好挺好听的, 但歌词一遍又一遍地cheating, cheating, 总觉得有些怪, 乡村音乐艺人真是很爱讲故事啊, 婚外恋的事也编成歌来一遍遍地唱.

一两个月后浏览新闻, 原来Sara Evans创作这首歌是有感而发, 她的有福气的娶漂亮女人又不用上班的老公和家里小孩保姆搞婚外恋被Sara发现, 结果事情被捅出来弄得纷纷扬扬, Sara对老公彻底死了心, 如歌中唱到, "Yes I'll be glad to take you back, just as soon as I stop breathing"


You say your every day,

Is a bad dream that keeps repeatin',

Maybe you should have thought about that...when you were cheating

How do you like that furnished room

The bed, the chair, the table?

The tv picture comes and goes,

Too bad you don't have cable.

How do you like that paper plate?

And those pork and beans your eatin'

Maybe you should have thought about that...when you were cheating

How do you like that beat up car?

I think it's fair we traded

Your pickup truck is running fine

It's a cozy ride for datin'

Yes I've been out a time or two

And found the comfort I've been needin'

Maybe you should have thought about that...when you were cheating

You made your bed and you're out of mine,

You lie awake and I sleep just fine,

You've done your sowing, now you can do the reapin'

Maybe you should have thought about that...when you were cheating

Now what became of what's-her-name

After she spent all your money?

Did she leave you just like you left me?

Well sometimes life is funny

Yes I'll be glad to take you back

Just as soon as I stop breathing

Maybe you should have thought about that...

Ohhhh maybe you should have thought about that...

Maybe you should have thought about that...when you were cheating

When you were cheating

家园 DF乡村歌曲精选 - Alison Krauss无言深情


Alison Krauss的嗓音极其独特, 温柔悠远犹如天外来音. 她和老搭档Union Station所合作的歌大部分是blue grass风格, 乡村音乐中最土的一类, 除一两首外我都觉得挺难接受的.

但这首When you say Nothing at all则很不一样, 典型的很打动人的情歌, 我曾在不少电影电视剧中看到此歌被用.

这首歌唱得很清晰, 歌词基本可以不用了

It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart

Without saying a word you can light up the dark

Try as I may I could never explain

What I hear when you don’t say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud

But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd

Old mr. webster could never define

What’s being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me

There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me

The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall

You say it best when you say nothing at all

关键词(Tags): #DF乡村歌曲精选(当生)#歌曲精选(当生)
家园 DF乡村歌曲精选 - Toby Keith当年勇


这首的口味和前两个介绍的极不一样, 很男人, 很阳刚(?), 很幽默. 请认真观看MTV, 里面二打一的联想与伟哥细节.

Toby Keith绝对是巨星, 能把音乐做得这么好这么幽默又不显庸俗, 我还没见过谁达到他这么高的水平.

She said, "I'e seen you in here before."

I said, "I've been here a time or two."

She said, "Hello, my

Name is Bobby Jo

Meet my twin sister Betty Lou

And we're both feeling kinda wild tonight

And you're the only cowboy in this place

And if you're up for a rodeo

We'll put a big Texas smile on

Your face"

I said, "Girls,"


I ain't as good as I once was

I got a few years on me now

But there was a time back in my prime

When I could really lay it down

And if you need some love tonight

Then I might have just enough

I ain't as good as I once was

But I'm as good once as I ever was

I still hang out with my best friend dave

Ive known him since we were kids at school

Last night he

Had a few shots

Got in a tight spot hustlin' a game of pool

With a couple of redneck boys

One great

Big bad biker man

I heard David yell across the room

"Hey buddy, how 'bout a helping hand."

I said, "Dave,"


I ain't as good as I once was

My how the years have flown

But there was a time back in my prime

When I could really hold my own

But if you wanna fight tonight

Guess thouse boys dont look all that


I ain't as good as I once was

But I'm as good once as I ever was

I used to be hell on wheels

Back when I was younger man

Now my body says, "You can't do this boy"

But my pride says, "Oh, yes you can

I ain't as good as I once was

Thats just the cold hard truth

I still throw a few back, talk a little smack

When I'm feelin bullet proof

So don't double dog dare me now

'Cause I'd have to call your bluff

I ain't as good as I once was

But I'm as good once as I ever was

Maybe not be good as I once was

But I'm as good once as I ever was

关键词(Tags): #乡村歌曲(当生)
家园 记得有一次遇见个美籍华人mm




家园 楼主有Suzy Bogguss的

Yellow River Road么?俺已经苦找多年了。。。有一次去香港音像店淘,店员查了半天,给拿了个DianaRoss。


家园 花顶

Toby Keith 的MTV都很搞笑


家园 花~~~此歌是我的挚爱


家园 同喜
家园 农民好。乡村歌曲多耐听啊。当初可是留下不少好东西
家园 我是德国酸菜丝

几年前在小石城看过一次她的live show. 我笔头、口头都挺拙的,但在尝试如何描述她时,竟然一个词都找不出来,什么都觉得不恰当。有人说她“Angelic”- 天使般,我觉得这只是半对。“妖媚”这词儿对她又太亵渎神灵了。总之反正我是看呆了。


看看“Oh Brother Where Are Thou”没准儿能帮你改变一下对blue grass的印象?

家园 关于农村音乐,俺的愚见有二:







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