
主题:Fed provide financing to BSC -- 江南听雨

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家园 Fed provide financing to BSC

J.P. Morgan, Fed to provide financing to Bear Stearns

看看人家老美的政策市 熊死蹬股价暴升ING

家园 Give me a link
家园 Please use chinese. Hehe
家园 盘前暴涨 开盘熊死蹬自己把自己说下去了

现在又暴跌10% 哈哈

家园 哇哇 熊死蹬刚刚看来是回光返照了


家园 -35%


家园 -45%, 开眼了啊
家园 是的,Bear Stearns有流动性麻烦

中文原文 英文原文


Bear Stearns (BSC)宣布将从JP Morgan Chase (JPM)得到信贷额度保证,初步为28天,从而使公司可以“得到需要的流动性”。BSC股票上周被重击,投资者对其资产负债表越来越担心。股票今天是自由落体。开盘跌$4到$53,最近价位是$38.02,跌33%。

某主要中间商(dealer)的某人说:“难道Bear Stearns问题这么严重,以致不能等到3月27号联储的短期标售工具(Term Auction Facility)?这只需要两周啊”。显然,Bear Stearns从其它中间商用联储的利息借不来钱,导致“联储介入,以异常举动应对事件”。

该投行下周三季报。其2007年在基于全球房贷的证券业务上排名第一,基于美国房贷的证券业务仅次于Lehman Brothers (LEH)。股票过去4天跌了19%。用以衡量违约保险的credit-default swaps扩大到了685基本点(意思是用以保护$10 million债券5年的保险成本是$685,000)。这个差价今天缩小了一些,成本降为$530,000。


今早情况明显转变,至少公司不能再进一步否认。CEO Alan Schwartz说:“我们一直在试图面对及驱散这些谣言,表达真实情况而不是小说故事。但无论如何,在市场的喋喋不休中,我们的流动性位置在过去24小时内大幅恶化”。

家园 下一个是谁?








家园 多谢!


Bear Stearns will be holding a conference call at 12:30 PM ET, in about a half hour. MarketBeat plans on live-blogging the event.


家园 下一个不敢乱说

似乎最有可能的是LEH吧。 翻着了这篇,没翻译。

When I look at the Lehman Brothers' (LEH) balance sheet and see it levered 40 to 1, I wonder how on Earth did anyone allow it to get that leveraged? Consider that Lehman has four times as many ‘Level 3 Assets’ (those that are ‘hard to price’) as it does capital. Hard to price in my book equates to ‘hard to sell’.

Perhaps the most interesting part of all of this is that Lehman recently announced a share repurchase of 100 million of its shares for a cost of $5 billion or so. At the same time, it floated a preferred stock deal at 7.95% and issued billions of dollars of new debt for itself. This occurred just as the firm's mortgage and other debt related write-downs began that will likely run into the tens of billions of dollars. In other words, rather than de-leveraging, it's adding leverage. I guess this is why my firm is short Lehman debt.

The same goes for Bear Stearns (BSC) and many others. To prove the point, what do you think would happen if Lehman and Bear were told by regulators to sell its ‘hard to price’ assets? I find it highly doubtful it would be able to sell them and hence, this leads me to question their solvency. What about the other $600 billion of assets on Bear's balance sheet? Could it sell them? Doubtful. The reason is that everyone else owns the same type of securities and the company is being instructed to sell, yet cannot. So the ‘daisy chain ‘has started whereby when one firm is forced to sell, it must ‘mark to market’ which means everyone else who owns the same security has to mark theirs down as well.


家园 熊死蹬估计撑不到下个周一就要倒闭了



家园 真那么严重啊?
家园 看FED救不救了

毕竟也是个大投行 呵呵

家园 bsc一天之间被腰斩


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