
主题:澳大利亚 堪培拉 火炬直播 -- 马头磬

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家园 澳大利亚 堪培拉 火炬直播


[URL=]http://www.riflebird.net/bbs/thread-2567-1-1.html [/URL]


当地时间4月24日早上8时30分(北京时间24日凌晨6时30分),奥运圣火起跑仪式开始,包括点燃火炬、致欢迎辞等,11时45分,最后一棒的火炬手“飞鱼”索普到达终点,并点燃圣火盆。 由80名火炬手参加的圣火传递将从格里芬湖畔的和解广场出发,途经战争纪念馆、高等法院、国家图书馆、国会大厦等地,以联邦公园为终点,全长约15公里。

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家园 谢谢!
家园 现在去上班,晚上回来看。
家园 去堪培拉

墨尔本23日晚上有50+ 大巴载满人去堪培拉维护圣火。大家放心。

家园 多保重


家园 news from ABC

Olympic swimming champion Ian Thorpe was the final torch runner, and he lit the Olympic cauldron in front of a huge crowd waving Chinese flags in Commonwealth Park.

Thorpe laughed as the flame in the cauldron sputtered and died before being relit.

There were several arrests and some minor scuffles between rival protesters along the route, but the scale of security and unrest was on a far lower scale than earlier international legs in London, Paris and San Francisco.

But requests to keep protests away from the War Memorial were ignored with about 100 Chinese supporters jumping the barricades in an attempt to intimidate Tibetan demonstrators.

Early in the running there was some confusion as to the role of Chinese flame attendants, who jostled with their Australian Federal Police (AFP) counterparts in attempts to get close to the torch runners.

The misunderstanding appeared to be sorted out though, as the AFP officers relented and allowed the blue-tracksuited attendants to run alongside the torch and oversee the transfer of the flame from runner to runner.

Early trouble

The relay got underway around 8:45am (AEST) with thousands of Chinese spectators and protesters and a few hundred pro-Tibetan protesters clashing in Reconciliation Place.

One man was detained when he set fire to a Chinese flag, and a group of pro-Tibetan protesters had to be forcibly removed when they ran into the midst of a large group of Chinese supporters.

But the progress of the torch was unimpeded in the hands of the first runner, 2007 Young Australian of the Year Tania Major, as it was when it made its way along the 16-kilometre route.

One protester got close but was dragged aside by AFP officers a few hundred metres from Parliament House after he threw himself on the ground ahead of a torchbearer.

Two pro-Tibet women charged the torch convoy as it neared Parliament House and were dragged away by police as one yelled: "They're torturing my country."

But the thousands of Chinese protesters vastly outnumbered the pro-Tibetans, with Chinese flags dominating Reconciliation Place and the route of the relay.

At one stage around 200 Chinese protesters surrounded a solitary pro-Tibetan activist, yelling "Liar, liar."

But they were largely peaceful, with demonstrators waving flags and spelling out 'OneChina' in red on a lawn alongside the relay route.

The Chinese protesters who jumped the fence at the War Memorial were eventually brought under control without disrupting proceedings and the oldest torch bearer, Julius Judy Patching, held the flame aloft at the foot of the Memorial.

家园 刚刚从传递现场回来




家园 早点把照片传上来大家看看
家园 呵呵,人海战术啊!这下老外该知道什么叫人民战争了。
家园 怎么把这个帖子发这儿了,自打阿根廷之后,就没看到过直播
家园 得等下,手头没有凑手的工具处理照片
家园 我举起了火炬!


家园 我朋友去了,说看到有人烧旗子


家园 看早晨的电视直播

有人烧镰刀斧头党旗,主持人还假惺惺的胡扯什么,这些人也是proud Chinese, just anti-communist 什么的,也不看看其实就是一帮鬼佬,其中就有一个看着象藏人.

家园 英国还在死抗!

每日电讯报(Daily Telegraph)在这种情况下居然还说有3000名的ZD分子,华人大约一万多名。真不知道他们是怎麽统计出来的?家乐福在国内被抗议,法国成了靶子,总统又是写信又是派特使,网上说法国电视二台都转变口径了。英国佬还是改变不了他们的傲慢和偏见,大概是觉得中国人找不到一个象家乐福这样的靶子,可怜工业革命的先驱已经没有什麽像样的产品了,银行业除外。

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