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主题:请看一看美国人对西藏问题的自然反应:请看看 -- 集庆彪
以下是今天和我们研究所的一个senior scientist关于西藏问题的email。
I am afraid that you need to accept that China in 1959 invaded Tibet and conquered it by force, driving out its native leaders.
The Chinese Communist government has never accepted the blame that it deserves for this act of aggression, and has propagandized its people to believe differently.
Think - there is no reason for me to care about anything here but the truth.
But the Chinese government plans further aggression and thus unmercifully propagandizes its people.
Compare what you learn in school to the current controversy over US actions in Iraq.
What would happen if Chinese people objected to their government's behavior the way we object to Bush's government's behavior?
Until Chinese people are free to explore the truth for themselves and act on it politically, I fear the world is in great danger from China.
Of course I recognize that Chinese are in danger of punishment if they do not accept their government's version of things.
On Apr 30, 2008, at 12:53 PM,
There are two videos about Tibet.
Recently, as you know, there were alot of things happened around the world about Olympic, Tibet and China. The following links might give you some different views about these issues.
atene:教你一步步反藏独 - 新添西藏人口、教育等内容4/07
1。Did China "invade" Tibet in 1959?
Tibet was part of China well before 1959. Therefore, what happened in 1959 was not a "foreign invasion" but a social change within China.
Evidence: Video made by the US government in 1944, at 3:43
2. Was the social change justified?
Before 1959, Tibet was ruled by a feuderal theocracy, which was similar to slavery.The central government of China wanted to abolish slavery in Tibet, but the slave masters refused. That is why they were driven out of China.
Evidence: paper by mainstream US political scientist
3. After 1959, the Tibet exiles lost all their previleges as slave masters. They hate the Chinese government just as the slave masters hated President Linclon after the Civil War. Is their story likely to be objective?
Please don't think that all Chinese are brainwashed. The Chinese students in US can listen to stories from both sides. But the western media tell only story from the side of the Tibetan exiles.
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