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主题:请直接捐款到中国红十字基金会或领事馆!!!!! -- atene
请不要将款项直接捐给加拿大红十字会,可以捐到中国红十字会,或者中领馆.我有朋友已经捐款给加拿大红十字会,结果在捐款完毕后得到一张 statement,上面说明了这次给中国地震的援助是有一个限额的,(具体金额我记不清楚了),如果大家的捐款超过了这个限额,超过部分也不会达到灾区,会被分配到世界其他项目.
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刚才直接打电话去和mercy corp问了, 他们去年5年来的over head是89%, 跟我说话是
做对外发展的部门, 数据很清楚的样子. 然后说不管收到多少钱, 都是直接发给他们中
国的site去用的, 他们现在中国的援助点主要提供的是: 食物, 水, shelter, 和医疗.
她说, 如果钱多了, 用不完了, mercy corp会马上停止接受donation, 那个网上
donate的连接就会被取消. 她说现在绝对是离取消还很远的. 还说钱是immediate到灾
区的, 没有limit, 直到这个program的钱用不了了为止.
同时也打电话去了美国红十字会. 先接的是donation部门,感觉说话很不可靠, 他说100
%的donation, 是去灾区的, 只要我们捐钱的时候写明了是捐中国地震, 他说确实有
overhead, 但是所有自然灾害的program都不会有overhead, overhead是在其他program
扣的. 我不放心, 就让他转了对外关系的部门电话. 这次是个mm, mm说美国红十字会大
概是7-10%的overhead, 中国地震也不例外, 提供的也是水, 食物, shelter和医疗. 但
总结: Mercy corp说的比较靠谱. 而且口径一致. 不像美国红会, 两个人说法不一.
Double Your Impact
Western Union will match your gift dollar for dollar
up to $250,000 if you make your donation right now.
Mercy Corps, through its local partner China Foundation for Poverty
Alleviation (CFPA), is mounting an emergency response for survivors.
Together, we are procuring critical supplies such as food, water, clothing
and shelter supplies to rush to affected families. We have deployed two
experienced staff members from our Beijing office to help coordinate efforts
请海外同学们注意这些多出的费用扣除,个人觉得最好的还是国内的红十字或者大使馆的捐献帐户,这些钱是我们华人自己的钱不是这些外国慈善组织自己募捐来的,他们的作用应该tap in他们在国外的资金渠道,不该让他们用我们的钱转手作好人,到时候给他们自己贴金,中国政府还得感谢他们。
May 15, 2008
Dear Friends,
It's the end of another busy day here in Sichuan Province. Today was a sad day -- not many survivors have been found in areas devastated by the earthquake. The sheer scale and loss of this tragedy is hitting people hard.
Because you've made a donation to Mercy Corps, I wanted to write and give you an update of what's going on here. I'm currently in the city of Chongqing with two Mercy Corps colleagues. We set up a emergency response center today with our local partner, the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. We'll be conducting all our relief operations from there. Crews have started reaching devastated cities, and now is the critical time to help survivors.
Today, we bought enough water, noodles, milk, crackers and shelter supplies to fill 22 truckloads. Those items are bound for Mianyang, a city about three hours from here that was absolutely ravaged by the earthquake. At least 7,300 people were killed in that city alone, and many more are missing. People are sleeping on the streets because they're afraid their homes will collapse from aftershocks.
Things are changing so fast. Today I felt that chaos. But your generous donations are helping rush relief to survivors. You are making a difference.
My colleagues and I will continue to post updates on the situation at www.mercycorps.org/chinaearthquake. Thank you again for your support. We couldn't do this without you.
Kate Janis
Senior Program Officer
Mercy Corps
Organizational Efficiency
Program Expenses 88.1%
Administrative Expenses 7.2%
Fundraising Expenses 4.6%
Fundraising Efficiency $0.04
对于北美的红十字会,我是这样看的:如果你公司有match,应该充分利用这个工具,"放大"捐款数额.毕竟一般overhead cost也就5-10%之间.
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Sorry seems they don't have a special fund for this disaster.
国际红十字会的运作方式是:当灾害发生,灾难当地红十字会会先预计一个灾难救助所需要的目标金额,这个目标金额在一开始会随情况变化而不断变化。然后,国 际红十字会会发布正式的Red Cross Disaster Relief Appeal,呼吁全世界进行捐款。当捐款达到目标金额后,红十字会将会停止为这个specific的disaster接受捐款。
现在,国际红十字会尚未为中国地震发布正式的appeal,因此还没有一个目标金额,但已经开始接受捐款了。到目前为止,加拿大红十字会已经收到 $80,000捐款。并且,国际红十字会在地震当天就通过Disaster Relief Fund给中国红十字会发去$250,000救助款。
我也尝试征询加拿大红十字会方面是否可以出份书面的东西,向中国人社区解释捐款的去向,以及简单解释国际红十字会在灾难发生时的运作步骤,不过这方面需要他们的public relation去处理。
经过电话和emails(不是我), 下面是加拿大红十字会回复的email, 希望能打消大家的一部分顾虑。我转发的时候已经征得了email主人的同意,在这里一并感谢
Hello Christina, and thank you again for your call earlier today.
I'm pleased you can help get the word out about the Red Cross response in China.
Attached is the response we wrote in response to the Toronto Star article on the tsunami funds which was very inaccurate and one-sided.
Some general messages you may find helpful regarding the China response:
1. Funds will support the response in China. The Canadian Red Cross is accepting funds to meet the immediate relief and long-term recovery needs of earthquake survivors in China. Should donations supporting this Red Cross disaster relief and recovery effort meet the amount required, the Canadian Red Cross will cease collecting donations for the response and will communicate this information immediately to the public.
2. Administrative costs will not exceed 15%. There have been reports and donor concerns about figures as high as 50%, which is simply not the case. As always, we hold our fundraising and communication costs to a maximum of 15%.
3. The Red Cross is an excellent choice for channelling donations. The Red Cross Society of China was active immediately after the earthquake, providing rapid assistance to people in need. It is through the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement that we are able to provide assistance to multiple disasters in multiple locations around the world - from here at home in New Brunswick following severe flooding, to Myanmar and China. The Movement is well prepared to respond locally and engages the help of other National Societies when needed. This is one of our greatest strengths as an organization.
4. The Canadian Red Cross honours the intent of its donors and is fully transparent in accounting for all dollars received and spent. The trust the Canadian public has put in the Canadian Red Cross to quickly support the China relief effort is well placed.
5. The Canadian Red Cross has an ongoing project in the quake-affected Sichuan province, to educate the public about HIV/AIDS. We have been in touch with our colleagues there to ensure that all are safe.
Colleen Lavender
A/Director, National Public Affairs
Canadian Red Cross
刚才在WXC那边看到,说“加政府放话:民众向灾区每捐一元 政府就跟进一元“,不知道真假?
直接点击john vause这篇文章靠近结尾的部分的视频链接外链出处,看看这个视频里哪里还有地主说的那些有关tg书记的镜头?刚才特意又核查了一遍。我文中所指的有删除的视频是这个视频。
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Mercy Corps在中国当地的负责人在CNN上接受采访,谈到他们和中国当地的伙伴合作救灾的行动,对整个灾区的报道都很实在的,并且呼吁大家继续捐助。