
主题:CNN引述英国专家:四川地震房屋倒塌与腐败无关 -- 平天下

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家园 CNN引述英国专家:四川地震房屋倒塌与腐败无关

And in London, Tom Foulkes, the director-general of Britain's Institute of Civil Engineers, said cities in earthquake zones have to "design accordingly."

Unlike the 1999 earthquake in Turkey, where allegations of widespread corruption in the country's building industry followed an earthquake that killed nearly 20,000 people, Foulkes said that nothing he's seen of the Chinese disaster suggests corruption.


"But it would suggest that the people who've actually built these buildings, maybe paid for them, haven't been able to afford the highest standards, the best materials, the latest designs," he said.

Monday's quake also damaged a major dam near the city of Dujiangyan, but an investigation revealed that the dam is stable and safe, Xinhua reported Wednesday.

Foulkes said China's major dams are well-designed.


关键词(Tags): #汶川地震(喜欢)

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家园 保不准政府還是會找出幾個替罪羊來的


家园 你怎么知道人有怨气?还是你的希望?


家园 "还是你的希望?"就衝這句話,不理你
家园 既然说了,就要给出证据,不然必然出于你自己的发挥了


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