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主题:【讨论】目前世界最高楼上海环球金融中心落成启用 -- 须弥一芥
明年迪拜塔 Burj Dubai落成后,第一名的位子又得拱手让出。
本帖一共被 1 帖 引用 (帖内工具实现)
一心一意要把那里变成 Las Vegas x 100...... 我们是撵不上的。
is against the teachings of Koran.
不过作为石油国家,好日子也顶多几十年了,也许那些王公们在未雨绸缪吧,把 Dubai 变成个物质主义的 Disneyland 不失为一个尝试的方向。而且也可以提醒人们后现代趣味可以有多低劣...
a Westerner. But their backward religion will seriously cripple their scientific or industrial ambitions.
I'm not saying they have no chance, or should abandon Islam, but without a thorough revamp? Highly unlikely.
in Middle East, is it?
Or for that matter, US of A? ^_^
better at separating religion from state.
a remarkable job trying to separate these two, I admire the founders for their vision.
But in reality religion still plays a much bigger part in people's life than I care to endure.
I really really hate to hear every candidate just can't wait to mention GOD each time addressing the country, for example.
hurt them.