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主题:【原创】丧钟为谁而鸣?(2) -- 素里太守
开始这个“涂鸦”与河里的信息版有什么干系?好问题 --- 铁牛!
1995年,在加州LA的南面,San Diego的北面冒出了个叫iMarkup Solutions Inc.的小公司。从2000年起,公司的主打产品包括iMarkup Workgroup Server和iMarkup client。下面是该产品的主要特色:
* Annotate any web page as you surf.
* Send messages to iMarkup remote users and have them automatically follow you as you navigate the Web (escorted browsing).
* Organize your web surfing activities.
* Collaborate with other users on the web using annotations and markups to convey your thoughts.
* Use a text highlighter to remember important information on any web page, add sticky notes or draw on a web page with the iMarkup paint brush.
* Use all the functionality seamlessly from inside your favorite browser.
还有上面那个this is a web sticky喊的人好像某人阿。哈哈,就是夸张了点。
好像叫"第三种声音" The 3th Voice,年代久远我都忘记了。太守厉害啊,史前互联网的东西还能找到
iMarkup Solutions Inc.公司为网页涂鸦的工具红火了一阵子,然后公司转型为提供Business process management (BPM)解决方案的公司,Document Workflow是其中的一个方向,其产品的前端与MS OFFICE紧密集成,公司在2008年11月改名为BP Logix。如今的iMarkup的涂鸦的工具变成了一个39美金的Shareware,如果想试试,请按这里。
2000年前,硅谷(实际在旧金山)的一伙牛人成立了一家叫做E-QUILL(电子羽毛笔)的STARTUP,反正这些牛人都很有些来头,名单在此大家可以欣赏。DotCom时代大家都是英雄所见略同,E-QUILL干着和iMarkup Solutions一样的东东。E-QUILL的产品叫E-Quill Web Mark-Up.,这是产品的介绍.
So can you read on the portfolio page of one of their investors. Can't find any confirmation elsewhere (not Microsoft, not Google).
02/18/02 update: Jason suggests that "perhaps Microsoft prefers to keep small deals like these under the radar?" That makes sense to me, if only because Microsoft might not even really know what to do with it yet. Like in, "hey, this looks cool, can we spare a dime and aquire them?" A dime for Microsoft being a couple million dollars.
Some of these acquisitions never turned out to much. If I recall correctly, DimensionX brought Liquid Motion, which became Vizact. Both were discontinued in 2000, and the whole DirectAnimation thing didn't seem to go anywhere. Likewise, what ever became of CompareNet?
Let's hope E-Quill will have a better fate, because they had a fine product. Maybe Microsoft will plug it into their CMS? Better that than a FrontPage add-on. Let's see where founder Oliver Hurst-Hiller reappears.
于是大家可以看见这幅图片 ---