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主题:【原创】Twitter的这些那些(一)(已结文) -- 高子山
NFP == Natural Family Planning
not for profit的意思,慈善机构非盈利组织
这段期间媒体上关注的来看,要的是实时的信息,所以现在大家都在 Real-time search上鼓捣点声响,再结合现在的mobile终端。
但这种实时带来的信息量过于庞大,如何即时Fliter出很准的信息on demand推到用户面前。
Twitter Facebook都在搞,当然Google新推的Caffeine号称新搜寻引擎“列表”(indexing)的速度是原来的两倍,新引擎的搜寻结果似乎也比旧引擎多。
Wired 都快被他搞死,虽然平媒惨淡是大环境,可像他那么烂又三心二意的 Editor in Chief 还真是少见,我只能说 Condé Nast 太爱他了。
长尾完了又飘扬免费,似乎不免费的都是人民公敌道德败坏,但他自己的书倒是赫然标价 $26.99,免费的 Scribd 版 Kindle 版 Audiobook 版只是用来促销的,相当于 Vogue 里夹带的化妆品小样,或者充斥 App Store 的 iXXX lite/free。
Micropayment 是个近期被疯狂使用的 Buzz Word,大概 Web 2.0 们发现面包不免费,牛奶也不免费,租场子忽悠风投更不免费,之前免费的大旗不太扛得住的时候,能少少的收一点点钱也是好的。于是转眼之间一切免费就变成了 Nickel & Dime to Death,那梦中的愿景就是参照电信运营商们的短信收费 Scheme。当然多次少收的情景利用银行信用卡甚至 PayPal 都是不划算的,没有高信誉大公司支持的支付方式也很难得到足够的用户群支持,于是 iTunes Store 突然显得金碧辉煌, Facebook Amazon 想要参一脚也得到了广泛的欢迎~~~。日本人的手机钱包跟腾讯的 Q 币偷笑说:硅谷的同学,我们都超你们一圈儿了。
网络创新方面,美国的确落后亚洲很多了。现在靠iphone去赶超,可惜这个iphone,只怕是Mac vs. PC的故事要重演,而且速度更快。
downfall were greatly exaggerated.
Which will be the "PC" in this analogy? Android?
Look around and ask yourself:"Really?!"
Yes, HTC became primarily an Android shop, Sony Ericsson and Moto are kinda betting the farm on Android's success also.
But that's mainly because Symbian & WinMo's staggeringly inconpetence in the past couple of years, that and these brands' lack of ability to stage their own platforms.
By the end of this year, if everything went well, there should be a handful of Android devices hit the market. But the problem is: none of them will stand out. From what I gathered, I can't say any of these will be particularly excellent, either.
Last quarter, Android had 3% of the total smartphone market, iPhone had 13%. Mind you 3GS had only 10 some days on the market.
In January a lot of tech pundits predicted Android will out sell iPhone by the end of this year, they used the same PC vs Mac rationale.
I suggest them revisit their prediction and make amendment accordingly.
the King Maker.
Apple delivered not one but two major "paradigm shifts" in the mobile space. (Sorry for the totally obsolete buzz word)
The problem Android have is by the nature of Android's open source approach, the platform itself is a moving target and worst of all, no one knows where it will go, not even google. Not to mention the diversity among the actual devices. Guess that's partly why Android chose Java as the designated language, it need as much hardware agnostic as possible. But still certain censors and screen real-estate differences could easily reach a point where there is no way to guarantee apps running across these devices without major issues. The problem is already surfacing as the current T-Mobile G1 having little chance of getting updates from now on for it just doesn't have enough ROM. Things will only get worse by 10x - imagine someday HTC Hero need to upgrade to Android 3.0 and Google made some API changes but HTC fail to update its Sense UI accordingly. It could happen so easily It will almost certainly happen.
Android haven't forked, yet. (WebKit is on the verge of forking however, and that's rather unfortunate.) I just can't wait to see how the unwashed mass react when that inevitably happen. Wouldn't it be plenty fun?
iphone不用intel的CPU,会让intel很愤怒的。intel的那个啥东西都用x86的想法,会不会从我现在打字的这个装了mac的netbook跑到smart phone领域去呢?会的,因为这件事情已经发生了。
the mobile space... not without a fight.
Mobile = Growth
And to be honest, I don't see Apple dominating smartphone market as its iPod dominate the PMP, the competition is way fiercer coz the stake is unbelievably high nobody could afford to ignore.
Whether any particular big guy will succeed is another story, I can produce a 1-2-3 laundry list for each of them why they would fail but so can I argue the opposite. For now Apple is the clear winner, despite all the negative presses about its very bizarre app store policy. RIM is also doing exceptionally well, but I see that more of riding on the last wave of Blackberry name. If no radical changes were made about its OS side in the near future, RIM will be in today's Nokia's place pretty soon. Android had potential, one year ago. Today it have 3 slightly different and equally yawn inducing phones made by HTC, and still, a lot of potentials. It will always have POTENTIAL. I fear "the year of Android" will be regarded the same as "the year of desktop Linux" or "the year of the reign of unicorn"