
主题:【原创】土豆与牛肉 -- 晨枫

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家园 纠正一下,副处级干部的最低警衔不是所谓的三级警督


家园 职务等级编制警衔


第八条 担任行政职务的人民警察实行下列职务等级编制警衔:











家园 我军训的时候


家园 “护甲”
家园 行啦,中国也不是什么忍嘴待客的主




家园 咳,嗯~,介个,介个,介站岗的是您吧!
家园 苏联长期以来一直物质匮乏







家园 大规模下岗的确疯狂!这和壮士断腕有个屁关系
家园 老毛子习惯的是“关键时候插你两刀”
家园 这个只是原则,并不一定的,呵呵
家园 PLA的官兵比



家园 不知道,估计低不了
家园 a quick reply


--I have no crystal ball, so I do not know future for certain. I just extrapolate from the nondisputed history. I saw challenges from China. But first, China is only strong along the economic dimension. Not powerful enough on all dimensions. Second, Europe-Russia-China can not trust each other and a solid alliance can not be formed.

Therefore, I will say Anglos are still likely to maintain the status quo. A US-China G2 is more likely at least for 10 years.


--Two other key reasons I do not want to put in writing: 尚武精神 and the elite's commitment to their own nations.

"Great empires are not maintained by timidity". Anglos reached their current global dominance through lots of military sacrifice. Americans still keep this kind of militarism in their culture (national hunting passion, regular rehearsal of historical battles, ownership of guns, BBQ life style). You do not see that in the French culture.

Commitment to their own nation. Aristcrat families usually suffer first during the British Imperial expansion. One example is the Churchill family. East coast American elite families still have the similar tradition--check the history of Roosevelt family. Roosevelt Sr. and Roosevelt Jr. all have solid military records before presidency. WASPs truly treat America as their destined homeland. They are very alert at continental Europeans and do not easily trust those Italian/Greek Americans.

You can feel it when you have more friends in that circle. It takes some time to see when you live on the US east coast.


--money plus tolerance. People move to America not just because of money.


--hehe. Not all anglo nations. But at least, in America, I still see lots of hope. Asia has growth opportunity, but no advantage in terms of living standards.


--Key: free trade. Your story holds if America still tolerates free trade--I do not believe free trade will survive much longer in the next 20 years. America can easily shut off its border and refuse to deal with the outside world. It did that before. This nation has a weird history of seclusion. Then on the global arena, you will have several equal-weight players who do not respect each other. A stable global order will not be possible.


--when there is no free trade, we never know the definite answer.


--that's a good question--let me tell you, America will bring up lots of regional conflicts and profit from international instability. They are old Liu Mang, offspring of the cunning Britons. Britons kicked ass of European powers not just by military tools. They are not afraid of doing that.


My question for all Chinese on this forum: did you see any institutional innovation from China ever since 1978? Did we create international accounting standards, World Bank, International Monetary Funds, United Nations (or International League), NATO, national insurance system, international commmercial code, GATT, WTO, first securities law, first security market regulatory, first international settlement bank, most innovative research universities, most dynamic high-tech firms, administrative system, best management practices...


--hehe. New industries... Will not happen first in China. No social infrastructure for that. VoIP phone service was pioneered by two chinese brothers in Fu Jian in late 1990s. They are still sitting in jail now after persecuted by the China Telecom for national security reason. You can google it yourself.


--yes. It will be an unstable compromise. Continental Europe will be muslimized. It has already lost global leadership. China will need another 30 years before a complete takeover.

If I were you, I WOULD WORRY MORE ABOUT THE FORTHCOMING HYPERINFLATION in China and my pension money than the global structure at least 10 years later.

Anyway, China is the nation of the political elites. Why should an average Chinese cares so much. Next time, when you have to pay the North American price for a small apartment in BJ or Shanghai, you will know who really rip you off in your real life. This time, it is not the Anglo people.

We enter a 10-year period of global instability and it is not a funny period in anyone's life.

家园 老毛子的导弹还是很结实的,居然转了那么久没解体
家园 突然想起来俄罗斯和加拿大的比较



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