
主题:中国的政治风险 -- 风烟滚滚来天半

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家园 花个 更多是为了严肃的讨论态度。


其实美国这里说崩溃论的都说中国是苏联。而且一批批经济学家 当着我的面 说中国就是计划经济。所以我觉得他们还是没懂中国。于是慢慢的只要是有关中国的经济发展讨论,我更愿意看中文的报告了。

恩 nobody knows。这个结论总是对的~不过我得写这方面的report,所以只好给我自己的结论了~我觉得中国的党指挥枪,比苏联的共产党对于苏联国家力量的控制要强力的多。既有精神上的强大,也有组织结构上的严密控制,所以我还是倾向于认为,即使再出一次八九,也不会颠覆政权。况且国家在上升期,明显的上升期,向心力更强的多~


家园 A British guy wrote a book

about China. (Personally, I think he wrote the book just to cash in the very obvious surge of interest in China since the collapse and the whole G-2 brouhaha.)he's more HKC than most Chinese. He argued that China's rise to superpower status would fundamentally change not only the global power balance, but also the very definition of "progress" and "modernization". I don't know how correct his prediction would be, obviously, nobody knows, I don't' think he is as confident in his argument as it appears. Anyway, one of his argument is that we should stop treating China as just another "communist country", obviously China isn't one, and we should not drag the whole debate about China through the whole "democracy vs authoritarianism" mud hole, which is a very recent phenomenon. According to him, China, as of 2009, should be seen more as a modernized version of imperial dynasty, like the dynasties China used to have. I think he makes sense. Another thing I think Western medias get right is their assessment that the very legitimacy of the government and the system lie with the ability of the government to keep economy grow at high rate and improve standard of living, obviously, the government agrees with them, that's the government puts so much stock into protecting 8% growth rate. Right now, obviously the economy is still growing at very high rate, and probably will continue to grow for quite a while. But eventually there will be a crisis, and what happens during the crisis will test if China could successful reclaim what many Chinese believe to be its rightful place in the world. Remember, imperial dynasty always plunge into stagnation, chaos, uprising and civil war after their peak, I don't think China could become the US if the current system could not survive economic calamity as severe as the great depression like the US did. And i don't think Chinese system as of 2009, could survive an economic calamity as severe as the great depression. The bottom line is everybody agrees that China has political risk and several economic crisis could test not just the current crop of leaders but also the political system as a whole while nobody, at least nobody I know of, believes that an severe crisis could fundamentally change American political system. That's the fundamental problem: resilience of society and political system, and that's the reason so many westerners and Chinese, ask the very legitimate question regarding potential system-wrecking instability. Every time somebody conjures up another campaign against what I see, minor, insignificant domestic detractors such as internet, liberal opposition (there is no way they can or should be allowed to, govern China, at least not until they grow an spine in their dealing with the west, nonetheless, I'm dismayed by the fact that the government reacts so strongly to a bunch of basically "useless" talkers who would never possesses the resources and organizational skills to threaten the government.) and even those who, for all I know, were doing the right thing such as demanding answers regarding why so many schools were shoddily built, I find myself less sure of China's future. I have no doubt that China will continue to grow for quite a while, but believe me, eventually, there will be crisis, not just regular crisis, serious crisis, it's statistically inevitable. Then what? I don't see the government preparing itself for the sure-to-come political challenge if crisis indeed broke out, all I see is increasingly intolerant policy against the media, against the internet, against anything and anybody who doesn't sing along with the government. It's really discouraging. And I don't kn ow what to do and how to make of it.

I'm not saying China would plunge into chaos next year, as you said, there are still room to grow out of the problem. But if there were no system change, not outright, not overnight, but gradual change that should have begun NOW, whatever crisis that eventually happens will cost China far more than what we can imagine, just how much more? Just read what happened after the collapse of Han Dynasty, Jin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. I just hope that China could be a China where, when bad thing happens, people would worry about losing their homes in a foreclosure crisis rather than worrying about losing their lives in a civil war. Again, they should start working on it NOW, however, as far as I can see, the only thing they work on is to spend countless amount of money on coming up better ways to shut people up.

家园 我想主要是没有信仰,缺乏信任吧




家园 没有信仰是个容易想到的理由


家园 中国政治风险很低的!






家园 大部分都同意~~



哈哈 美帝肯定想让上层变色。不过估计失败了无数次……现在隐隐G2了,就更不可能变色了……

家园 几百辆车?


家园 哈哈哈……谢谢具体数据……


家园 呵呵,你说的不错,送朵花


家园 只要主事儿的不乱搞就乱不了



家园 你说的很不错,有一些很有启发,送花




家园 偶然碰到老东西,发现尚可看看,摘点上来






家园 政府不需要大多数人有信仰,一切向钱看是最好的


家园 呵呵,那么一切向钱看的话


家园 西方专家的预测往往是他们的想象、希望
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