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家园 又一次感受到“不首先使用核武”承诺的深刻内涵~
家园 希望能够智能化,拦截炮弹,不拦截糖衣美女。
家园 其新闻从业人员严肃的工作态度值得学习






家园 中国的意图很简单,你有的我也有,你能卖我也能卖,至于卖给


家园 卫报也未报道。路透、华盛顿邮报有报道。

China unveils anti-missile test after Taiwan sale

Chris Buckley


Mon Jan 11, 2010 8:11pm ESTRelated NewsChina says active fiscal policies to stay

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U.S. clears arms sale to Taiwan despite China's ire

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China says opposed to U.S. arms sales to Taiwan

Thu, Dec 10 2009BEIJING (Reuters) - China successfully tested emerging military technology aimed at destroying missiles in mid-air, the government said, while state media warned ties with Washington would be hurt by U.S. missile sales to Taiwan.

World | China

The brief report on the "ground-based mid-course missile interception technology" from the state-run Xinhua news agency gave few details, and did not specify whether any missile had been destroyed in the test, staged on Chinese soil.

"The test has achieved the expected objective," said the report, without describing that objective.

"The test is defensive in nature and is not targeted at any country," it quoted the Chinese Foreign Ministry as saying.

The announcement came soon after the United States last week cleared a sale of advanced Patriot air defense missiles to Taiwan despite opposition from rival Beijing.

China's ire over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan shows no signs of escalating into outright military confrontation, but could cast a chill on relations with Washington at a time when both governments are also wary about trade disputes and economic strains.

China claims Taiwan is an illegitimate breakaway from mainland rule and opposes U.S. arms sales to the island as an intrusion into a domestic dispute.


The Patriot "PAC-3" missiles can destroy missiles in mid-air, and could be used against the thousand or more offensive missiles that Taiwan says China has along its coast facing the island.

A commentary from the Xinhua agency on Monday warned of broader fallout from the Patriot missile deal.

"Each time the United States has sold weapons to Taiwan, there has been huge damage to China-U.S. relations," said the commentary, issued separately from the report on the anti-missile test. "This U.S. arms sale to Taiwan will be no exception."

The commentary accused the Obama administration of betraying a commitment to respect each country's "core interests."

"Immediately halt weapons sales to Taiwan to avoid damaging cooperation between China and the United States in important areas," it said. It did not specify those areas.

China curtailed military-to-military contacts with the United States after then President George W. Bush notified Congress in October 2008 of plans to sell Taiwan a long-delayed arms package valued at up to $6.4 billion.

Senior Chinese People's Liberation Army officials have also urged Beijing to punish Washington and U.S. firms for arms deals with the disputed island.

"We have the power and ability to adopt counter-measures (against U.S. arms sales to Taiwan)," Jin Yinan, a PLA major-general and professor at China's National Defense University wrote in a Chinese newspaper, the Study Times, earlier this month. "We must use counter-measures to make the other side pay a corresponding price and suffer corresponding punishment."

PLA officials and reports in recent years have said developing anti-missile technology is one focus of defense spending, which has grown by double-digits over many years.

China has claimed sovereignty over self-ruled Taiwan since 1949, when Communist forces won the Chinese civil war and fleeing Nationalists gained control of the island. Beijing has vowed to bring Taiwan under its rule, by force if necessary.

The United States switched diplomatic recognition from Taipei to Beijing in 1979. But Washington remains Taiwan's biggest military backer and says it is obliged to help the island defend itself.

(Reporting by Chris Buckley; Editing by Bill Tarrant)

家园 冬天更冷,夏天更热
家园 全程在国内的试验不需要通报。
家园 哥本哈根的事情。。。



家园 邪恶的想



家园 哥本哈根




家园 还好,他们没说是交通事故
家园 一月底会热闹一下



家园 专家称今冬严寒或持续30年 世界将进入小冰河期

据美国世界新闻网1月11日报道,一些国际权威气候专家指出,全球气候变暖已经停止,并开始冷化(global cooling),近来北半球的酷寒只是全球天气变冷的开端,这样的冷天可能会持续20至30年。英国《每日邮报》因此宣称今年的寒冬显示“小冰河期来临”。




家园 那时候开完会了又会骂——中国只愿增加150%,真不负责任


家园 这个你显然理解错了


“ ALL of their technology is stolen from the US, which means that, their own missile defense is actually flawed!”





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