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主题:【文摘】CNN:中国警告 奥巴马 不要接见达赖 -- dolong
Shut up and tell lies to your own people china, we ain't listening!
1 hour ago | Like (28) |
Bring Our Marines Home
Link: http://buchanan.org/blog/bring-our-marines-home-3557
A part of the article:
Consider Taiwan. On his historic trip to Beijing in 1972, Richard Nixon agreed Taiwan was part of China. Jimmy Carter recognized Beijing as the sole legitimate government. Ronald Reagan committed us to cut back arms sales to Taiwan.
Yet, last week, we announced a $6.4 billion weapons sale to an island we agree is a province of China. Beijing, whose power is a product of the trade deficits we have run, is enraged that we are arming the lost province she is trying to bring back to the motherland.
Is it worth a clash with China to prevent Taiwan from assuming the same relationship to Beijing the British acceded to with Hong Kong? In tourism, trade, travel and investment, Taiwan is herself deepening her relationship with the mainland. Is it not time for us to cut the cord?
With the exception of the Soviet Union, few nations in history have suffered such a relative decline in power and influence as the United States in the last decade. We are tied down in two wars, are universally disliked and are running back-to-back deficits of 10 percent of gross domestic product, as our debt is surging to 100 percent of GDP.
A strategic retreat from Eurasia to our own continent and country is inevitable. Let it begin by graciously acceding to Japan’s request we remove our Marines from Okinawa and politely inquiring if they wish us to withdraw U.S. forces from the Home Islands, as well.
美元的铸币税 利润很大。
这个老头隔三差五的来敲门,要么说我音乐太大声了(后来他发现是楼下的), 要么说我切菜声音太大,要么说我搬家具(事实上我没有,他从猫眼看到我带回家一个小推车,于是做此假设)。今天他劈头就来的tradition理论更是让我吃惊。原来他不仅特别敏感,而且行为和价值观上,跟他伟大的祖国的伟大的政府有一拼。