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主题:【求助】关于中国的英文德文文献资料(清单即可)或者网站 -- 无法无天
那个比利时人还是海牙的高级工作人员,全世界都走过,见多识广,但说到中国的时候天真得不得了。他去中国时不能上facebook等,因此深刻同情被蒙蔽的中国人民们,没有freedom of speech。
一来,相比欧美国家,互联网对中国来说仍然是比较新的,大规模爆发发展不过十年的时间,中国的部门too bureaucratic and unprepared to handle it。
2)还是后3.14期间,BBC网站上有一篇造谣中国如何在50年侵略西藏以后cultural genocide的文章。我没有直接去讲中国没有文化灭绝西藏,而使一条条列出1950年之后欧美国家中对少数族群的文化灭绝,特别是英国对印度洋群岛摆在第一条。最终,我的留言连审查都没有通过。之后,多次在其他英文网站上,我这篇留言始终没有见得天日,要么通不过审查要么一出来就被删除。
总之,Chinese government is not sophisticated enough as American government. 用直接屏蔽网站这种简单粗暴的做法实在是太愚蠢了,相比之下美国政府要聪明得多。我一直在赞美美国政府的clever,那个比利时大哥也不傻,当然听出来了反话,也哈哈大笑。
1. book "CIA's secret war in Tibet" by Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison
This tells them that Dalai Lama was a "freedom fighter" funded by CIA, just like Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein and Pinochet.
2. Documentary "Dalai Lama and Dorje Shugden" by Swiss Public TV
This tells them about the modern day theocracy practiced by the DL exile government as it is NOW.
3. About a recent academic article by HK professor Barry Sautman titled "Vegetarian between Meals: The Dalai Lama, War, and Violence" in a journal "Positions". Abstract below, I can send you the full article you want it.
For those who may be interested. This article tracks the words and
deeds of the Dalai Lama with 315 notes.
"Vegetarian between Meals": The Dalai Lama, War, and Violence
Barry Sautman
In May 2008 Time magazine's annual "Time 100" list of influential
people in the world put the Dalai Lama at the top. This outcome was
related to the preceding six weeks of protests in Tibet and attendant
Western criticisms of China's Tibet policies, but it also reflected
the two-decade-long construction of the Dalai Lama's international
persona as a "man of peace" and "compassion personified."
This essay interrogates the ubiquitous representation of the Dalai
Lama as an apostle of nonviolence. It argues that while he urges
nonviolence in general, the Dalai Lama has supported a number of wars,
especially those of India and the United States, the Tibetan exiles'
two chief patrons. Western political elites and media have
reciprocated by making a major contribution to the construction of the
Dalai Lama's pacifistic persona.
The Dalai Lama's advocacy of nonviolence is associated with a special
level of compassion, but that link is also problematic: his compassion
has been largely disconnected from specific, major struggles of the
oppressed. The primary examples considered here are the fight against
apartheid in South Africa and the struggle against the occupation of
Palestinian lands. This disconnect arises from the Dalai Lama's
self-orientalizing approach to "race" and racial oppression, within
which the peoples and interests of the West are valorized and those of
the developing world subordinated. That, in turn, is a function not
only of Western state and popular patronage, but also of the Dalai
Lama's generally conservative worldview.
The construction of the Dalai Lama's persona of "man of peace"
adversely affects efforts to resolve the Tibet question. The "Free
Tibet movement" is built around the pacifist persona of the Dalai
Lama. The movement garners support from that, but it seeks an outcome
that can only be realized in the unlikely event that China
disintegrates. The constructed "man of peace" persona thus diverts
attention from efforts to forge a compromise solution to the Tibet
question. This effect will continue until a critique of political
representations of the Dalai Lama are allowed to become part of the
international discourse of Tibet.
[tibet diary ] on youtube talking about two americans' experience in tibet