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主题:【知识】"Tar Heel"的出处 -- landlord
北卡刚刚夺得美国大学男篮的全国冠军。北卡大学(UNC)的校队名为"Tar Heel",是什么典故呢,我查了一下,觉得挺有意思的。我翻译了一下,原文贴在后面。
北卡早先别名为老北州(Old North State),出产柏油(tar),沥青,松脂。
后来,李将军(General Lee)听说这事儿,说:“上帝保佑那些Tar Heel 的小伙子们。”
从此,北卡又被称为Tar Heel State。
When Carolina was divided in 1710, the southern part was called South Carolina and the northern, or older settlement, North Carolina. From this came the nickname the “Old North State.” Historians have recorded that the principle products during the early history of North Carolina were "tar, pitch, and turpentine." It was during one of the fiercest battles of the War Between the States, so the story goes, that the column supporting the North Carolina troops was driven from the field. After the battle the North Carolinians, who had successfully fought it out alone, were greeted from the passing derelict regiment with the question: "Any more tar down in the Old North State, boys?" Quick as a flash came the answer: "No, not a bit, old Jeff's bought it all up." "Is that so; what is he going to do with it?" was asked. "He's going to put on you-un's heels to make you stick better in the next fight." Creecy relates that General Lee, upon hearing of the incident, said: "God bless the “Tar Heel” boys," and from that they took the name.
(Adapted from Grandfather Tales of North Carolina by R.B. Creecy and Histories of North Carolina Regiments, Vol. III, by Walter Clark).
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就是不太知道为什么那些逃兵为什么会问有没有 tar?想在逃回去的路上顺便捞一些回去?