
主题:【原创】关于转基因食品的2点意见 -- nimoheshu

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家园 人民日报海外版把GMO-FREE翻译成GMO自由区


http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrbhwb/html/2014-01/24/content_1382943.htm 。

《 人民日报海外版 》( 2014年01月24日 第 08 版)。


根据法律规定,俄罗斯的食品标签上应注明是否为转基因,但生产商都不愿意做此标记。 对此,俄罗斯国家杜马副主席安德烈·图马诺夫解释称,由于缺少对转基因作物的宣传,制造商不得不将此类商品做得极其廉价,以这样的方式来增加顾客的信任度。为了促销,那些原则上可能是转基因的食品也会标注“非转基因”,比如酸奶。

“民众有必要知道的是,化肥和农药比转基因作物更有害。”图马诺夫称,种植转基因作物是大势所趋,人们迟早都会对转基因作物改变看法,因为如果没有此类育种方法,农业将会陷入僵局,也不可能带来新的作物品种。而且,事实证明,转基因食品应该对人类健康是没有危害的,植物基因并不影响人类基因。 如今,俄罗斯商家也不得不认可转基因作物,否则将违反俄罗斯联邦的法律。 (子轩) 。

我找了英文RUSSIA+GMO方面的消息,除了去年12月的消息外,只有本月16日一家印度媒体的文章Genetically modified crops enter Russia,讲俄罗斯目前的转基因状况,完全没有类似上面的内容。

这时我忽然想起看过有人转发的直言了的博客文章,好像和这个有关(文章链接如下:http://zhiyanle.blog.hexun.com/91047137_d.html )。这个消息来源,果然很蹊跷,直言了早早就注意到了。


http://news.securemymind.com/37187.html 。

Russia formally approved the cultivation of genetically modified crops, said there is no harm。

December 11th, 2013 by admin in Uncategorized 。

Original title: Russia formally approved the cultivation of genetically modified crops, said there is no harm 。

China Network December 11 hearing, according to the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda reported the website on December 9, Russia formally approved the use of genetically modified food crops planted. In September, the government accept this decision, but agriculture analyst Oleg Sukhanov only now noticed this decision.

Typically, changes in potato, soybean, corn and sugar beet cell genes by genetic. GM crops increase yields threefold, so this method is valuable for breeding. United States proposed invasion of genetics, local academic institutions have spent a lot of money to prove that genetically modified food is not harmful. In Russia, professional research on this issue has not yet been carried out.

Polls also show that very few people loyal to such products. By law, the label on the Russian response to indicate whether genetically modified food. However, manufacturers are reluctant to make a mark, the Russian State Duma deputy Andrei Tumanov said, is because they never sold this product, but they either do not offer such goods, or quietly do. For example, in the large box of Bush legs (imported from the United States of genetically modified chicken nickname) label, but consumers do not see, because there is no retail packaging. But now the product for promotional purposes, but may be on the principles of food labeling of genetically modified foods on the non-GMO, such as yogurt.

14 regions have declared themselves GM free zones, including Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod and other regions. Tumanov said that now that they have approved GM crops that would otherwise violate the laws of the Russian Federation. He also said that GM crops trend, only that time, sooner or later, everyone will be on genetically modified crops has changed, because there is no deadlock in this breeding method, it is impossible to bring new varieties. And, in fact, genetically modified foods should be no harm. Gene, it is just a set of numbers, the genetic code, simply, with the human genome is not affected.

However, the bias is not so easy to overcome, but it is necessary to know: fertilizers and pesticides is more harmful than GM crops. GM crops will not be available until autumn next year, because the food has not been the actual planting and growth.

Tumanov said, because no GM crops publicity, the manufacturer of such goods will have to be done extremely cheap, in such a way to increase customer confidence. However, because many people do not believe that even with the low price.




家园 那花生小朋友你的专业度也没有达到否定什么共识的程度


家园 举报投草拉黑
家园 大家看看这人丧心病狂到什么地步了
家园 做为一个码农,头一次知道少用电脑这种”常识”


家园 是吗,去医院问问,别忘了儿科
家园 原来这是只有医生才知道的常识啊
家园 有些常识对有些人来说很难算常识
家园 低功率无线电对人体无害,这是无线电设备使用百年来验证过




家园 迷信,呵呵




家园 大脑残缺海马体


家园 儿科医生的话在医疗行业内叫做“作业术”,




家园 好象绕口令啊


家园 从逻辑出发,这里的讨论已经有了结论


家园 你可能漏了另一个方面



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