
主题:【原创】请教一下河里的大拿:一个教堂导游手册的翻译 -- 朝雨

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家园 【原创】请教一下河里的大拿:一个教堂导游手册的翻译




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关键词(Tags): #教堂#历史#翻译
家园 【原创】第一页:封面

Lancaster Priory & Parish Church


There is no charge for this Guide, but donations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


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家园 【原创】Early History 早期历史

Dominating the ancient County Town of Lancaster, the Priory Church of St. Mary and the nearby Castle (still in use as a Court and Prison) together form a group of buildings of the greatest historical importance and significance. This brief introduction to the Priory is a summary only of its history, architecture, furnishings and its relationship with the City of Lancaster. More detailed literature is available from the bookstall which is situated at the back of the church.


Early History


The hilltop site on which the Castle and the Priory stand is inside the lines of the Roman fortifications, most of which have been obliterated over the centuries. Many traces of these, however, have been discovered during either building works or archaeological digs and some of these have been left exposed in the field to the north of the church. This field – well worth a visit – is reached by the footpath which leads from the Priory down to St. George’s Quay on the River Lune.


It seems possible that the earliest church or religious house one the site was of pre-Norman conquest origin. Certainly the doorway at the west end of the church appears to be of Saxon origin and in the north aisle there are a number of sculptured stones of the same period. The first written record relating to the church is in a document of 1094, now in the British Museum. By this document, Roger of Poitou (a distance relative of William the Conqueror and builder of the first castle at Lancaster) transferred “the church of St. Mary of Lancaster” to the Benedictine Abbey of St. Martin of Seez in Normandy. At some stage thereafter, buildings were erected (probably to the north of the existing church) to house the small group of monks who arrived from Normandy to represent the mother house and look after its interests – both religious and financial. No trace of these buildings, or indeed of the Norman Church, remains although the reflooring of the chancel at the beginning of the 20th century did reveal the foundations of Roger of Poitou’s original church.


Both the years 1322 and 1389 brought destructive visits from Scottish armies, and although the bulk of the Castle and the Priory appear to have been spared (for whatever reason) the rest of Lancaster was destroyed. The long war with France finally ended the ties between the Priory and its headquaters in Normandy and in 1414 it was handed over to the Brigittine nunnery of Syon in Middlesex. After this the church became the Parish Church of Lancaster with the right to appoint the vicar in the hands of Abbess of Syon. This remained the position until the Abbey was dissolved in 1539 as part of the Henry VIII’s Reformation. It is not clear whether the Priory buildings were then destroyed or merely allowed to deteriorate by being used as a stone quarry.


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家园 【原创】The Building 建筑

The Building


The bulk of the church as it stands today was constructed during the period of the association with the Syon Abbey. This includes the south and east walls; the main nave of the four arches on each side; the four bay chancel arcades and the side chapels of St. Nicholas and St. Thomas. These are all impressive examples of fifteenth century church architecture. The tower was built in 1759, an instantly recognizable landmark for many miles; the Regimental Chapel and the porch, were added in 1903; the Refectory (where light refreshments can usually obtained between Easter and October) was added in 1981. In 1993/4, to commemorate the ninth century of the founding of the original Benedicine priory, there was a major re-ordering of the east end of the church, together with general re-lighting and refurbishment.


Mention has been made of the Regimental Chapel. This was erected at the beginning of the 20th century as a memorial to the members of the King’s Own (Royal Lancaster) Regiment who had been killed in the South African War. The chapel also contains details of the heavy casualties sustained during the two world wars. The Regimental depot was at Bowerham Barracks (now the main site, in Lancaster, of St. Martin’s College) until 1959 when the Regiment was amalgamated with the equally distinguished Border Regiment based in Carlisle. The combined unit, known as the King’s Own Royal Border Regiment maintains a close link with the Priory and still recruits in this area. There is a very good collection of military colours dating from the eighteen century suspended from the roof of the chapel. A detailed guide to the Regimental Chapel is available from the bookstall.


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家园 【原创】Furnishings 室内陈设品



The chief glory of the Priory is undoubtedly the beautifully carved choir stalls which stand on both sides of the chancel. These probably date from the fourteen century and, together with the carved wooden arms and the misericords under the stall seats, repay careful study.


The hand embroidered tapestries which form part of the choir stalls together with the cushions and kneelers in the chancel, were designed by the late Guy Barton and many of the designs are of local significance. These, together with the embroidered items in the side chaples, have been worked over many years by the ladies of the church. This work is still continuing. A much more detailed guide to the embroideries can be obtained from the bookstall. The Priory also has a magnificent set of alter frontals.


Visitors should note the pulpit dating from 1619. To commemorate the 1999 Royal Visit this has recently been restored to its original condition with the addition of a canopy and back panel. The crown on top is the original of 1619, discovered a few years ago in the tower. The three brass chandeliers date from 1717. These are still lit for special services – particularly at Christmas – when they look magnificent.


The white stone statue of the Virgin and Child by Sean Willaimson was commissioned in 1994 to commemorate the nine hundredth anniversary of the Priory.


Unique to Lancaster are three Coptic crosses in the style of the fifth century, brought to this country by the King’s Own Regiment during the Abyssinian Campaign of 1868. There are at the eastern end of the Regimental Chapel.


Also worthy of note is the White Ensign in the St. Nicholas Chapel which was recently donated to the Priory, demonstrating the link with HMS Lancaster, a type 23 Frigate completed in 1992.


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家园 【原创】The Church Today 今日教堂

The Church Today


At the beginning of the twenty-first century the Priory Church of St. Mary is an outward looking body maintaining its close links with the City, the County and King’s Own Royal Border Regiment. It is regularly used by local organizations and schools for concerts and carol services and, of course, by its own congregation whose pattern of worship is greatly enhanced by its Choir and choral tradition.


Service at the Priory

Every Sunday

08-00 am Holy Communion (B C P)

10-00 am The Priory Eucharist

06 – 30 pm Choral Evensong (B C P)

And on the First Sunday of each month at

11-30 am Choral Matins (B C P)


Monday 12-30 pm Eucharist

Tuesday 10 - 15 am Eucharist

Thursday 12 - 30pm Eucharist



上午8点:圣餐式 (BCP : 英国国教的公祷书)


下午6点半:唱诗班晚祷 (BCP)







? Lancaster Priory 2001

Telephone 01524 65338

www. priory.lancaster.ac.uk


电话:01524 65338

网址:www. priory.lancaster.ac.uk

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